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Google Search “Pretzel Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best pretzel jokes.
  2. If you eat too many salted pretzels on Halloween, what happens the next day?… November thirst. (Funny Halloween Jokes & November Jokes)
  3. What’s a pretzel’s favorite dance?… The twist. (Dance Jokes)
  4. What is a pretzel’s favorite type of joke?… Twisted ones.
  5. What do you call a store that only sells pretzels, bagels and donuts?… Hole Foods. (Donut Jokes & Bagel Jokes)
  6. Two pretzels were walking down the street, and one was a salted. (Police Jokes)
  7. How do pretzels greet each other?… Gluten tag.
  8. A bunch of rioters looted my pretzel shop. Unfortunately… they got all my dough. (Police Jokes)
  9. What happens when two pretzels get married?… They tie the knot.
  10. Do you know why they call it a pretzel?… Because it’s knot bread. (Bread Jokes)
  11. Two pretzels walked through a sketchy alleyway… One was a salted. The other was knot. (Police Jokes)
  12. What did the croissant say to the pretzel?… You’re such a weird-dough.
  13. Why did the police suspect the pretzel of the crime?… Because he was twisted. (Police Jokes)
  14. Where do pretzels go on vacation?… Pretzilvania. (Pennsylvania Jokes)
  15. April 26th: Did you hear it’s ‘National Pretzel Day’ in America today?… Just making sure everyone knows it’s knot bread. (Bread Jokes)
  16. I got this joke about pretzels… But it’s pretty twisted.
  17. Why did the pretzel file a police report?… He was a-salted.
  18. What did the detective say when he tripped over a pretzel left by the perp?… Well, that was an unexpected twist! (Police Jokes)
  19. Most pretzels are dough knots.
  20. A friend of mine is selling pretzels made from venison if anyone is interested. Don’t worry about the price… It’s knot deer.
  21. I call my boss a pretzel because he’s always bent out of shape.
  22. What’s a wrestlers least favorite snack?… A pretzel. (Wrestling Jokes)
  23. What did the chocolate covered pretzel say to the regular pretzel?… Don’t be salty. (Chocolate Jokes)
  24. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about pretzels?
  25. Some pretzels are totally weird… They are knot for eating.
  26. You don’t like my Pretzel jokes?… I am in-salted.
  27. Did you know that pretzels are knot bread? (Bread Jokes)
  28. What happens when you get into a fight with a pretzel?… You get tangled up.
  29. What do you call the Shakespeare play about the pretzel who wanted to be king of Scotland?… Snackbeth.
  30. The most corrupt CEOs are those of the pretzel companies… They are always so twisted.
  31. Detective movies often feature pretzels in them… They both have a lot of twists.
  32. What secret society loves to eat pretzels?… The Illumi-Knotty.
  33. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good pretzel knock-knock joke?
  34. A sandwich walks into a bar and orders some pretzels. The bartender says, “Sorry we don’t serve food here.”
  35. What did the pretzel say when it was pulled out of the oven?… Gluten-tag!
  36. My friend dumped a whole bag of pretzels on me…I was so salty.
  37. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good pretzel knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  38. I was making hot pretzels and went to talk to my dad…Timer went off and I said I had to go knead my dough. Dad replies, “Your dough needs you.”
  39. I never could figure out how they make the glaze on pretzels… Turns out, there’s a very basic solution for that problem.
  40. I have a bag of circular pretzels. They’re not knots… They’re noughts.
  41. I call my my girlfriend a pretzel because she’s always bent out of shape.
  42. Why do pretzels love mystery movies?… They have lots of twists in them.
  43. What did the toast say to the psychic?… You bread my mind!
  44. Why was the pretzel taken to the hospital?… He was as-salted.
  45. What do you get when you cross brussels sprouts with a popular snack?… Pretzel Sprouts.
  46. What does bread say to a pretzel after doing them a favor?… It’s the yeast I could do.
  47. What did the bag of flour say to the loaf of pretzel?… I saw you yeas-terday.
  48. Why doesn’t pretzel like warm weather?… Things get Toasty!
  49. Why are pretzel jokes always funny?… Because they never get mold!
  50. What do pretzel say to the bread during hide-and-seek?… Bready or not, here I crumb!
  51. Why doesn’t anyone want to work in a pretzel factory?… It’s a crumby place to work.
  52. Why was the baker arrested?… He was caught bread-handed.
  53. I call my my wife a pretzel because she’s always bent out of shape.
  54. I call my my boyfriend a pretzel because she’s always bent out of shape.
  55. I call my my husband a pretzel because she’s always bent out of shape.
  56. Pretzel Puns
  57. “Kids dumped a whole bag of pretzels on me…I was so salty.”
  58. “Two pretzels were walking in a bad neighborhood…One was a-salted.”
  59. “A bunch of rioters looted my pretzel shop. Unfortunately, they got all my dough.”
  60. “A sandwich walks into a bar and orders some pretzels. The bartender says, ‘Sorry, we don’t serve food here.’”
  61. “Most pretzels are dough knots.”
  62. “Did you know that pretzels are knot bread?”
  63. “Some pretzels are totally weird. They’re knot for eating.”
  64. “You don’t like my pretzel jokes? I am in-salted.”
  65. “I call my boss a Pretzel because he’s always bent out of shape.”
  66. “Detective movies often feature pretzels in them. They have a lot of twists.”
  67. “I was making hot pretzels and went to talk to my dad. Timer went off, and I said I had to knead my dough. Dad replies, ‘Your dough kneads you.’”
  68. “Joe walked by a bowl of pretzels in a lobby and got confused when the pretzels said, ‘You are very good at reading’ and ‘You look Nice.’ Joe looked confused. The nearby receptionist said, ‘The pretzels are complimentary.’”
  69. “Do you guys like dark humor? ‘Cause I got this joke about pretzels… But it’s pretty twisted.”
  70. “Pretzels love mystery movies because they have twists.”
  71. Why aren’t pretzels called pretzels? Because they’re knot-bread.
  72. What did the yeast say to the baker’s flour?… I loaf you dough much.
  73. Why did the baker lose his job?… He kept pinching the salt.
  74. Why doesn’t anyone want to work in a bakery?… It’s a crumby place to work.