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Google Search “Pi Day Jokes”

  1. Statistics show that 3.14 percent of sailors are pi-rates. (Pirate Jokes)
  2. The mathematician says, “Pi r squared.” The baker replies, “No, pies are round. Cakes are square.”
  3. What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert?… Pi! (Pie Jokes)
  4. Why should you never talk to pi?… Because he’ll just go on forever.
  5. Simple as 3.141592…
  6. How many pastry chefs does it take to make a pie?… 3.14. (Dessert Jokes)
  7. Pi had its driver’s license revoked because it didn’t know when to stop. (Car Jokes)
  8. Don’t let advanced math intimidate you!… It’s as easy as pi!
  9. The roundest knight at King Arthur’s table was Sir Cumference. He ate too much pi. (Knight Jokes & Pie Jokes)
  10. Just saw American Pi. I gave it a rating of 3.14. (Movie Jokes)
  11. What is the official animal of Pi Day?… The pi-thon. (Snake Jokes)
  12. The worst thing about getting hit in the face with pi is that it never ends. (Pie Jokes)
  13. What treat do math teachers in Maine bring to the first day of class?…  Whoopie Pi’s. (Maine Jokes)
  14. What did pi say to its partner?… Stop being so irrational. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  15. What’s the best way to visualize infinity?… With a pi chart! Geometry Jokes
  16. Why isn’t pi on Twitter?… Even 280 characters isn’t enough to express itself.
  17. What do you get when you cut a jack-o’-lantern by its diameter?… Pumpkin pi. (Pumpkin Jokes)
  18. Having an argument with pi just goes around in circles. (Geometry Jokes)
  19. What is 1.57?… Half a pie.
  20. What’s the ideal way to serve pi?… A la mode! Anything less is mean. (Pie Jokes & Ice Cream Jokes)
  21. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?… He will stop at nothing to avoid them.
  22. Come to the nerd side. We have pi.
  23. How many calories are there in that slice of chocolate pi?… Approximately 3.14. (Pie Jokes)
  24. Remember not to eat too much pi—it will give you a large circumference. (Pie Jokes & Geometry Jokes)
  25. Why was the math lecture so long?… Because the professor kept going off on a tangent.
  26. Who do mathematicians like to follow?… The “Pi” ed Piper. (Pie Jokes & Music Jokes)
  27. In Alaska, where temperatures get below freezing, pi is only 3.00. After all, everything shrinks in the cold. (Alaska Jokes)
  28. What do you get when you take a bovine and divide its circumference by its diameter?… a cow pi. (Cow Jokes)
  29. What TV show can help you grasp infinite numbers?… Magnum P.I. (Math Jokes)
  30. What do you get when a bunch of sheep stand in a circle?… Shepherd’s Pi. (Pie Jokes & Geometry Jokes)
  31. What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?… Pi in the sky. (Sun Jokes)
  32. Why don’t calculus majors throw house parties?… Because you should never drink and derive. (Car Jokes)
  33. What is the ideal number of pieces to cut a pie into? 3.14.
  34. What was Sir Isaac Newton’s favorite dessert?… Apple pi. (Pie Jokes)
  35. What do you get when you take green cheese and divide its circumference by its diameter?… Moon pi. (Full Moon Jokes)
  36. Where should you do your math homework?… On a multiplication table.
  37. What’s the best formula to get from point A to point B?… Just take an x-y plane or a rhom’bus.
  38. A pizza has a radius z and thickness a. Its volume is pizza (or pi*z*z*a) (Pizza Jokes)
  39. What’s the best way to woo a mathematician?… Use acute angle.
  40. A farmer counted 196 cows in the field… But when he rounded them up he had 200. (Cow Jokes)
  41. How do you do math in your head?… Use imaginary numbers. (Biology Jokes)
  42. Why does algebra make you a better dancer?… Because you can use algo-rhythm.
  43. What kind of math do you learn in English class?… Add-verbs and add-jectives. (Grammar Jokes)
  44. When is math like poetry?… When you do an in’verse variation. (Grammar Jokes)
  45. Where do mathematicians party?… In bar graphs.
  46. Why can math books be so depressing?… Because they’re filled with problems. (Psychology Jokes)
  47. Why should you never mention the number 288?… It’s two gross.
  48. The moon’s not made of cheese… It’s a pi in the sky!
  49. Math is a part of nature… Especially geometry (geome’ tree.) (Tree Jokes)
  50. Why do mathematicians like parks?… Because of all the natural logs. (Tree Jokes)
  51. What do you call a number that can’t keep still?… A roamin’ numeral. (World Geography Jokes)
  52. How do mathematicians scold their children?… “If I’ve told you n times, I’ve told you n+1 times…”
  53. Did you hear the joke about the statistician?… probably.
  54. What happens when you put a root beer in a square glass?… It just becomes beer.
  55. Old mathematicians never die… They just lose some of their functions. (Grandparent Jokes)
  56. Did you hear about the statistician who drowned crossing a river?… It was three feet deep on average.
  57. Did you hear about the statistician who drowned crossing a river?… It was three feet deep on average.
  58. Why did the chicken cross the Mobius Strip?… To get to the same side.
  59. What do you need to grow your trigonometry skills?… Square roots.
  60. Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out, “We got him!”
  61. Parallel lines have so much in common… It’s too bad they’ll never meet. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  62. Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, “I’ll have a beer.” The second says, “I’ll have half a beer.” The third says, “I’ll have a quarter of a beer.” Before anyone else can speak, the barman fills up exactly two glasses of beer and serves them. “Come on, now,” he says to the group, “You guys have got to learn your limits.”
  63. Why are circles so hot?… Because they are 360 degrees! (Geometry Jokes)
  64. Why do teenagers travel in groups of three?… because they can’t even
  65. 3.14% of sailors are pi-rates.
  66. What kind of snake does your math teacher own?… A pi-thon. (Snake Jokes)