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Google Search “Robin Hood Jokes”

  1. Knock… Knock… Who’s there?… Sherwood… Sherwood who?… Sherwood like to be your Valentine! (Knock Knock Jokes for Valentine’s Day & Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes) 
  2. Who has blond hair, wears green, and robs from the rich to give to the poor?… Christopher Robin Hood!
  3. Who did Christopher Robin dress up as for Halloween?… Christopher Robin Hood. (Funny Halloween Jokes & Winnie the Pooh Jokes)
  4. A man asked Robin Hood, “would you rob from the rich to give to the poor?” To which he replied, “I Sher-would.”
  5. Robin Hood doesn’t always have to steal from the rich and give to the poor… it Sherwood help though.
  6. Three men line up to show off their skills at archery: They are to shoot off the apple off of a young boy’s head. The first one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the apple clean off of the boy’s head, and says, “I am Robin Hood!”. The second one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the apple of the boy’s head, and says, “I am William Tell!”. The third one draws his arrow back, shoots, hits the poor boy in the skull, who then proceeds to drop dead. The archer looks at what he has done, takes off his hat, and whispers, “I am sorry.” (Archery Jokes)
  7. A pauper is sitting by a road in medieval England. All of a sudden, Robin Hood comes out of the forest, throws a bag of gold at the pauper’s feet and says, “I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor.” The pauper tears up, embraces Robin Hood and says, “I am finally rich.” Robin Hood then stabs the pauper with his sword, “I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor.”
  8. Robin Hood: “Poor friend, here’s some money.” Poor Friend: “Thanks! Now I’m rich!” Robin Hood: “You’re… what?”
  9. What do you call Legolas, Robin Hood, and Katniss Everdeen when they’re leaving?… Dep-archers. (Lord of the Rings Jokes & Archery Jokes)
  10. x (Christmas Jokes & Robin Hood Jokes)
  11. Robin Hood went to see a doctor… …he was diagnosed with Menintightis. (Doctor Jokes
  12. What’s Robin Hood’s least favorite font?… The Serif of Nottingham.
  13. Who only takes from the rich during spring time?… Robin hood. (Spring Jokes)
  14. Robin Hood hands over stolen goods to the poor man Man: “Wow thank you Robin Hood, now I’m rich!” Robin Hood: *squints* you’re what?
  15. I am Robin Hood, I take from the rich to give to the poor! A poor peasant is traveling the woody paths of Barnsdale, when a hooded man walks up to him. Robin Hood: “HALT!” “I am Robin Hood, I take from the rich to give to the poor, now give me all your money!” Peasant: “I have nothing, I’ve been hungry for years you see” Robin Hood: “Very well then poor man, take this!” Robin Hood gives the poor man a sack, filled to the brim with gold coins. He then fades away into the forest. The peasant stares in disbelief, exclaiming: “I can’t believe it, I’m Rich!” Robin Hood: “HALT!”
  16. What did Robin Hood say to his girlfriend?… Sherwood like to be your valentine.
  17.  A group of women made a religion about Robin Hood… They were called Menintights.
  18. I went to a costume party last night and a guy dressed as Robin Hood said to me “Tally-Ho!” I looked around and said “Seven, but I think most are just costumes.” 
  19. I had an injection to prevent me from becoming Robin Hood… Yeah, it was the MenInTightus shot. (Doctor Jokes