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Google Search “Squirrel Jokes”

  1. Where do squirrels go in a hurricane?… All over the place. (Hurricane Jokes)
  2. What did the squirrel do on February 29th?… Took a leap of faith off the highest tree branch!
  3. What did the boy squirrel say to the girl squirrel on Valentine’s Day?… I’m nuts about you! (Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids)
  4. The 8th grade class was going to see the Nutcracker at Wang Center and they asked each individual kid if he or she wanted to go… One girl declined, saying, “I could see my squirrel do it.” (Dance Jokes & Squirrel Jokes)
  5. What show does a squirrel see on Christmas Day?… The Nutcracker. (Dance Jokes & Squirrel Jokes)
  6. The 8th grade class was going to see the Nutcracker at Wang Center and they asked each individual kid if he or she wanted to go… One girl declined, saying, “I could see my squirrel do it.” (Dance Jokes & Squirrel Jokes)
  7. What did the girl squirrel say to the boy squirrel on Valentine’s Day?… You’re nuts so bad yourself! (Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids)
  8. A family of fall leaves were trying to change a light bulb. A squirrel walked by and asked why the bulb wasn’t changed yet and the red leaf said, “Because we keep falling.” (Tree Jokes & Squirrel Jokes)