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Google Search “Spring Jokes”

  1. March 20th: 1st Day of Spring Jokes: Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Spring jokes. (Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  2. A gardening store sign: We’re so glad spring is here, we wet our plants. (Flower Jokes)
  3. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?… Pilgrims! (Social Studies Jokes & Rain Jokes)
  4. Why is the letter A like a spring flower?… A bee (B) comes after it! (Bee Jokes for Kids / Flower Jokes/ 26 Lessons for the Letter of the Week)
  5. Finally my winter fat is gone… Now I have spring rolls. (Winter Jokes)
  6. Top 10 Easter Jokes: What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?… IHOP.
  7. Spring is here, and the trees are getting their foliage back… What a releaf. (Tree Jokes)
  8. Why is Yoda such a good gardener?… Because he has a green thumb. (May the 4th Be With You Jokes)
  9. I had a track accident last spring… Now it has become a running joke. (Track and Field Jokes & Marathon Jokes)
  10. Which crime-fighter likes spring the most?… Robin. (Bird Jokes & Batman Jokes)
  11. Spring Fever: Four high school boys afflicted with spring fever skipped morning classes. After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had a flat tire. Much to their relief she smiled and said, “Well, you missed a test today so take seats apart from one another and take out a piece of paper.” Still smiling, she waited for them to sit down. Then she said: “First Question: Which tire was flat?” (High School Jokes)
  12. Why couldn’t the flower ride a bike?… It lost its petals. (Bike Jokes & Flower Jokes)
  13. What did the summer say to the spring?… Help! I’m going to fall. (Summer Jokes & Top 10 Fall Jokes)
  14. What do you get when you plant kisses?… Tulips! (Biology Jokes for Kids / Flower Jokes / Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  15. Why don’t croissants like warm weather?…… Things get Toasty! (Summer Jokes & Croissant Jokes)
  16. What do you call a striker playing an April match?… A spring forward. (Soccer Jokes & April Jokes)
  17. What goes up when the rain comes down?… An umbrella! (Rain Jokes)
  18. What is the shortest month of the year?… M-A-Y.
  19. May 1st: Top 10 May Day JokesDid you hear Ted Danson is the spokesperson for May Day… Of course, he played Sam “May Day” Malone in the sitcom Cheers. (Baseball Jokes)
  20. Top 10 Kentucky Derby Jokes: How does a Kentucky Derby horse greet another horse?…With Southern Horspitality!
  21. Fence Company Sign: Our favorite spring sport is fencing. (Fencing Jokes)
  22. What kind of garden does a baker have?… A flour garden.
  23. Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?… Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash.
  24. Why did one bee tease the other bee?… Because he was acting like a bay-bee!
  25. What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?… Lily!
  26. How does the sun listen to music?… On the ray-dio.
  27. Why did the gardener plant a seed in the pond?… To grow a water-melon.
  28. What is spring’s favorite type of pickles?… Daffo-dills!
  29. It’s allergy season again?!… You’ve got to be pollen my leg.
  30. Why did the worm cross the ruler?… To become an inch worm.
  31. What do you call a well-dressed king of the jungle?… A dandy lion!
  32. What do gardeners wear on their legs?… Garden hose.
  33. The bed store is having a spring sale… Unfortunately, the rest of the beds are still full price.
  34. What do you get when you push a bunch of Easter eggs down a hill?… Spring rolls.
  35. What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?… Seasoning.
  36. How did the bee brush his hair?… With a honeycomb.
  37. Should I plant flowers in April?… May as well!
  38. How can you tell the weather’s getting warmer?… There’s a spring in people’s step.
  39. Which month is the politest when asking questions?… The month of May.
  40. May 5thTop 10 Cinco De Mayo Jokes: Cinco de Mayo is nacho average holiday.
  41. Which bird should you never let into a jewelry store?… A robin.
  42. What falls but never gets hurt?… The rain! (Rain Jokes)
  43. What bow can’t be tied?… A rainbow! (Rainbow Jokes & Prom Jokes)
  44. Which month can’t make a decision?… MAYbe. (May Jokes)
  45. Did you hear about the bed bugs who fell in love?… They’re getting married in the spring! (Wedding Jokes)
  46. What happens when you try to make a clock Spring Forward?… It gets ticked off. (Spring Jokes)
  47. What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom?… Son-flower! (Mom Jokes / Flower Jokes / Sun Jokes)
  48. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about spring?
  49. What season is it when you are on a trampoline?… Spring-time! (Gymnastics Jokes for Kids)
  50. Can February March? … No, but April May! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  51. What do you call it when worms take over the world?… Global Worming. (Worm Jokes & Earth Day Jokes)
  52. What’s the first bird you’ll see in the Hundred Acre Wood when spring arrives?… A Christopher Robin. (Winnie the Pooh Jokes & Bird Jokes)
  53. Top 10 March Madness JokesWhy was the sports fan acting so crazy?… He had March Madness! (March Madness Jokes)
  54. What is Spring’s favorite appetizer?… A bloomin’ onion! (Onion Jokes & Flower Jokes)
  55. SPRING: We really struggled losing an hour coming up with more daylight savings time jokes… (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  56. What did the mother worm say to the little worm who was late?… “Where in earth have you been?” (Worm Jokes & Earth Day Jokes)
  57. Top 10 Final Four Jokes: A grandson was visiting his grandfather at the nursing home. When the boy walked into the room, the grandfather smiled. The boy enthusiastically said, “Grandpa you have March Madness teeth! You are down to your Final Four!” (Final Four Jokes / Grandparent Jokes / Dentist Jokes)
  58. April 18th: Top 10 Patriots’ Day Jokes: What dance was very popular in 1776?… Indepen-dance! (Music Jokes)
  59. April 22nd: Top 10 Earth Day Jokes: All joking aside, what should you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? (Camping Jokes for Kids)
  60. Masters Golf Jokes: What is the holiest place in golf?… Amen Corner.
  61. Top 10 Mother’s Day Jokes: What did the mother rope say to her child?…“Don’t be knotty.”
  62. Who only takes from the rich during spring time?… Robin hood. (Robin Hood Jokes)
  63. Why did the boy start a gardening business?… Because he wanted to rake in the cash! (Flower Jokes)
  64. Can bees fly in the rain?… Not without their little yellow jackets! (Bee Jokes for Kids & Rain Jokes)
  65. How excited was the gardener about spring?… So excited he wet his plants. (Flower Jokes)
  66. When is it impossible to plant flowers?… When you haven’t botany. (Flower Jokes)
  67. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good Spring knock-knock joke?
  68. What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain?… A drizzly bear. (Bear Jokes for Kids & Rain Jokes)
  69. What does a school book do in the spring?… Puts on a jacket. (Book Jokes & Winter Jokes / Spring Jokes / Fall Jokes)
  70. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Spring knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  71. March Jokes: What did the commander say to his troops?… March 4th! (Memorial Day Jokes & Veterans’ Day Jokes)
  72. I’d like to buy a bed, please. Certainly, madam. Spring mattress? Oh, no! I want to be able to use it all year. (Napping Jokes)
  73. What did the dirt say to the rain?… If this keeps up, my name will be mud. (Rain Jokes)
  74. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Spring knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  75. May Jokes for Kids: What month always asks questions and permission?… May! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  76. What flowers grow on faces?… Tulips (Two-lips)! (Biology Jokes for Kids & Flower Jokes)
  77. What do you call a well-dressed lion?… A dandy lion! (Lion Jokes & Flower Jokes)  
  78. Why did the farmer bury all his money?…  To make his soil rich! (Farming Jokes)
  79. I was walking by the fridge last night and I thought I could hear the spring onions singing a BeeGees song… Turns out it was just the chives talking. (Music Jokes)
  80. How do you know that bees are happy?…  Because they hum while they work. (Bee Jokes for Kids)
  81. Who is the only Irishman that comes out in the Spring?…Patty O’Furniture. (St. Patrick’s Day Jokes)
  82. What can be seen in the middle of the months ‘April’ and ‘March’, that cannot be seen in the beginning or end of either month?… the letter “r.” (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  83. What did the big flower say to the little one?… You’re really growing, bud! (Flower Jokes)
  84. Just finished my spring cleaning. Sometimes I wish I’d never bought a Slinky.
  85. What does the writer suffer from each spring?… A case of allegories. (Grammar Jokes)
  86. What did the spring say to the airplane?… Boeing!! (Pilot Jokes & Plane Jokes)
  87. Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond?… He was trying to grow a water-melon. (Watermelon Jokes & Farming Jokes)
  88. When I was a kid, we were so poor I had to bathe in the spring. When money was good, I’d bathe in the fall too. (Fall Jokes)
  89. What kind of garden does a baker have?… A “flour” garden. (Flower Jokes & Dessert Jokes)
  90. To celebrate the end of winter, my local bed shop is having a spring sale. The rest of the bed is still full price though. (Napping Jokes)
  91. What does the Easter Bunny order at a Chinese Restaurant?… Hop Suey! (Easter Jokes for Kids)
  92. Winter can be pretty dreary with all the bare trees, so when spring comes it’s such a re-leaf. (Tree Jokes & Winter Jokes)
  93. Why did one bee tease the other bee?… Because he was acting like a bay-bee! (Bee Jokes for Kids & Baby Jokes)
  94. Spring is finally here… I got so excited I wet my plants. (Flower Jokes)
  95. Why does Manny Pacquiao hate spring?… Because it has May weather in it! (Boxing Jokes & May Jokes)
  96. Why doesn’t Conor McGregor like fighting in the spring?… Because of Mayweather. (Boxing Jokes & May Jokes / Weather Jokes)
  97. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?… Bugs Bunny. (Looney Tunes Jokes & Rabbit Jokes)
  98. April 1st Why is everyone so tired on April 1?… Because they’ve just finished a long, 31 day March! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  99. April 1st Top 10 April Fools’ Day Jokes: Do you know all about April 1st?… Yes, I’m fooly aware of it! (April Jokes)
  100. Why was the bee mad?… You’d be mad too if someone stole your honey and nectar. (Honey Jokes& Bee Jokes)
  101. Have you read Rusty Bed Springs?… It was written by I.P Nightly. (Book Jokes)
  102. Why do people buy so many trampoline’s during March Madness sales?… It’s spring-time. (March Madness Jokes & Gymnastics Jokes)
  103. April 7th National Burrito DayTop 10 Burrito Jokes: Why do they have so many Taco Bells in Anchorage?… Because Alaskans love brrrrrrrritos. (Alaska Jokes)
  104. What did the spring say when it was in trouble?… May Day!! (May Day Jokes)
  105. Which state loves spring the most?… May-ne. (Maine Jokes)
  106. April 7th: Top 10 Walking Jokes: I was walking home late one night when I saw dozens of giant cupcakes and pies everywhere. It was kind of scary… The streets were oddly desserted. (Cupcake Jokes & Pie Jokes)
  107. What do you call a cyborg bee?…  The Pollinator! (Bee Jokes for Kids / Movie Jokes / Flower Jokes)
  108. April 7th 2022 Top 10 Opening Day Baseball Jokes: Did you hear the joke about the baseball?… It will leave you in stitches! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
  109. April 11th: National Pet Day JokesHow did the little Scottish puppy feel when he saw a monster?… Terrier-fied! (Halloween Jokes)
  110. April 25th World Penguin Day: Top 10 Penguin Jokes Why don’t you see any penguins in Britain?… Because they’re afraid of Wales! (World Geography Jokes)
  111. April 26th: Top 10 Pretzel JokesWhat’s a pretzel’s favorite dance?… The twist. (Dance Jokes)
  112. April 30th: Top 10 Arbor Day Jokes: How do trees get on the internet?… They log in. (Computer Jokes for Kids)
  113. When is a lion like a clock?… When they both spring forward. (Lion Jokes & Daylight Savings Jokes)
  114. How do you make a waterbed bouncier?… Fill it with spring water. (Napping Jokes)
  115. What did the tree say to spring?… What a re-leaf!
  116. Why did the bird go to the hospital?… It needed tweet-ment!
  117. What’s a baby chick’s favorite plant?… Egg-plants!
  118. May 4th: Top 10 May the Fourth Be With You Jokes: What does Luke Skywalker say whilst playing golf… May the course be with you! (Golf Jokes)
  119. May 5th: Top 10 Revenge of the Fifth JokesWhy did Anikin Walker cross the road?… To get to the Dark Side. (Revenge of the Fifth Jokes)
  120. May 6th: Top 10 Nurse JokesThe nurse walked into the busy doctor’s office and said, “Doctor, the invisible man is here.” The doctor replied, “Sorry, I can’t see him.” (Biology Jokes for Kids & Halloween Jokes)
  121. May 7th: Full Moon JokesTop 10 Full Moon JokesWhy wasn’t the moon hungry?… Because it was full! (Astronomy Jokes for Kids)
  122. May 13th: Apple Pie Day Top 10 Apple Pie Jokes: Why did the waitress say when Rick Astley asked to hurry up his order of apple pie and vanilla ice cream?… I”m never gonna run around and dessert you.” (Music Jokes & Dessert Jokes)
  123. May 15th: Chocolate Chip Cookie Day: When should you take a chocolate chip cookie to the doctor?… When it feels crummy. 
  124. May 23rd World Turtle Day: Top 10 Turtle Jokes: What do you get if cross a Turtle with a Giraffe?… A Turtle-Neck (Giraffe Jokes for Kids & Fall Jokes)
  125. Top 10 Memorial Day JokesWhat was General Washington’s favorite tree?…The infan-tree! (4th of July Jokes for Kids)
  126. What type of bird should you never take to the bank?… A robin. (Bird Jokes & Police Jokes)
  127. Why did the worm cross the ruler?… To become an inchworm. (Worm Jokes)
  128. Why did the bird go to the hospital?… It needed tweetment! (Bird Jokes & Doctor Jokes)
  129. Who is an herb’s favorite singer?… Elvis Parsley! (Music Jokes)
  130. What does the Easter Bunny get for making a basket?… Two points just like everybody! (Easter Jokes for Kids)
  131. How do you make a waterbed more bouncy?… Add spring water. (Napping Jokes)
  132. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell knock-knock jokes? (Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  133. What month of the year is the shortest?… May (only 3 letters) (May Jokes)
  134. What is Spring’s favorite kind of pickles?… Daffo-dills! (Flower Jokes & Pickle Jokes)
  135. What do you get when you cross a four leaf clover and poison ivy?… A rash of good luck. (Top 10 St. Patrick’s Day Jokes)
  136. I’m really allergic to pollen… But I feel this spring will be breathtaking.
  137. Why are trees very forgiving?… Because in the Fall they “Let It Go” and in the Spring they “turn over a new leaf.” (Tree Jokes & Fall Jokes)
  138. Do you know all about April 1st?… Yes, I’m fooly aware of it! (April Fools’ Joke for Kids)
  139. What’s the best day for monkey business?… The first of Ape-ril! (April Jokes & Monkey Jokes)
  140. What’s the difference between Thanksgiving and April Fool’s Day?… On one you’re thankful and on the other you’re prankful! (April Fools’ Joke for Kids & Thanksgiving Jokes)
  141. Why did Cinderella get kicked off the baseball team?… She always ran away from the ball. (Baseball Jokes / Disney Jokes / Cinderella Jokes)
  142. April Jokes: Patriots’ Day JokesWhat was the Patriots’ favorite food in the Revolutionary War? … Chicken Catch-a-Tory! (4th of July Jokes)
  143. How does a bee brush its hair?…  With its honeycomb. (Bee Jokes for Kids & Barber Jokes)
  144. What monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes?… Prankenstein! (April Fools’ Joke for Kids & Halloween Jokes)
  145. Why are frogs so happy?… They eat whatever bugs them. (Frog Jokes)
  146. What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?… Lily! (Frog Jokes & Flower Jokes)
  147. What do you call two young married spiders?… Newly webs. (Wedding Jokes & Spiderman Jokes for Kids)
  148. Did you hear about the two bed bugs that are getting married?… They’re having a lovely wedding in the spring. (Wedding Jokes)
  149. TIL that dinosaurs used hot springs to take baths… But as time advanced they moved onto meteor showers. (Astronomy Jokes & Dinosaur Jokes)
  150. A teacher told her first grade class, “A single dolphin can have two hundred off-spring!”A little girl gasped, “How about the married ones?” (Dolphin Jokes)
  151. What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks?… FOUL weather! (Chicken Jokes / Duck Jokes / Rain Jokes)
  152. Why can’t you trust math teachers in the spring time?… Because they’ll always play matrix on you. (Math Jokes for Kids & May Jokes)
  153. How do rabbits keep their fur neat?… They use a harebrush (hairbrush). (Rabbit Jokes & Barber Jokes)
  154. Why was the bee mad?… You’d be mad too if someone stole your honey and nectar. (Bee Jokes for Kids)
  155. Why do potatoes make good detectives?… Because they keep their eyes peeled. (Potato Jokes & Police Jokes)
  156. When do monkeys fall from the sky?… During Ape-ril showers! (April Jokes / Monkey Jokes / Rain Jokes)
  157. What’s a baby chick’s favorite plant?… EGG-plants! (Chicken Jokes / Egg Jokes / Flower Jokes)
  158. What do you call a guy who falls into a Yellowstone hot spring?… Stew.
  159. What do you get if you cross a skunk and a bee?… An animal that stinks as it stings. (Skunk Jokes & Bee Jokes)
  160. What did one firefly say to the other firefly when his light went out?… “Give me a push. My battery is dead.” (Summer Jokes)
  161. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?…None. Roosters don’t lay eggs. (Egg Jokes)
  162. What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?… A hot cross bunny. (Rabbit Jokes)
  163. What did the tree say to spring?… What a re-leaf. (Tree Jokes)
  164. What is a spring chick after it is five months old?… Six months old. (Chicken Jokes & Baby Jokes)
  165. A woman locked her car key in her car, so she asked a passerby for help. The passerby took off his pants, rolled it into a ball and rubbed it on the car door. The car door springs open. Amazed, the woman asked the passerby how did he do it, to which he replied:”It’s simple, these are khaki pants” (Car Jokes)
  166. When do people start using their trampoline?… Spring-Time. (Gymnastics Jokes for Kids)
  167. What did the seed say to the flower?… OK, Bloomer. (Flower Jokes)
  168. Why do they call it Spring?… Because the weather bounces around more than a Slinky. (Weather Jokes)
  169. Before I get into Spring Break traffic, I cover my car in Mucinex…It really thins out the congestion. (Car Jokes)
  170. June Jokes for Kids: Did hear the mountain joke?… You won’t get over it! (Hiking Jokes for Kids)
  171. What do you call a mushroom who is the life of the party?… A fun-gi. (Mushroom Jokes)
  172. Does February like March?… No, but April May. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  173. Everyone has these on their face. What are they?… Tulips! (Biology Jokes & Flower Jokes)
  174. When do gorillas fall from the sky?… During Ape-ril showers. (April Jokes)
  175. Why are maple trees so forgiving?… Every Fall they “Let It Go.” Fall Jokes & (Tree Jokes)
  176. Why are oak trees so forgiving?… Every Spring they “turn over a new leaf”.
  177. What did the tree say to spring?… What a re-leaf.
  178. What emotion does a tree feel every spring?… Relief. (Tree Jokes)