Guest Blogs

My Town Tutors is a great resource for parents & teachers. Find qualified tutors in your area today!

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Top 10 Guest Blogs of ALL-TIME

  1. 5 Benefits Of Elective Courses
  2. Eye Health Problems Kids Face After Excessive iPad Use
  3. Should You Be Using Exit Slips in Your Classroom?
  4. 30 Great Tips for Coaching a U6 Soccer Team
  5. 30 Great Tips for Coaching a U6 Soccer Team
  6. Sigmund Freud: The “Tip of the Iceberg”
  7. Student Engagement: 5 Tips for Making Education Fun
  8. Should Kids Miss School for a Disney Trip?
  9. Top 10 Things A Student Should Never Say to a Teacher
  10. Can Your Child Read Too Much?
  11. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig Oraibh! – Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
  12. Flipping the Classroom to Break Through into Today’s Society


  1. Athletic Director Interview Questions for an Aspiring Athletic Director

Top 10 Pages for 2018

June 2018 Guest Blogs

June JokesTop 10 Pages for June

  1. What You Need to Know about the Updated TAE Course
  2. Understanding the OWLS-II Assessment (Part 1)
  3. Should You Outsource Your HR Function or Manage It In-House?

May 2018 Guest Blogs

May Guest Blogs / May Jokes / May Hashtags

  1. How to Start Budgeting after Graduating from College
  2. 5 Ways On How Technology Is Improving Tutoring
  3. 9 Things You Shouldn’t Put In Your Personal Statement
  4. Top 10 Grammar Checker Software Solutions for Writers
  5. A Guide for Choosing the Best Acting Class
  6. The alternative route to earning your qualifications
  7. Ways in Which Review Sites Come in Handy for Those Learning to Play the Guitar
  8. An Educational Guide to Help You Understand the Health Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water
  9. Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Academic Writing Style
  10. Ways to Show the Children That the Work with Hands Is Great
  11. Civil War Research
  12. A Practical Approach to Building a Career in Web Design and Getting Established
  13. Proven Business Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs to Build a Career Successfully
  14. Are You Cut Out for a Career in Real Estate? Find Out!
  15. 5 Incredible Reasons You Should Consider Online Marketing Jobs
  16. How to Make Your Student’s Essays Easier
  17. 5 Skills a Great ESL Teacher Should Possess
  18. Ways to Show the Children That the Work with Hands Is Great



  1. 3 Key Advantages of Hiring Armed Security Guards
  2. 7 Things to Know Before Getting Your First Dog
  3. 10 Best Gifts for Your Child
  4. Why We Still Need Quizzes In Teaching
  5. What’s the Best T-shirt Printing Technique for Me?
  6. Level Up Your Writing with a Twist
  7. 5 Reasons Why You Should Acquire a Job Management System for Your Business
  8. Interested in Some Academic Coaching? Read This!
  9. Identifying the Perfect Printer for a College Student
  10. Top Reasons to Pick Online Screening When Recruiting
  11. Effective Maid Services Are Available Even on Your Tight Student Budget

August 2017

SEO: How To Start a Career in SEO Industry?

Buying a Laptop: A Guide for Students

4 Choices for Student Accommodations

July 2017

As a Teacher, You Need to Appreciate Your Work. Here’s Why

June 2017

  1. Internships: Tips for Delaying the Deadline for an Internship Offer
  2. 3 Indisputable Reasons Why You Should Major in Math
  3. The Importance of Learning a Musical Instrument

May 2017

  1. Key Tips To Help Keep Your Students Attention While Tutoring Them
  2. How Can You Get Canadian Student Visa?

April 2017

  1. eLearning: Most Preferred Form Of Learning For K-12 Students

March 2017

  1. The Big, Wonderful World of Visual Art

February 2017

  1. Law: 6 Key Ways to Achieve a Successful Career as a Lawyer
  2. How Online Tutors Can Spark Innovation in Their Students

January 2017

  1. 5 Simple Tips to Help Juniors Prep for the College Essay
  2. Career in Finance — Various Options to Consider

Top 25 Guest Blogs for 2015

Top 50 Guest Blogs for 2014

Top 50 Guest Blogs 13 – 14 School Year

Top 10 Guest Blogs for 2013

Top 5 Guest Blogs: 12 – 13 School Year

My Town  Tutors has a goal to be a great resource for parents and teachers. We have a blog that focuses on topics of interest for both of these groups. We love to expand our posts to include others in education, parenting, and tutoring. Please check back for our most recent  posts.

A BIG thank you to all our guests!


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December 2016

The Science of Color: Black & Brown Girls in STEM

November 2016

Aging Life: Everything You Need to Understand About Your Career in Aging Life Care

Basketball Shooting: 3 Simple C’s to Focus On

September 2016

10 Application Essay Topics That Equal Rejection by Jason of @Prompt.

The Difficulties of Learning English

The 5 Key Professional Certifications For A Medical Coder

Importance of Hiring the Best JC Private Tutors in Singapore

Dentistry- Key Steps towards a Fulfilling Career

August 2016

Back to School Blogs

Key Steps towards a Career as an Engineer

June 2016

Search & Seizure Overcoming Adversity As a Teen

April 2016

The Price of Progress in Education (NO A) B,C,D Culture by Dr. P.J. Caposey @MCUSDSupe

How to Develop Students with 1-Minute Speeches

The North Carolina Tutoring & Learning Association

March 2016

PBS KIDS Plum Landing: A Great Learning Resource for Kids by @PBSKids

Early Childhood Games: 5 Games for On-the-Go! by @Kindred_2016

QUBE Basketball Trainer: 5 Important Tips For “Straight” Shooters by @QubeTrainer

January 2016

A Career in Indian Ecommerce: Perfecting A Sales Technique

Diamond Nose Pin Online: A Successful Career in Ecommerce

February 2016

3 Keys for Parents to a Healthy Relationship with a Tutor by @WithCoach

December 2015

Essay Topic Generator vs. Questia Topic Idea Generator

Multicultural Children’s Book Day: January 27, 2016 by Mia Wenjen / @PragmaticMom

A Great Family Experience: Host An International Student by @AIEPUSA

Essay Topic Generator vs. Questia Topic Idea Generator


Top 5 Study Tips for College & High School Students

4 Fantastic Tips to Create a Study Space That Actually Works

Adult Learning: 3 Common Hurdles Facing Adult Learners

Tutoring is the Best Part-Time Job for Students

Top 5 Career Tips for Becoming a Veterinarian

#STEMtoShine Matching Gift Challenge: Triple the Impact!

Wash Hands! Germs are in the Air

Youth Softball: 5 Tips For a First Year Softball Coach

October 2015

Sight Words: Mastering Sight Words Creates Better Readers

3 Simple Steps to a Peaceful After-school Schedule

3 Simple Steps to a Peaceful After-school Schedule

Math Bingo: A Great Tool for Math Tutors & Teachers

Career Tips for Providing Credit Card Services to Merchants

September 2015

How Can You Become a Data Management Professional?

Aspects of a Mobile Telemetry Career

Granddaddy’s Secrets: The Park Is a Great Place to Learn

Social Media Tip: Use Filters To Protect Children

August 2015


Average Time for Homework in College vs. High School

Top 5 Career Path Options for Search Engine Marketers

Teach Times Table Facts with YouTube’s Maths From Scratch

Top 5 Back to School Health Tips: Germs Are In the Air!

A Fulfilling Career as a Licensed Conveyancer

Top 4 Tips for Math Tutoring: It’s Not Just About Grades

A Career in Online Marketing is a Great Choice in 2015

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Fund Your Education

The Work of a Credit Card Account Manager

Another Reason for Parents to Turn Off Kids’ TV

Common Core Math: 4 Tips to Help Parents Support their Child

Top Tips on How to Help Your Child Make Friends

Tablets or Traditional Textbooks?

Teach Your Child: Social Media Is Permanent & Prosecutable

“It Works!” Texas Teacher Turned NYC SAHM & Business Owner

July 2015

Minnesota Summer Nudging: Text to Success for Students

Custom Research Papers From Expert Writers

Fund for Teachers Speaks… Your Wish is Granted

4 Tips Before You Allow Your Children To Use Social Media

The Gig Economy: Is it the New Normal?

Top 5 Invaluable Modern Tutoring Strategies

5 Reasons to say “YES” to Cameras in the Classroom!

How to Use Social Media to Get Writing Ideas

Teachers Make the Most Out of Summer!

8 Tips on How to Establish an Ecommerce Jewelry Store Career

8 Uncommon Habits that Make a More Professional Teacher

June 2015

Top 10 Social Media Tips for High School Athletes

The 7 Stages of Writing Assessment (and a coffee, please!)

Evolution in Education: Use Technology to Empower Students

May 2015

How to Succeed as a Content Writer: Use Your Imagination

An Online Reputation Check is a Must for College Applicants

Teaching: Another Day, Another Chance to Make a Difference…

Student Teacher Advice: Be Creative!

7 Invaluable Ideas on Hiring the Best Real Estate Agent

April 2015

Student Teacher Advice: Develop Great Communication Skills

How Tutoring Can Help Your High-Schooler Succeed

Student Teacher Advice: Develop Confidence

Personal Instructor Courses: Training & Educational Requirements

The Benefits of a College Campus Visit

Role of Power Point Templates across Careers

It’s Never Too Late! Wondrous Words Written and Read

March 2015

Get Most Skillful Essay Writing From Here

Students: Face Exams with Confidence!

My School Books is Using Twitter to Spread Mission

20 Tools and Gadgets to Accelerate the Studying Process

#1 Math Interactive for High School & College Students

My School Books is a Great Resource for Private Tutors

What Can GoGuardian Do For EduTech?

Career Growth and Debt Relief: You Can Succeed with Both

5 Proven Tips to Get Kids Excited to Read

What to Consider When Looking For Remote Database Experts

Career: Why You Should Become A Debt Counselor?

5 Subtle Mistakes That Sports Parents Make

How Can You Become A Successful Debt Consolidator?

February 2015

Through the Eyes of an Alternative Education Teacher George Sowpel is an alternative education teacher at Monomoy High School in Harwich, Massachusetts.

Pi Day 5K: Mathematical Running Fun

Does My Child Really Need to Stay Within The Lines? by Erika Petrelli, Senior Vice President of Leadership Development for The Leadership Program.

The History of Bubble Gum Day by Ruth Spiro.

Teachers Celebrate Bubble Gum Day by Shannon Miller, Educator of the Week.

Educational Benefits of Walking and Biking To School

4 Steps You Can Take To Start a Career as a Dental Assistant

Looking For a New Career? Try Credit Debt Settlement

Top 5 Reasons Online Learning Can Help You Get A Job!

Top 12 Study Tips for Teenage Revisions & Reviews

January 2015

Have I’ve Failed As A Parent If My Child Needs A Tutor?

Top 6 Career Options Available for MBA Graduates

4 Transition Tips for Educators Starting a New Job

December 2014

Young Writers Project and Online Mentoring by Doug DeMaio (@DougDeMaio)

How Auto Dealers Contribute To Careers in Automobile Industry

Students, Save Time with Top 5 PDF Converter Online Tools

November 2014

8 Tips for a Successful Resume by Richard Davis

October 2014

C.O.A.T.S. International: Helping Russia’s Invisible Children

Great Minds Don’t Think Alike! by Nancy Weinstein

Fabulous Fall Family Fun Party Games by Olfa Turki

Essential Tips for Shaping a Successful Engineering Career by Ankur Rautela

September 2014

“But, I Didn’t Mean to Plagiarize…” by Beth Hammett

Help Make Constitution Day a Federal Holiday by Susan Herman (@ACLU)

What Instrument Should I Learn to Play? by @LTPMusic

College Applications: 6 Important Lessons for Parents by Debbie Schwartz (@rd2college)

Academic Achievement: What is “Smart?” by Ryan Enser (@ryanenser)

August 2014

Why I Love Teaching My Kindergarten Class! by Sheela Mathews (@getsynopsis)

Reaching Reluctant Writers Using Wordless Books by Lisa Wroble (@lisawroble)

Six Rules for Flashcard Learning Success by Don Crawford, Ph.D (@rocketmath)

Social Studies Lessons: “Champions of the 1st Amendment!” by @NewseumEd

My Child is Being Bullied! What Should I Do? by Ron Shuali (@ShuaLife)

Anxiety Disorders in Children: Massachusetts Buyers Beware by Susan Elizabeth Long (@TheRestedMind)

Top 10 Questions for Student-Athletes Picking a College by Erin Humphreys (@RecruitTalk)

The Benefits Of Online Tutoring by (@AcadsocLimited)

Fast Credit Repair Industry Career: 5 Tips for a Success by Harry Desmond

Career Tips: Pro Wrestling – Basics for the Beginner

The 5 Worst College Application Mistakes by Anthony-James Green (@TstPrpAuthority)

Why Music? It Helps with Math, Reading, & Happiness by Estela Aragon (@MusicFitAcademy )

July 2014

3 Lessons Every Start-up Should Know by Sophia Bruun (@gladlydo)

5 Useful Tips for Creating a Pop-up Book by Denise Price (@denisedprice)

Using Social Media Make a Difference in Boston by Sophia Bruun (@gladlydo)

5 Tips to Stop the ‘Summer Slide’ in K-12 Math and Reading by Bradley Drewyor (@McGrawHillK12)

35 Tips for Teachers: Be Popular and Respected! by Julia Thompson (@TeacherAdvice)

Fanatical Discipline Leads to Educational Success by PJ Caposey (@MCUSDSupe)

Summer is A Time For Learning, Inside the Classroom & Out by Sophia Bruun (@gladlydo)

A New Creative Focus: “It’s an Absolute Necessity!” by Leah Hinton (@TechSpaghetti)

June 2014

5 Keys to Creating a Positive Digital Footprint by Jared Fawson (@MrJFawson)

No More Pencils, No More Books…But More Time for Gaming? by Suzi Wilczynski (@DigItGames)

End of the School Year Tips for Saving Your Child’s Art by Cody Cassidy (@HeartworksBooks)

Sharplet: Learn More with Intelligent Flashcard Courses by @sharplet_ED

3 Success Stories: Learn Differently: SpLDs and Success by Victoria Mann (@learndiffly)

Why Teach Character in Schools? #charactered by Chris Jones (@SeekonkAp_Jones)

Is Online Math Help Gaining Popularity Among the Students?

Tutoring Enriches the Lives of Students & Those Around Them by Dusty Fox (@WiseIvy_Group)

Teachers, I’m “Flipping” Math Homework by Paula L. Naugle (@plnaugle)

Seven Life Lessons from Seven Children’s Books by Alia Almeida (@aliamaria9 @wbnamerica)

Reachmeet: 6 Unique Sessions to Connect with Parents by @SuperStage2

Top 3 Tips for Selecting the Perfect Singing School

5 Lessons from Creating “The Freedom Trail Pop Up Book” by Denise Price (@TheFreedomTrail @denisedprice)

Exam Elf: A Great Tool to Master Math Exams by Adam Woott0n (@adwootton @ExamElf)

Massachusetts YMCA Summer Literacy Programs Make a Difference by Kate-Marie Roycroft (@MAYMCAS)

Music, Movement, and Magic with Kids by Sharon Novak (@SharonNovak5)

Top 5 Tips for A Career Option As Cable Operator by Steve Marker

21st Century Literacies Initiative: Scaffolds to Literacy by Shelbie Witte (@shelbiewitte)

4 Amazing Benefits of Summer Camps by Megan Maiello (@cedarbrookadk)

The Benefits of Studying Abroad in College by Stephanie Santos (@BostonTutoring)

The School Bus is BROKEN! Bring the Construction Crew! by TS Bray (@tsbray)

May 2014

4 Keys to Successful Fundraising for Schools by @justfundraising

5 Steps To Manage The Challenging Behavior In Children by Daniel Clark

Children Are Our Future: Create Conditions for Success! by Cathy Snelgrove (@DiscoverYou1)

The Right Tools to Help Insure a Child’s Success by Lisa Lane

Connecting International Students & Local School Communities by Sawyer Middeleer (@Shearwaterintl)

Carve A Bright And Successful Career In Investment Banking by Natalie Whitted

What Are You Going To Do This Summer? Learn with a Hobby! by Felicia Ruiz (@houndahobby)

April 2014

Thank a Teacher: #ThankaTeacher by Lily Eskelsen García (@NEAToday)

Teachers, “It Takes One to Teach One!” by Jeromie Heath (@TeachHeath)

The Best College Advice: Listen to Your Parents! by Giuliana Napolitano (@gnapolitttt)

Schools on Wheels: Making a Difference in Massachusetts by Schools on Wheels (@sowMA)

Agility – the Teaching Toolkit is Great for Teachers by Amjad Ali (@ASTSupportaali)

March 2014

Blog Like the Big Dogs! 7 Tips for Rookie Bloggers! by Bobbi Capwell (@BobbiC07)

February 2014

Celebrate Bubble Gum Day By Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)

January 2014

Practice Makes Perfect: A Great Summer Program by Brandon Espinosa (@PMPUSA)

How To Engage Students? 6 Proven Ways to Engage Students by Jeromie Heath (@TeachHeath)

Math Bus: Climb Aboard for a Fun Way to Learn Math! by

Henk Jurriens (@themathbus)

Private Flute Lessons: Helping Your Flute Students Stand Out by Shelby Colgan (@ShelbyColgan)

December 2013

Autism Awareness: Education is Everything! by Emily Malabey (@ICAAonline)

Nanny of the Year’s Advice: When There Is More To The Story by Marci Hill

Blogging for the Purpose of Education…Who Benefits? by Dr. Steve Jones (@SeekonkAP_Jones)

November 2013

100 Easy Lessons to Teach Your Toddler by Sonny

The Heart of Homeschooling by Elizabeth Terry (@eliz_terry)

What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? by Chris Bailey

Einstein’s Law of the Photoelectric Effect: A Closer Look by Ronald Mattingly

Understanding the Risks on the Playground by Isabella Harris Joins the Learn-to-Code Movement by Kelly Drill

October 2013

30 Great Tips for Coaching a U6 Soccer Team by Carrie Dotson

Sports Tailgating: A Breeding Ground for Underage Drinking? by Melissa (@StJudeRetreat)

Promoting Youth: Teaching Great Entrepreneurial Skills

Great Halloween Math Lesson: The Count & Vampires

HGTV is Looking for Alaskan Homes Renovate by Cassandra (@hotsnakesmedia)

Multisensory Math Activities for the Adult Learner by Raul Aldape (@MathOralDrills)

How to Help Your Kid Be a Great Team Player by Emma Roberts

21st Century Learning Includes Headphones! by @learnheadphones

National Tutoring Week: A Brief History by Dr. Sandi Ayaz

Parent Engagement is a Beach? by Joni Carswell (@RaisethePride)

Sigmund Freud: The “Tip of the Iceberg” by Mariza Tseka of

Bringing Literature Alive for Reluctant Readers by Andy Summers of GSL Education.

September 2013

5 Tips for Helping A Child With Autism Succeed In School by Ryan Whitehouse (@bigcalfguy)

Best Book Series for Tween Girls by Renee (@MDBookReviews)

Help for a “Reluctant Reader!” by Jerry Pearlman (@TaleofABaseball)

10 Parent Tips for a Successful New School Year by Angela Nettuno (@BHBKToys)

Support iTaalk with Elijah’s Goal: 500 iPads for 500 kids! by Ellijah (@itaalkelijah)

Being Organized – It’s Mental! by Fran Lyte (@SEANhelpsmom)

SlideTalk: Using Talking Videos for Tutoring and Curation by

Paolo Leva (@slidetalknet)

August 2013

Shift Transition: Amazing Resource for Special Needs Graduates by Daniel Peltz (@ShiftTransition)

37 Classroom Tips From a Teacher Turning 37 by (@oflazmerve)

Instructional Technology Specialists Unite at #ITSnewbiechat by Andrea Keller (@akbusybee)

A Whistle-Stop Tour: DCD/Dyspraxia in School-Aged Children by Fiona Peters (@fiona_peters1)

Teachers: Top 10 Tips for Successful Grant Writing by

Genein Letford (@GeneinLetford)

Kids Can Blog Too: As Early As 7 Years Old! by Holly Homer (@TexasHolly)

Great Infograph: The Trouble with Tuition

A Glove of Their Own: Don Mattingly Joins Epic Journey by Bob Salomon (@Gloveoftheirown)

How To Request A Learning Disability Test For Your Child by (@TeacherHelpForP)

Liberal Arts Music Education Resonates For Today’s Students by Henry Hoagland (@MakeYourMusic)

Raps & Rhymes: Laying A Foreign Language Foundation by Let’s T-shirt (@lets_tshirt)

How Teachers Can Save Time Collecting School Fees by Jay Bass (@Pay4SchoolStuff)

Teachers: How to Be Awesome like Beyonce by Rafranz Davis (@RafranzDavis)

Helpful Tips for Studying Abroad by Jenny Dizousa

Coaching Youth Basketball: Finding the Right Balance by Kyle Ohman (@BasketballHQ)

Student Engagement: 5 Tips for Making Education Fun by Denise Fawcett Facey (@Edufacey)

7 Reasons Why an MBA is the Stupidest Investment

5 Tips for Teaching with Technology by @timelesslearn

July 2013

EdCamp: The Newest Force in Professional Development! by John Padula (@PadulaJohn)
Top 10 Job Search Mistakes by Recent College Graduates by Diksha Singh (@diksha0412)
Aspiring Teacher is “Overwhelmed” By Teachers on Twitter by Maggie Moran (@maggie_moran10)
Family Vacations: 4 Great Reasons to Take a Family Road Trip by Alisa Abecassis (@ExploreAll50)
The Trustees of Reservations: Castle Hill Summer Concerts! by (@thetrustees)
Replace LA Superintendent with an IPAD?!!! by David Lyell (@davidlyell)
How to Fit Early Learning Into Summer Fun by @ThatFunReadTchr
Write On! Great Summer Learning Ideas for Moms & Dads by Martha Rodriguez (@AReelCoolSummer)
Lets All Connect For Dot Day and Make Our Mark On The World! by Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)

June 2013

Choosing Happiness: A Happy Mom/Dad is a Happy Family by @SoBeOrganized
YMCA’s Top 5 Family Tips to Battle the Summer Slide by @oldcolonyymca
2 Great Demonstrations for Teaching Digestion by @TeachWithFergy
What’s An Education Thought Leader? by @Tomwhitby
We always love sharing great resources. We decided to compile our most viewed blogs for each school year (June 1st – May 31st). We hope you enjoy!

Top 10: 2011 – 2012 School Year

January 2013 – 12 great posts!

November 2012

Should You Be Using Exit Slips in Your Classroom!

Paula L. Naugle is a veteran teacher with over thirty years of classroom experience. She and her fourth graders can be found using technology integration in most of their lessons. Some of their favorite tools include Skype, Google Docs and Hangouts, Edmodo,, and Glogster.
Paula is a moderator for #4thchat, which takes place on Twitter on Monday evenings at 7 pm CST. She is also an organizer for EdcampNOLA, and loves presenting at conferences both in person and virtually.
Her online presense includes: @plnaugle on Twitter, plnaugle on Skype, Classroom blog –, Professional blog –

Teachers, Follow That Hashtag!

Jerry Blumengarten is know as Cybrary Man and can be contacted @cybraryman1.

Parents ARE Teachers!

Dr. Connie Hebert is a National Literacy Consultant & Author. She is dedicated to catching falling readers by motivating, teaching, and inspiring educators around the world.  She has presented literacy seminars, district trainings, and keynote addresses in 47 states and at national, state, European IRA, NAESP, and RRCNA reading conferences. She is the mother of 3 amazing children, a nationally acclaimed teacher of teachers, reading specialist, and motivational speaker. Published works include her books, Catch a Falling Reader, Catch a Falling Writer, and Catch a Falling Teacher, along with 4 sets of Sight Word Phrases. For more information and her Catch a Blog, please visit:

10 Things a Student Should Never Say to A Teacher!

This article was written by Jorgen Rex Olson, a student and freelance writer with a strong interest in education, as well as a love of humor. He encourages those with an interest in hospitality management to view the hospitality management school program hosted by

Make Your Classroom a Happy Place for Children with Dyslexia!

Ros Hynes is trained as an Early Years teacher and has taught children aged 4-11 in the South East of England, before moving to the North West of the UK with her husband and two daughters in 1996. Teaching Literacy and Drama to young people and adults with special needs in Further Education led to an interest in dyslexia. Ros gained a specialist dyslexia teaching qualification and took up the post of Dyslexia Manager for an education charity, Centra, opening a new dyslexia centre in Lancashire, UK in 2007.

Education is the Greatest Investment!
< /a>

Karl Stockton writes for Education is of paramount importance for the health of society; contact Kendall for information on their teacher certification programs and degrees.

Is State Testing of Schools Strangling Academic Diversity?

This article was composed by JR Olson for the team at Just Colleges.

My Favorite Lyrics

Writing Tutors: Great Tips for Tutoring

Maria Rainier makes her living as a freelance blogger. An avid follower of the latest trends in technology and education, Maria primarily contributes to and other education websites. Please share your comments with her.

Scholarships for College Students

Monica Matthews is the author of “How to Win College Scholarships,” guides for both parents and students.  She is the Scholarship Expert at College Expert Panel and is passionate about helping parents help their students find and win college scholarships.  Mrs. Matthews developed a unique method of applying for college scholarships that gives students the edge they need to win money for college.  You can learn more about this method at

October 2012

Is Standards-Based Grading Too Much for Parents?

Karl Stockton writes for Education is of paramount importance for the health of society; contact Kendall for information on their teacher certification programs and degrees.

Bridging the Parent-Teacher Communication Gap!

PJ Caposey is the principal of Oregon High School, an adjunct professor in the educational leadership department for Aurora University, and he is currently pursuing his Doctoral degree through Western Illinois University. He also is the author of Eye On Education’s book, Building a Culture of Support: Strategies for School Leaders. PJ  He can be found on Twitter @principalpc, and he is a guest blogger for many websites such as Eye on Education, ASCD, Edutopia, and Test Soup.

5 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Become Joyous Readers!

Tammy Harris is a parent, National Board Certified Teacher, and author of Tammy’s Teachings. She is passionate about bridging the communication gap between parents and the educational community. She endeavors to provide resources and support to help parents navigate the public school system in an empowered, informed, and confident manner.

You can follow Tammy on Twitter @TammysTeachings and

4 Reasons Both Teachers and Kids Need Recess!

Author Bio: Jack Meyer is a regular contributor for As a detective he wants to spread the knowledge of terrible things that can happen when people don’t fully verify the credentials of a caregiver or any employee. He also writes for various law enforcement blogs and sites.

Apps Herald Cross Platform Learning!

David Kinane has been a specialist in the e-learning field of education since 1999.  He has presented at conferences in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.  He has worked as an e-learning facilitator for the University of Auckland, has managed several ICTPD cluster contracts and is currently an independent e-learning consultant working in schools and for commercial clients all over New Zealand.  He is a regular contributor to Interface Magazine.
Skype: dakinane Twitter: @dakinane

Middle School Teachers Join Twitter and #MSchat!

Todd Bloch is a 7th Grade science teacher at Warren Woods Middle School in Warren, MI where he has been teaching for 12 years. He has a Master’s in Middle Level Education.  Todd’s Blog can be found at

September 2012

Guest Blog: There is More to Maine!

Norm Forgey founded Maine Day Trip in 2007, a company that provides private sightseeing tours.  Many educators and other professionals from around the world have toured Maine with them.  Their sightseeing destinations are greatly enhanced with snippets of history and the background of historical landmarks and scenic views.  Fall is the greatest time of the year to meander the coast of Maine.

Guest Blog: Grandparents Day on the South Shore, MA

Wren Meyers is the power behind SMMaestro and brings the Social Media Orchestra to life. He utilizes the Maestro’s Podium to bring to life lively and dynamic connections between professionals, Twitter enthusiasts, curious seekers and the general audience to bring about a sensational buzz for the projects and businesses with whom he works.
Follow him at @SMMaestro and @wrenmeyers to experience the joy of creating your own music, watching your symphony come to life and enjoying the power of shared connections

Guest Blog: 5 Fun Resources for Educating Children at Any Age

This post was submitted by Vera Mosely, an author who enjoys writing on the topic of early childhood education.

Guest Blog: So Many Distractions!

Ann-Rhea Fitch is a wildlife photographer and partner in Bookpx, publisher of environmentally conscious eBooks for kids. The Nature Series for Kids is available for all eReaders capable of displaying color eBooks, including computers. The Multimedia Enhanced eBooks for Kids are exclusively available from the Apple iBookstore. The web site is

Guest Blog: The Best Person for the Job is… Someone Else!

Jason Fabbri is the Founder of, Inc. Jason is always thinking of ways to help make the world of public education a better place. When he’s not thinking of such things, playing with his own kids, or fly fishing, you will find him cleaning up the tools his children have left about.

Guest Blog: Easy Tech for Parents and Teachers

Brittney Martin Brittney is a Public Relations consultant for Two Bros web-design, the creators of the Easy Teach educational application.

August 2012

Guest Blog: Connected Educator’s: 4th Grade Teachers Connect via Twitter

Nancy Carroll is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher! She is in her twenty-second year of teaching, and is still very passionate about her students, her job and about technology. Recently she received a Master’s degree in Assistive Technology. She hopes to incorporate what she learned in the program and transfer that to her classroom in an effort to help her students learn! You can connect with her on twitter @ncarroll24 or visit her blog:

Guest Blog: Children’s Bedrooms: Top 7 Must Have Items for a Child’s Bedroom

Karen Tocher is the Owner / Director of Simply Rooms, created when she became frustrated with trying to find good quality co-ordinating bedding, furniture and accessories on the high street.  She now loves to share inspirational and creative ideas and solutions with parents to create dream rooms for their children.  Visit for more information about Simply Rooms.

Guest Blog: Can Your Child Read Too Much!

Brian Burton loves reading children’s books and running the blog at He often writes on the topics of kids books and parenting.

Guest Blog: A Tutor Can Make a World of Difference to a Child!

Jerry is the author of the very popular “Tale of A Baseball Dream” fictitious story recommended for children 8-12 years old.  He is an advocate for promoting children’s literacy, strong family values, and participates in the movement to eliminate bullying!
Jerry can be followed on twitter at or on his website

Guest Blog: The State of K – 12 Education

Scott is a 29-year-old working at the education technology start up,  After graduating from UCLA in 2008, he eventually made his way back up to Palo Alto, where he met the “AOL squatter,” Eric Simons.  With an idealist hope to change the world, Scott, Eric and are hoping to disrupt education from the ground up.

Guest Blog: Self-Reliance and Independence: Giving Your Teen the Ultimate Gift!

Debra Beck is a teen and parenting mentor who has spent over 20 years working with teens and parents. She is a devoted mother, sought-after presenter, and author. She now runs her popular parenting website,, publishes the “Empowered Teens and Parents” newsletter, encourages girls to be the best “young women” possible, and gives moms and dads the understanding they need to help their girls mature with pride and confidence.  Debra has helped thousands of teenage girls with their self-esteem.  Her award-winning book “My Feet Aren’t Ugly: A Girl’s Guide to Loving Herself from the Inside Out,” has been revised and updated for re-release in September 2011 with Beaufort Books.

Guest Blog: Patrick Larkin’s Top 5 Twitter Accounts for Teachers

Patrick Larkin Artist formerly known as @bhsprincipal – BPS Asst. Supt. NASSP National Digital Principal Award Winner (2012), Evangelist for Web 2.0 and Digital Tools. Burlington, MA ·

Guest Blog: Tutoring in College

Alexander Diedrick is a writing intern for, a free career and education resource for students of all ages.

Guest Blog: Digital Parenting: The Digital Parent in You!

Giselle is an Edtech consultant, teacher, E-tutor and social media and technology enthusiast! She believes in the power of sharing and collaboration. Above all,  she is an eternal learner. You can find her on twitter and follow her blog posts. Feel free to connect!

Guest Blog: Taking the Crazy Out of the School Supply Lists and Teacher Wish Lists

Dyanne Griffin is the Program Director and social media guru for, the new website finally bringing all those various school supply lists and teacher wish lists under one roof. An active school mom herself (and former teacher/tutor), Dyanne knows well the craziness of back-to-school season.

Guest Blog: Tips for Math Tutors

Kelsey  is the editor in chief for findananny. She loves to write article and ideas that parents & nannies would be interested in hearing. She helps society on giving information about nannies through  find a nanny. She is a professional writer & loves writing on any thing.

July 2012

Guest Blog: Incorporating Technology into Learning Makes it Easy and Attractive

Leona Sharon is a content provider for latest trends in online learning.  She explains the advantages of online distance learning courses which you can pursue anywhere in the world. In this passage she describes how implementing technology in learning is a good way to make it more interesting to students.

Guest Blog: What if the Doctor Told You to Just Sit Still?

Cassandra Tribe is a Certified Meditation Instructor, Level 3 Reiki Master and 6th descendent of Mikao Usui Rōshi. She was granted Inka Shomei by Master Adele Malone of the Kaigen Sangha, UK in 2005(Kaigon/Rinzai). She studied at the Omega Institute during the 80s, received private instruction from Seosga Hyeung Kim in Korea from 1998-2001 and is in community with the Miccosukee, Mi’kmaq and Zia of the First Nations. She holds a Masters of Divinity, is an ordained Chaplain certified by Hague Apostille and has additional certifications in Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Grief Counseling, Alzheimer’s and Thanatology. She is also a poet, artist and human rights activist.

Guest Blog: Eye Health Problems Kids Face After Excessive IPad Use

Angelina Jennifer writes regularly on the importance of maintaining eye health for a variety of websites and blogs. She believes that simple preventative measures such as building screen breaks into our routine and wearing appropriate vision aids such as focus dailies aquacomfort plus can greatly reduce the chance of long-term vision problems.

Guest Blog: What to Think About When Choosing a Major

Ashley Murrell – Originally from Seattle, WA, Ashley is a writer for Hotcouses Ltd, based in London, England covering topics about studying abroad in the USA as well as current higher education issues for She loves a good cuppa and is looking forward to the 2012 Olympic craziness.

Guest Blog: The MTA Summer Conference is AWESOME for New Massachusetts Teachers

Massachusetts Teachers Association – Space is very limited, contact Beth Shevlin at or Diane Gately at today with questions or to reserve your seat.

Guest Blog: The Big “O”: Teacher Evaluations

Mr Tan the Music Man is a Music Teacher from Norwich, England and specializes in Primary Education. He has recently released a songbook that covers many popular Primary School topics and it includes teaching notes for non-musicians to be able to competently and confidently teach music to their class! Connect with him on twitter @mrtanthmusicman.

Guest Blog: Jenmarc has Great Education Programs for Massachusetts Teachers!

Gary Gilardi is the Director of Program Marketing for Jon L. Jenmarc, Inc., Consultants in Education. He also works as a Professional Development Consultant for the Massachusetts Teachers Association. He was a music teacher for 21 years and later retired as a Guidance Counselor.

June 2012

Guest Blog: Summer Reading List for Kids of Fun Books with Science and Math Concepts

Pragmatic Mom blogs obsessively on children’s and young adult books when she’s not secretly trying to get her three children to learn math and science concepts through books and activities. Connect with her on twitter @pragmaticmom.

Guest Blog: Advocate for Teens, But Don’t Serve Up Excuses!

Sam Ross, popularly known as the ‘Teenage Whisperer’ is an expert in connecting with and helping the most challenging, disengaged and troubled teens to turn their lives around. She has worked in both educational and youth justice settings, both with young people and their parents or carers. Really understanding teens is the beginning, middle and end of her work and she helps professionals and parents achieve this through her website, providing advice, insight and resources: You can also connect with her on Twitter: @Teen_Whisperer or Facebook: where she regularly tweets/posts about all sorts of issues affecting teens.

Guest Blog: How Going Outdoors Can Combat a Reluctance to Studying

Jack Oldham is a journalism graduate blogging on behalf of Canopies UK, who specialize in a number of canopies, carports, smoking shelters and many more structures.

Guest Blog: Summer Tutoring: Beneficial or Harmful?

Kathryn Rinaldi is a blogger for Plus Plus Tutoring, a private in-home tutoring service in the United States.

Guest Blog: How Reading Affects Your Child’s Success!

Brian Burton loves reading children’s books and running the blog at He often writes on the topics of kids books and parenting.

Guest Blog: Dyslexia-ville Builds Self-Esteem: Looking to Spread the Word to Parents & Teachers!

Mara Waldhorn is an independent filmmaker and educator.  Currently she works as the Associate Producer for filmmaker Peggy Stern’s new multimedia web project Dyslexia-ville, which once funded, will be the launching pad to success for the millions of dyslexics around the world.  For more information about D-ville, email Mara at, find us on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter @dyslexiaville.

Guest Blog: Building the Next Generation of Problem Solvers

Laura Sherman wrote Chess Is Child’s Play with Bill Kilpatrick. Chess Is Child’s Play teaches any parent, of any skill level, to teach any child, of any age, to play chess.

May 2012

Guest Blog: The Great Debate: Two Year versus Four Year Degrees!

Ashley Murrell is originally from Seattle, WA. She is a writer for Hotcourses Ltd, based in London, England covering topics about studying abroad in the USA as well as current higher education issues for She loves a good cuppa and is looking forward to the 2012 Olympic craziness.

Guest Blog: I was a Reluctant Reader: There I Said it!

Martha Rodriquez is the author of A Reel Cool Summer. Connect with her on twitter @AReelCoolSummer.

Guest Blog: My Home Schooling Adventure

Lori Clayton After 15 years of home schooling Lori resumed a career in finance.  While home schooling Lori volunteered in a three part home school program consisting of enrichment classes for home schooled children, field trips and activities, and an umbrella school for record keeping.  Lori taught guitar and keyboard classes and has been thrilled to see her former students continuing to pursue music 10 years  later. Now semi retired Lori pursues her passion of biblical research and blogging, along with hiking and photography. You can connect with Lori on twitter @mywinsomeheart.

Guest Blog: Great Infograph on Teen Drug Abuse

The infogragh was a collaborative effort of writers and graphic designers of

Guest Blog: Simple Tips for Effective Final Study

Jack Oldham is a journalism graduate blogging on behalf of Banana Moon, who specialize in a range of personalized clothing including printed t-shirts, sports kit and school leavers hoodies. Banana Moon is on twitter @Banana_moon.

Guest Blog: Flattening the Classroom Walls with Skype and More!

Wezie Morgan returned to work after being a stay-at-home mom for 10 years.  She is currently a certified second grade teacher.  She has a beautiful classroom, works with a talented group of innovative and inspired teachers, and teaches 8-year-olds everyday!
Currently she is using Twitter to build her PLN (Personal Learning Network).  This network will help her not only be a better teacher, but also a teacher who can teach today’s students!

Guest Blog: 4 Things to Consider When Hiring a Tutor

Katheryn Rivas, writes on the topics of online university.  She welcomes your comments at her email:

Guest Blog: Chess Gives Children Self-Confidence

Laura Sherman wrote Chess Is Child’s Play with Bill Kilpatrick. Chess Is Child’s Play teaches any parent, of any skill level, to teach any child, of any age, to play chess.

Guest Blog: Using Interactive Notebooks in the Content Area

Michelle Ownby White is a fifth grade teacher in Huntsville, Alabama. She has been teaching for ten years. Her education includes a Bachelors, Masters, and Educational Specialist Degree in Elementary Education. She loves reading, teaching, and photography. Mrs. White is the sponsor of the Shutterbugs Photography Club and Hawk Eye News Morning Announcement team at her school. She enjoys learning new things and implementing new technology in the classroom.  Visit to see her classroom blog. You can also follow her class on Twitter @MWhiteMES.

April 2012

Guest Blog: The Importance of Peer Social Relationships for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Heather McCracken is the founder and executive director of the Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society. Heather is the creator of the Friend 2 Friend model and programs and a mother of three (Katie, Iain and Emma); her son Iain is on the autism spectrum. Heather is widely published and the autism of “That’s What’s Different About Me”, “Can I Play Too?” an “Demystifying Autism: The Friend 2 Friend Simulation Game Program” and coauthor of “Learners on the Autism Spectrum: Preparing Highly Qualified Educators”. She is an international speaker/trainer and actively designs and delivers social and communication based programs to children ages 3 through 18 in schools and other community settings throughout North America and abroad. For more information visit about the Friend 2 Friend Programs

Guest Blog: Our First Skype Lesson & What We Learned

Wezie Morgan returned to work after being a stay-at-home mom for 10 years.  She is currently a certified second grade teacher.  She has a beautiful classroom, works with a talented group of innovative and inspired teachers, and teaches 8-year-olds everyday!
Currently she is using Twitter to build her PLN (Personal Learning Network).  This network will help her not only be a better teacher, but also a teacher who can teach today’s students!

Guest Blog: Helping Children & Teens to Deal with Stress

Michelle Croze is the owner / practitioner at Harmony Way and has been a classroom teacher in both public and private school settings for over ten years.  Try out different types of free guided meditations on her website with your children or students to see what you like and what works. There are several posted on her main website: She has more information about other issues related to education and parenting issues, health and psychology topics, alternative/holistic healing modalities, and stress relief and relaxation techniques and tips on her blog website: She has many terrific links for parents and teachers to check out on both websites. Contact her at any time through either website or via email:

March 2012

Guest Blog: World Autism Day

Lorrie Servati is a mom, substitute teacher and autism advocate for her nine year old son. Lorrie shares her son’s progress on his autism journey since he was diagnosed four years ago. Visit her blog, Nathan’s Voice, for online Resources for Families.

Guest Blog: Encouraging Your Reluctant Reader

Gail Terp is a retired elementary teacher. She writes kids’ books and is passionate about connecting kids to books they love. Her blog is Best Blog for Kids Who Hate to Read. She posts 3 days a week:

Monday – Kids’ book recommendations

Wednesday – Parent information
Friday – Fun stuff: jokes, websites, games

Guest Blog: FireFox Add-on for Teachers

Carol Mortensen has twenty-three years of educational experience.  The Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) named Carol the Classroom Teacher of the Year for her innovative and creative use of technology to create a 24/7 virtual classroom using her classroom website. Carol has presented at school districts throughout Texas as well as state and local conferences on a variety of technology integration topics. Her article on the use of websites as an instructional tool was recently published in the TechEdge Magazine.  In February 2011, her article, Lessons Learning In a 1:1 Classroom, was published by TechEdge.  The article was republished in ISTE’s Learning  and Leading magazine in August 2011.  She was named Fairmont Junior High’s Teacher of the Year for the 2011-2012 school year.

Guest Blog: How Online Teaching Works

Melissa Spears holds a keen interest towards the advancement of distance learning programs all across the world. In this write-up she tries to explain the fact that online teaching is all about getting your steps right in the educational approach.

Guest Blog: What is MaJenDome?

Mr. Elvin R. Freytes is the founder of MaJenDome – global movement inspiring expectant fathers to read to the womb – and author of Hello My Little One, It’s Me Your Father – the first children’s book for expectant fathers to read to their child still in the womb.

Guest Blog: All kids can SUCCEED – Be the “1”

Bill Burkhead is the Assistant Principal at Plymouth North High School.  He is an 18 year veteran educator, who served as Plymouth North’s Adjustment Counselor before becoming Athletic Director and Head Football Coach for 10 years.  He was the Coordinator of Wellness for the Canton public schools and has taught elementary health and high school physical education.  He is also a volunteer football coach for Plymouth Pop Warner. Connect with him on twitter @northeagles.

February 2012

Guest Blog: How Tutoring Can Save your Retirement as a Teacher

Steven Daar is a published author & blogger on financial issues facing teachers and their retirements. He graduated with a degree in Finance from the University of Illinois in Urbana – Champaign and has since learned from and/or directly collaborated with some of the brightest and most decorated individuals in personal finance. He is also a constant student of his craft, looking for new or better information to pass on to teachers. You can read more from Steve at

Guest Blog: Teaching the Brain How to Learn

Philip Schnipper, CCC-SLP is a certified teacher and licensed speech pathology for the last 25 years. He has been a director of a speech clinic in addition to working in hospitals, nursing homes, and public schools. He has a Master’s Degree from Salem State College as a reading specialist and has done research in brain based teaching and learning. HE developed a learning program entitled Building Better Bridges for Learning which uses a specific language of learning which the brain is more easily able to process and understand. He can be contacted by phone 781-424-3596 or by email at

Guest Blog: Flipping the Classroom to Break Through in Today’s Society

Mayra Aixa Villar is a freelance instructional designer and researcher who is passionate about educational technology.  She is currently finishing a thesis to obtain an MA in Applied Linguistics. Her dissertation is about linguistic modeling and computer-based applications. This project has allowed her to intern at UN HQ, participate in international meetings and collaborate in several research activities. You can also follow Mayra on Twitter @MayraAixaVillar or on

Guest Blog: Civil War Research

Rob Finkill has been teaching since 1996 and teaching 8th grade American History since 1999 in Hershey, PA for the Derry Township School District. Currently, his school has a  1:1 environment of students to laptops. He is a team leader of a multi-disciplinary team and coordinator of our Middle School Leadership Experience for Boys. Besides coaching volleyball and baseball, he has also taught Ancient Civilizations. The past two summers he has had the opportunity to be a Teacher Ranger at Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, PA. At Gettysburg, he presented programs to visitors and worked to develop  educational programs for school groups. Email Twitter @RobFinkill

Guest Blog: The Benefits of Raising Chickens for Your Family

Scarlet Paolicchi of Family Focus Blog, a green family blog, is a stay at home mom blogger from Nashville who reports on family fun, eco tips, travel, giveaways, and products that you may find helpful or interesting.

Guest Blog: A Montessori Education

Shawn Trudeau is the founder/writer at, a “dad blog” about the experiences of raising kids and offering ideas, insights and opinions to other parents and families on everything “kids”.

January 2012

Guest Blog: Should Kids Miss School for a Disney Trip?

Tami is an Application Developer by day, Family Nurturer by night.  She is married with 2 small kids and lives in Colorado.  She loves reading and the great outdoors, and has a blog chronicling some of her fun adventures.  It features storytelling about family, humor, outdoors fun, wild toddlers, baking, naughty dogs, travel, kid’s perspectives, good reads, a giveaway every now and then, and all things Disney!  You can find her at The Colorado Mountain Mom.

Guest Blog: Student Grades: How to Turn Around a Midyear SLUMP

Marc Hoberman is the Owner / Director of Grade Success Tutoring and Educational Consulting. His One Minute Educator Videos help students, parents, and teachers reach their full potential. Marc is available for Private or Group Educational Consulting via webcam or phone. Visit for more information.

Guest Blog: How to Beat the Sugar Blues

Barbara Rodriguez is the organic celebrity nanny.  Her new book, The Organic Nanny’s Guide to Raising Healthy Kids: Reclaim a Natural Diet and Lifestyle for Your Child, is going to be released soon.  You can find out more great organic parenting tips and sign up for her newsletter on the website- The Organic Nanny.

Guest Blog: Why Do We Do Things the Way We Do?

Amy Berrell is currently preparing to teach 3rd grade for the second year at a Christian School in New South Wales, Australia. She is passionate about incorporating innovative practices and technology into my classroom in a real and meaningful way. Throughout the year my class blog will have pictures of my classroom and insights into the new practices being undertaken in our class.

Guest Blog: Bullying Behavior: Behavior That No One Forgets!

Jim Burns is best known for his presentations on Bullying, Motivating Disaffected Students, Defusing Power Struggles, Character Education, and Leadership. Jim has worked as a teacher and administrator since 1977. He is also an accomplished college instructor who teaches graduate level courses. He just completed writing and co-designing “The Bully Proof Classroom,” a graduate course that is now being offered at The College of New Jersey in partnership with The Regional Training Center.  He has recently published a new book titled The New 3Rs in Education: Respect, Responsibility, and Relationships.  This book is designed to create an awareness of the problems that teachers face today, and to give teachers the tools to create a classroom climate that is safe, secure, and conducive to learning. Please visit his website at

Guest Blog: It’s an Honor to be a Mentor!

Gil Duzanski is a software engineer from Waltham, Mass, interested in education and mentoring.  Gil is a CEO and founder of, a startup that helps high school students explore careers and discover their interests and passions through job shadowing opportunities with local businesses.

December 2012

Guest Blog: Living History: Using Historical Fiction in the Classroom

Shelley Stout is a former teacher and published author of short stories, novels, magazine articles, and blogs. She presents workshops to teachers and enjoys being a writing mentor and tutor for children and adults. Shelley is available to speak to students via Skype.

Guest Blog: The Art of Teaching Second Language Learners

Lori Wolfe a public elementary ELD teacher in Ashland, Oregon. She has taught K-5th grades in dual immersion programs and bilingual classrooms. She has also taught as a Title One Bilingual Support teacher in Reading and Math.
She has authored 26 bilingual thematic units for Kingsley Publishing, and has written a series of reproducible bilingual Math Games. Lori has presented at numerous conferences including: •NCTM national convention •NABE National Association of Bilingual Education •TABE Texas Association of Bilingual Education •CABE California Association of Bilingual Education •Two-Way CABE •Illinois State Bilingual Conference In addition, she presents workshops on Strategic English Language Development. •Spotlight on ELD: Make and Take Workshop Oregon •Fun To Teach ELD Workshops Oregon and California

Guest Blog: Top 5 reasons why your child could benefit from tutoring

Tracy Schutz is a veteran middle school teacher who is passionate about at-risk students, e-learning, ed technology, and social media.  -Looking for educational news and information?  Find more here:  You can also follow Tracy on Twitter @tracyschutz or at

Guest Blog: Teach the “Art” of Giving: 5 Artistic Activities for Holiday Giving

Sara Eberle is the host of MommaJam, a parenting podcast that covers MOP Culture (mom pop culture).  She also reports on parenting topics every other Thursday on the South Shore’s 95.9 WATD-FM radio station live at 7:10 a.m.

November 2011

Guest Blog: The Cure for Math Anxiety

Matthew Mandelbaum and Jamie Cohen are parents and learning specialists and are the creators of Jumping Joey’s Number Line. Jumping Joey’s Number Line is an innovative, child-centered, multi-sensory arithmetic learning system for Pre-K through Elementary. Jumping Joey’s Number Line fosters enjoyable, engaging, effective and efficient mathematical experiences, where students are motivated and build a strong math foundation with long-term understanding. Students feel successful and excited about learning opportunities, and confident in their emerging abilities. Visit

Guest Blog – Teaching Students to Teach Themselves

Dan Fullerton is a science teacher at Irondequoit High School & founder of He also is the author of “Honors Physics Essentials” and “The APlusPhysics Guide to Regents Physics Essentials.” Visit

Guest Blog: Technology in the Classroom: Why and How?

Eric Kittlaus is the founder of Calcblog, which provides online math and graphing calculator tutorials for students and educators. He is a National Merit Scholar and is currently studying Math and Physics on a full tuition scholarship at Santa Clara University. His book, Ace the SAT Using Your TI Calculator, is now available through and Barnes & Noble. Visit Calcblog at