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More Middle School Jokes…

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! There are many more middle school jokes. (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  2. What is the #1 present for a middle school music teacher?… a broken drum. You can’t beat it! (Christmas Jokes for Teachers)
  3. I thought about being a middle school history teacher… but I couldn’t see a future in it. (US History Jokes & Labor Day Jokes)
  4. If the #2 pencil is the most popular pencil in middle school… why isn’t it #1? (Pencil Jokes)
  5. How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil?… Since the Sith Grade. (Sith Jokes & Middle School Jokes)
  6. How do you get straight A’s in middle school?… By using a ruler. (180 School Jokes)
  7. What do get when you cross one middle school principal with a high school principal?… I wouldn’t do it, principals don’t like to be crossed! 
  8. What’s the difference between a middle school teacher and a train?… A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!” (Train Jokes & Gum Jokes)
  9. Where do New York City middle school students learn their multiplication tables?… Times Square. (New York Jokes & Math Jokes)
  10. Middle School Student: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn’t do? Teacher: Of course not. Middle School Student: Good, because I didn’t do my homework.
  11. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the local middle school?… Probably not, he is still sleeping in the nurse’s office. (Napping Jokes & Nurse Jokes)
  12. Teacher: Where did your mom go to middle school? Student: Alaska. Teacher: Never mind, I’ll ask her myself.(Mother’s Day Jokes & Alaska Jokes)
  13. How was the middle school band camp trip?…Intense (in-tents)! (Camping Jokes)
  14. Middle School Student learning Roman numerals: Teacher, when are we going to use any of this in real life? Teacher: Only once a year at Super Bowl time. (Super Bowl Jokes)
  15. What middle school supply is always tired?… A knapsack! (Napping Jokes & 180 School Jokes)
  16. Did you hear the joke about the middle school construction project?…. They’re still working on it!
  17. Why did the middle school music teacher need a ladder?… To reach the high notes. (Music Jokes)
  18. Why did middle school nurse tip toe past the medicine cabinet? … She didn’t want to wake the sleeping pills. (Doctor Jokes / Nurse Jokes / Napping Jokes)
  19. Why did the middle school student’s grades drop after Christmas?… Because everything was marked down. (Christmas Jokes)
  20. What tests do middle school vampire teachers give?… Blood tests! (Vampire Jokes)
  21. What did the pirate get for grades in middle school?… High Cs. (Pirate Jokes)
  22. What did the fish get on his middle school math test?… A sea plus. (Fishing Jokes)
  23. What did one pencil say to the other pencil?… You’re looking sharp. (Pencil Jokes)
  24. Which school building has the most stories?… The Library! (Library Jokes)
  25. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… A broken pencil… A broken pencil who?… Oh never mind it’s pointless. (Pencil Jokes)
  26. Why did the students run to school?…They were being chased by the spelling bee. (Track and Field Jokes & Bee Jokes)
  27. Why is a middle school band like a fish?…. They both have scales! (Music Jokes & Fishing Jokes)
  28. What object is king of the middle school classroom?… The ruler!
  29. Teacher #1: My new student is from Ireland. Teacher #2: Oh, really? …. Teacher #1: No, O’Reilly! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  30. What is a snake’s favorite middle school class?… Hissss-tory! (Social Studies Jokes & Snake Jokes)
  31. Why did the M&M go to middle school?… Because he really wanted to be a Smartie! (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  32. What state has the the loudest middle school students?… ILL-I-NOISE! (Top U.S. State Jokes & Illinois Jokes)
  33. Why did the nose not want to go to middle school?… He was tired of getting picked on! (October: Bullying Prevention Month)
  34. What vegetables do middle school librarians like?… Quiet peas. (Library Jokes & Farming Jokes)
  35. Why was the middle school teacher wearing sunglasses to school?… She had bright students! (Sun Jokes & Sunglasses Jokes)
  36. What do get when you cross one middle school principal with an elementary school principal?…I wouldn’t do it, principals don’t like to be crossed! (Principal Jokes)
  37. What did the dentist give to the middle school marching band?…A TUBA toothpaste. (Music Jokes & Dentist Jokes)
  38. What tools does a middle school student need for math?… MultiPLIERS. (Math Jokes)
  39. A group of vaping college students is called a smog…. A group of vaping middle school students is called down to the principal’s office. ((Principal Jokes & College Jokes)
  40. Can a middle school student jump higher than the Space Needle?… Of course! The Space Needle can’t jump. (Washington Jokes)
  41. Why are middle school cafeteria workers cruel?… Because they batter fish, beat eggs, and whip cream. (Fish Jokes & Egg Jokes)
  42. “We have too many quizzes in school!” the middle student said testily. (180 School Jokes)
  43. Why is middle school arithmetic hard work?… All those numbers you have to carry. (Math Jokes)
  44. How does a middle school student make a tissue dance?… Put a little boogey in it! (Music Jokes)
  45. Why don’t skeletons play music in the middle school band?…They have no organs. (365 Music Jokes / Skeleton Jokes Halloween Jokes for Teachers)
  46. What’s a middle school social studies teacher’s favorite nation?… Expla-nation. (World Geography & Social Studies Jokes)
  47. How are coffee beans like middle school kids?… They’re always getting grounded. (Coffee Jokes)
  48. How is an earthquake like a middle school student?… They both get grounded. (Earthquake Jokes)
  49. When did Anakin’s Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side?… In the Sith Grade. (180 School Jokes & Star Wars Jokes)
  50. What is the #1 Christmas present for a middle school music teacher?… a broken drum. You can’t beat it! (Christmas Jokes for Teachers)
  51. Which school teachers have the greenest thumbs?… The kinder-garden teachers. (Jokes for the Last Day of School)
  52. What did one middle school math book say to the other?…You think you’ve got problems. (Math Jokes)
  53. Son: Hey, Mom, I got a hundred in school today! Mom: That’s great. What in? Son: A 40 in Reading and a 60 in Spelling.
  54. When is a middle school theater clumsy?….When the curtain falls.
  55. Why are leprechauns bad middle school teachers?…. Because they’re very short-tempered! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  56. Why did the middle school student drown?… All her grades were below C-level! (Ocean Jokes)
  57. Why was the middle school textbook in the hospital?… Because it hurt his spine. (Doctor Jokes)
  58. What do call a middle school student afraid of Santa Claus?…. Claustrophobic. (Christmas Jokes & Psychology Jokes)
  59. What is a middle school math teacher’s favorite dessert?… Pi! (Pi Day Jokes & Pie Jokes)
  60. What happened when the middle school teacher tied all the kids shoe laces together?… They had a class trip! (Field Trip Jokes)
  61. Why was the middle school voice teacher so good at baseball?… Because she had the perfect pitch. (Music Jokes & Baseball Jokes)
  62. I heard they put a new wing on the middle school… That is true, but it still won’t fly. (Pilot Jokes
  63. A book never written: “The Best Subject in Middle School” by Jim Class. (Book Jokes)
  64. Why was the teacher suspicious of the Watermelon during the 1st day… She couldn’t really put her finger on it. He just looked a little seedy. (Jokes for Teachers)
  65. Are people jealous of the Irish middle school teachers?… Sure, they’re green with envy! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  66. Why are middle school cheerleaders on the bottom of the pyramid smarter than the ones at the top?… Because they understand. (Top 10 Sports Jokes & Cheerleading Jokes)
  67. Why did the middle school student bury all his money?…. to make his soil rich! (Farming Jokes)
  68. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about middle school? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  69. Did you hear the joke about broken pencil?… Probably not, it is pointless. (Pencil Jokes)
  70. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Dewey…. Dewey who?… Dewey have to go to middle school today? (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  71. Why are fish so smart?… They travel in schools! (Teacher Jokes & Travel Guest Blogs)
  72. “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A middle school teacher on the last day before Winter Break. (Dad Jokes & New Year’s Eve Jokes for Teachers)
  73. Why can’t the Cat in the Hat go to middle school?… You’re not allowed to wear hats in school! (Hat Jokes & Dr. Seuss Jokes)
  74. Teacher: Can you tell us where the Declaration of Independence was signed? Student: Yes, ma’am. At the bottom. (American Revolution Jokes)
  75. Why was the teacher suspicious of the Watermelon during the exam… She couldn’t really put her finger on it. He just looked a little seedy. (Jokes for Teachers)
  76. Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you were a better middle school student. (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers & St. Patrick’s Day Knock Knock Jokes)
  77. What New Year’s resolution should a middle school basketball player never make?… To travel more. (Travel Guest Blogs & Basketball Jokes)
  78. The 8th grade class was going to see the Nutcracker at Wang Center and they asked each individual kid if he or she wanted to go… One girl declined, saying, “I could see my squirrel do it.” (Dance Jokes & Squirrel Jokes)
  79. Teacher: I’ve had to send you to the principal every day this week. What do you have to say for yourself? Middle School Student: I’m glad it’s Friday! (Principal Jokes)
  80. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good middle school knock-knock jokes? (June Jokes)
  81. What should you grow in a middle school garden?… Human beans! (Flower Jokes)
  82. Why isn’t there a clock in the middle school library?… Because it tocks too much. (Library Jokes & Daylight Savings Jokes)
  83. Why did the middle school students study in the airplane?… Because they wanted higher grades. (Plane Jokes)
  84. What is a witch’s favorite middle school class?…Spelling! (Witch Jokes)
  85. What is white when its dirty and black when it is clean?… A blackboard!
  86. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good middle school knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  87. Why didn’t the Cat in the Hat ever get grounded?… His mother did not mind anything he did at all. (Cat Jokes & Dr. Seuss Jokes)
  88. A middle school book never written: “When Does Middle School Start?” by Wendy Belrings. (Book Jokes)
  89. Why can’t you borrow lunch money from a leprechaun? …. Because they’re always a little short. (Leprechaun Jokes)
  90. Knock!… Who’s there!… B-2!… B-2 who?… B-2 middle school on time! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  91. How do bees get to middle school?… By school buzz. (Bee Jokes)
  92. What makes a Cyclops such an effective middle school teacher?… He has only one pupil. (Biology Jokes)
  93. What do you call middle school student with a dictionary in his pocket?… Smartie Pants! (Grammar Jokes)
  94. What did the middle school student’s artwork say to the wall?… I was framed! (Art Jokes)
  95. Do leprechauns make good middle school secretaries? …. Sure, they’re great at shorthand! (Leprechaun Jokes)
  96. Are people jealous of the Irish students?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  97. A book never written: “Middle School Math” by Cal Q. Luss. (Math Jokes & Book Jokes)
  98. Are people jealous of the Irish students?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  99. Are people jealous of the Irish teachers?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  100. What do middle school librarians take with them when they go fishing?… Bookworms. (Fishing Jokes & Library Jokes)
  101. Teacher: Can anyone give me a sentence with a direct object? Student: You are pretty. Teacher: What’s the direct object? Student: A good report card. (Grammar Jokes)
  102. What did the ghost middle school teacher say to his class?… “Look at the board and I’ll go through it again!” (Ghost Jokes & Top 10 Teacher Jokes)
  103. Where did the pencil go for vacation?… To Pennsylvania. (Pennsylvania Jokes & Pencil Jokes)
  104. What kind of school do you go to if you’re an ice cream man?… Sundae school. (Ice Cream Jokes)
  105. What kind of school do you go to if you’re a giant?… High school. (High School Jokes)
  106. What kind of school do you go to if you’re a surfer?… Boarding school. (Surfing Jokes)
  107. What kind of school do you go to if you’re King Arthur?… Knight school. (Knight Jokes)
  108. How did the middle school music teacher get locked in the classroom?… His keys were inside the piano! (Music Jokes)
  109. Where do you put smart hot dogs?…. On honor rolls! (Hot Dog Jokes & 180 School jokes)
  110. Why did the middle school baseball player get arrested? … Because he stole second base! (Baseball Jokes)
  111. Why do magicians do so well in middle school?… They’re good at trick questions. (Magic Jokes)
  112. Why did the middle school teacher draw on the window?… Because he wanted his lesson to be very clear! (Top 10 Teacher Jokes & Art Jokes)
  113. What did the calculator say to the other calculator?… “You can count on me!” (Math Jokes)
  114. Teacher: Why can’t you work in an orange juice factory? Middle School Student: I don’t know. Why? Teacher: Because you can’t concentrate! (Labor Day Jokes)
  115. Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil in middle school?… Because it has no point! (Pencil Jokes)
  116. What did the bully have for lunch?… He had a knuckle sandwich! (Bullying Blogs & Sandwich Jokes)
  117. Teacher: You’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet. Student: But these are the only feet I’ve got! (Biology Jokes)
  118. What do a chicken and a middle school band have in common?…. They both have drum sticks! (Music Jokes & Chicken Jokes)
  119. Why did the middle school home economics student throw the butter out the window?… to see a butterfly! (Butterfly Jokes)
  120. Where do middle school sports teams buy their uniforms?… New Jersey? (Top 10 Sports Jokes)
  121. What is the only bow that a middle school student can’t tie?…Rainbow! (Rainbow Jokes)
  122. What has given Mr. Bubbles nightmares since elementary school?… Pop quizzes! (Elementary School Jokes)
  123. Why did the middle school student eat his homework?… Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
  124. Mom: What did you do at middle school today? Son: We did a guessing game. Mom: But I thought you were having a math exam. Son: That’s right! (Math Jokes)
  125. What did the glue say to the middle school teacher?… “I’m stuck on you.”
  126. When is a blue school book not a blue school book?… When it is read! (180 School Jokes & Book Jokes)
  127. What did the middle school math book tell the #2 pencil?…. I have a lot of problems. (Pencil Jokes / Math Jokes / Pi Day Jokes)
  128. Why did the pencil get a speeding ticket?… He had a lead foot! (Pencil Jokes & Police Jokes for Kids)
  129. Why did the middle school student throw a clock out the window?…He wanted time to fly. (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  130. Why did the middle school computer go to the doctors?…It had a virus. (Computer Jokes)
  131. Why did the middle school student stare at the automobile’s radio?…. He wanted to watch a car-tune. (Car Jokes & Music Jokes)
  132. Why did the middle school student go to the top of the school?… Because he wanted to go to high school. (High School Jokes)
  133. What is a pencil’s favorite sport?… Diving (the pencil dive)! (Swimming Jokes & Pencil Jokes)
  134. Why was the middle school trashcan sad?…He / she was dumped. (Psychology Jokes)
  135. Why did the clock in the middle school cafeteria run slow?… It always went back four seconds. (Daylight Saving Time Jokes)
  136. Why was middle school easier for cave people?… Because there was no history to study! (Caveman Jokes & Social Studies Jokes)
  137. What’s the worst thing that can happen to a middle school geography teacher?… Getting lost. (Geography Jokes)
  138. Why is it dangerous to do math in the jungle?… Because when you add four and four you get ate (eight). (Math Jokes for Kids)
  139. Why did the broom get a poor grade in middle school?… Because it was always sweeping during class! (Napping Jokes & Witch Jokes)
  140. What did the middle school student say after the teacher said, “Order students, order?”… “Can I have fries and a burger?” (Hamburger Jokes & Fast Food Jokes)
  141. Why did the lettuce beat the carrot in a middle school track meet?…Because it was a head! (Track Jokes)
  142. Why is it so hot in a middle school football stadium after a game?…. All the fans have left! (Football Jokes)
  143. What did the middle school math book say to the other math book?… “I’ve got problems.” (Math Jokes)
  144. Knock, knock…Who’s there?… Gladys… Gladys, who?… Gladys the weekend—no homework! (180 School Jokes)
  145. Teacher: Why did you eat your homework? Middle Student: Because I don’t have a dog. (Dog Jokes)
  146. Son: Today my teacher yelled at me for something I didn’t do. Mother: What was that? Son: My homework!
  147. Why shouldn’t  you tell the joke about the ceiling to a middle school student?… It’s way over his / her head. (Biology Jokes)
  148. Son: My middle school teacher says I have to write more clearly. Mom: That’s a good idea. Son: No, it’s not. Then she’ll know I can’t spell. (Teacher Jokes)
  149. What do you do if a middle school teacher rolls her eyes at you?… Pick them up and roll them back to her! (Biology Jokes)
  150. Why did the middle school student steal a chair from the classroom?… Because the teacher told him to take a seat. (180 School Jokes)
  151. Chemistry Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water? Student: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O. Teacher: What are you talking about? Student: Yesterday you said it was H to O. (Chemistry Jokes)
  152. Why did the middle school put his money in the freezer? … He wanted cold hard cash!
  153. If two is a pair and three is a crowd, what are four and five? … Nine! (Math Jokes)
  154. What did one middle school cafeteria plate say to the other plate?…Lunch (dinner, or breakfast) is on me! (Breakfast Jokes)
  155. Hey @GreatPlainsWhere are the #GreatPlains located?… At the great airports! (Plane Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
  156. What did one eye say to the other eye?… Something between us smells! (Biology Jokes)
  157. Teacher: Can anyone tell me how many seconds there are in a year?… Student: 12! January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd… (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  158. Teacher: Which month has 28 days? Student: Every month! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  159. What did the ground say to the earthquake?… You crack me up! (Geography Jokes & Earthquake Jokes)
  160. What do you call a middle school student with carrots in its ears?… Anything you want, he can’t hear you! (Farming Jokes)
  161. Which are the stronger days of the week?… Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays. (180 School Jokes)
  162. Why are middle school mascots never hungry?…Because they are always stuffed! (College Mascots)
  163. Why did the jellybean go to middle school?… To become a smartie! (Candy Jokes)
  164. Why did 6 hate 7?… Because 7 8 9. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  165. Why is 2+2=5 like your left foot?… It’s not right. (Biology Jokes & Math Jokes for Kids)
  166. Have you heard the joke about the middle school baseball? … It’ll leave you in stitches. (Baseball Jokes)
  167. How do the fish get to middle school?… By octobus! (Fish Jokes & Octopus Jokes)
  168. What did you learn in middle school today?… Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow! (Back to School Jokes)
  169. What did the pen say to the pencil?… So, what’s your point! (Pencil Jokes)
  170. Why did the middle school student study in the airplane?… Because he wanted a higher education! (Pilot Jokes)
  171. What’s the worst thing you’re likely to find in the middle school cafeteria?… The Food!
  172. What do elves learn in middle school?… The elf-abet! (Elf Jokes)
  173. When do astronauts eat?… At launch time! (Astronomy Jokes)
  174. What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?… Stop going in circles and get to the point! (Pencil Jokes)
  175. How does the barber cut the moon’s hair?… E-clipse it! (Full Moon Jokes)
  176. Why didn’t the class clown use hair oil the day before the big test?… Because he didn’t want anything to slip his mind. (180 School Jokes)
  177. Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?… Because it is pointless. (Pencil Jokes)
  178. What happened when the wheel was invented?… It caused a revolution! (Bike Jokes)
  179. What is the world’s tallest building?… The library because it has the most stories. (Library Jokes)
  180. What flies around the kindergarten room at night?…The alpha-BAT. (Kindergarten Jokes & 26 Lessons for the Letter of the Week A- Z)
  181. Why didn’t the sun go to middle school?… Because it already had a million degrees! (College Jokes & Sun Jokes)
  182. What does a gorilla learn in school… His Ape B C’s. (Ape Jokes)
  183. How do middle school athletes stay cool during a game?…They sit near the fans! (Top 10 Sports Jokes)
  184. Where can you find an ocean without water?….on a map! (Geography Jokes & Ocean Jokes)
  185. What did zero (0) say to eight (8)?…Nice belt! (Math Jokes)
  186. Why is six afraid of seven?… Because  7 ATE 9! ((Math Jokes)
  187. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the middle school dance?…He had NO BODY to go with. (Skeleton Jokes)
  188. A man from Los Angeles drove toward New York at 250 miles per hour and a man from New York drove toward Los Angeles at 150 m.p.h. Where did they meet?… In jail. (Police Jokes)
  189. If you had 13 apples, 12 grapes, 3 pineapples and 3 strawberries, what would you have?… delicious fruit salad. (Math Jokes)
  190. Why did the skeleton hold up the middle school barbecue?…He needed a spare rib. (Biology Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
  191. What kind of plates do they use on Venus?… Flying saucers! (Astronomy Jokes)
  192. Did you hear about the cross middle school eyed-teacher?… He couldn’t control his pupils! (Biology Jokes)
  193. Why do teachers give you homework?… Just to annoy you. (180 School Jokes)
  194. Why did the Cyclops close his middle school?… Because he only had one pupil. (Biology Jokes)
  195. What’s the best place to grow flowers in school?… In kindergarden. (Kindergarten Jokes)
  196. Where do monsters study?… In ghoul school. (Halloween Jokes)
  197. Who sits in front of the class in ghoul school?… The creature teacher! (Halloween Jokes)
  198. Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with “t.” Student: Today and Tomorrow. (180 School Jokes)
  199. Teacher: I see you missed the first day of school. Middle School Student: Yes, but I didn’t miss it much.
  200. Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention? Student: I’m paying as little attention as I can.
  201. Teacher: Where is your homework? Student: I ate it. Teacher: Why? Student: You said it was a piece of cake!
  202. Teacher: Why is your homework in your father’s handwriting? Student: I used his pen!
  203. Why did the boy take a ladder to school?… Because he wanted to get to high school. (High School Jokes)
  204. What’s the difference between a train and a teacher?… The teacher says, “Spit your gum out” and the train says, “Choo-……..choo!” (
  205. Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning. Class: Hooray! Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon.
  206. What did the under-aged middle school student say when he walked into the bar?… Ouch!
  207. What holds the sun up in the sky?… Sunbeams! (Sun Jokes)
  208. How can you tell if an Irish middle school student is having a good time? …. He’s Dublin over with laughter! (World Geography Jokes)
  209. Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you were a better middle school student. (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  210. Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you were a better high school student. (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  211. Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you were a better elementary school student. (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  212. A group of vaping college students is called a smog…. A group of vaping middle school students is called down to the principal’s office. (Principal Jokes & College Jokes)
  213. High School Prom… Well, at least it’ll never be as awkward as a middle school dance. (Middle School Jokes)