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- Youth Basketball Resources
- Youth Basketball by Grade
- Youth Basketball Year: Click on this link to find ideas for each month.
- Basketball Jokes: Why did the basketball player go to jail?… Because he shot the ball! (Top Basketball Jokes for Kids)
- Coaching Books: A list of useful coach books with reviews.
This is a list of blogs that hopefully are useful to youth coaches. We will be adding information. If you like our pages, please share!
Practice Planning
Coaching Philosophy
Coaching Youth Basketball
Coaching Youth Sports: 10 Things to Remember
Coaching Youth Basketball: What’s Your Philosophy?
Coaching Youth Basketball: Finding the Right Balance by Kyle Ohman (@BasketballHQ)
Coaching Youth Basketball: A Teachable Moment
Coaching Youth Basketball: Elite 8 Ideas
Coaching Youth Basketball: The Pre-Season Email
Coaching Youth Basketball: Be a Good Teammate
Basketball by Grade
Practice Planning
3 Great Fundamental Drills to Start Practice
Fundamental Ball Drills
Great Fundamentals Lay-up Drills
The Fundamentals of Shooting a Basketball
Coaching Youth Basketball: BEEF = Good Shooting Form
High School Basketball