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Google Search “Jokes for the First Day of School” (Jokes for the Last Day of School)

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We promise to find the best jokes for the first day of school! (Knock Knock Jokes)
  2. The first day of school is exciting, but so is riding a roller coaster, and I wouldn’t want to do that for nine months in a row either. (Summer Jokes for Kids)
  3. It was the first day of school. As the principal made his rounds, he heard a terrible commotion coming from one of the classrooms. He rushed in and spotted one boy, taller than the others, who seemed to be making the most noise. He seized the lad, dragged him into the hall, and told him to wait there until he was excused. Returning to the classroom, the principal restored order and lectured the class for half an hour about the importance of good behavior. “Now,” he said, “are there any questions?” One girl stood up timidly. “Please, sir,” she asked, “may we have our teacher back?” (Principal Jokes)
  4. What did the math teacher have for dessert in the 1st day of school?… Pi. (Pi Day Jokes / (Math Jokes for Teachers /  Math Jokes for Kids)
  5. Teacher: I’ll be teaching you English this year and there are two words that I will not permit on any of your writing assignments. One is “cool” and the other is “lousy.” Student: Okay, what are the words? (Grammar Jokes)
  6. Teacher: Everybody hand in your homework, please. Students: Teacher, it’s the first day of school. We didn’t have any homework. Teacher: That’s right, and that’s the last excuse for not doing your homework that I’ll accept for the rest of the year. (Teacher Jokes & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  7. Show me a kid who likes the first day at school and I’ll show you a kid who likes to get his lip caught under a manhole cover.
  8. Some kids enjoy buying school supplies. To me… it’s like buying your own dental instruments. (Dentist Jokes)
  9. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah who?… Noah more summer vacation – it’s time for school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  10. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah who?… Noah good joke for the first day of school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  11. Knock Knock… Who’s there!… B-4!… B-4 who?… B-4 you go to your first day of school, give you mama a kiss. (Mom Jokes)
  12. How did the music teacher get locked in the classroom on the first day of school?… His keys were inside the piano! (Music Jokes)
  13. Knock Knock…Who is there?… B-4!… B-4 who?… B-4 you go to school, do your summer reading! (Teacher Jokes)
  14. Why did the Cyclops teacher have such an easy first day of school?… He only had one pupil. (Biology Jokes)
  15. Knock Knock!… Who’s there!… B-2!… B-2 who?… B-2 school on time! It is the first day of school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  16. Knock, Knock!… Who’s there?… Jess!… Jess Who?… Jess (just) wait till I tell you about my first day back to school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  17. Son: I think we need a new teacher. Mom: Why is that? Son: Our teacher doesn’t know anything, she keeps asking us for the answers.
  18. Why did the nose not want to go to school on the first day?… He was afraid of getting picked on! (Biology Jokes)
  19. Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet on the first day of school?… Because they keep getting lost at C. (Top 10 Pirate Jokes)
  20. What is the difference between a school bus driver and a cold?… One knows the roads and one stops the nose!
  21. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Dewey…. Dewey who?… Dewey have to go to school today? (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  22. What is a math teacher’s favorite season?…  Sum-mer.  (Math Jokes for Kids & Summer Jokes)
  23. I show up at the beginning of each school year with a full pencil box and an empty head.
  24. How did you find school today?… I simply hopped off the bus – and there it was.
  25. Why did the math book look so sad on the first day of school?…  Because it had so many problems. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  26. The first day of school wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t followed by the second day of school, and the third day of school, and then the fourth day of school…. (Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  27. Knock Knock… Who’s there!… B-4 ! B-4 who?… B-4 you go to bed, do your homework! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  28. Son: I won a prize in kindergarten today. The teacher asked me how many legs a hippopotamus had. I said three. Father: Three? How on earth did you win the prize? Son: I came the closest. (Elementary School Jokes)
  29. Son: My teacher says I have to write more clearly. Mom: That’s a good idea, Son. Son: No, it’s not. Then she’ll know I can’t spell. (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  30. Why didn’t the sun go to high school on ther first day of school?… Because it already had a million degrees! (College Jokes & High School Jokes)
  31. Teachers always seem happy on the first day of school. That’s because they’re getting paid to be there. We kids have to do it for free. (Teacher Jokes)
  32. Who was in charge of the school during summer vacation?… The rulers.
  33. What did the pen say to the pencil on the first day of school?… So, what’s your point! (Pencil Jokes)
  34. Where does the ice cream man go on the first day of school?… Sundae school. (Surfing Jokes)
  35. What flies around an elementary school on the first day of school?… The alpha-bat. (Elementary School Jokes & Bat Jokes)
  36. Why did the kid cross the playground on the first day of school?… To get to the other slide.
  37. What school requires you to drop out in order to graduate?… Sky diving school. (Graduation Jokes)
  38. Where does the ice cream man go on the first day of school?… Sundae school. (Ice Cream Jokes)
  39. Why did the M&M go to school?… Because he really wanted to be a Smartie! (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  40. Why did the echo get detention on the first day of school?… It kept answering back. (Principal Jokes)
  41. What did the calculator say to the girl on the first day of school?… Pick me and I’ll solve all your problems! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  42. Teacher: I’m your teacher this year. My name is Mr. Wilson. Can you all remember that? Student: If we can’t, we’re going to have one hard time with the 9 times tables. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  43. Why did the teacher write the class rules on the windows?… She wanted it to be very clear for her students.
  44. Friend: My teacher this year is Mrs. Wright. They say she rules the first grade with an iron fist. Other Friend: I believe it. That’s the way she plays the piano at school assemblies.
  45. Why did the kindergartener bring a spoon to his first day of school?…  He thought it was sundae school. (Kindergarten Jokes & Ice Cream Jokes)
  46. Son: Today my teacher yelled at me for something I didn’t do. Mom: What was that? Son: My homework! (Teacher Jokes) 
  47. What do you get when you cross a math teacher with a tree?… Arithma-sticks. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  48. Mother: “What did you learn today?” Son: “Not enough. They said I have to go back tomorrow.” (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  49. Mother: I want to help you pick out your new school outfits because I want you to buy clothes that last. Son: Mom, the clothes you pick out will last forever because I’m never going to wear them.
  50. My grandparents buy me so many school supplies for the first day of school that I have to take the first two weeks off just to sharpen pencils. (Pencil Jokes & Grandparent Jokes)
  51. Mother: What was the first thing you learned in class today, son?… Son: How to talk without moving lips, mom. (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  52. Teacher: I see you missed the first day of school. Student: Yes, but I didn’t miss it much.
  53. Teacher: What’s big and yellow and comes in the morning to brighten a mother’s day? Student: The school bus! (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  54. Son: Today my teacher yelled at me for something I didn’t do. Mom: What was that? Son: My homework!
  55. What did the student say to the teacher after he missed the first day of school?… No, ma’am. I didn’t miss it at all.
  56. Son: I’m not going back to school ever again! Mother: Why not? Son: The teacher doesn’t know a thing, all she does is ask questions!
  57. Friend: Our teacher is going to be tough this year. We’ve been instructed to say “Yes, Sir” and “No, Sir.” Other Friend: That’s not unusual. Friend: It is when your teacher’s a woman.
  58. Mother: What did you learn in school today? Son: How to write. Mother: What did you write? Son: I don’t know. They haven’t taught us how to read yet!
  59. Teacher: What would happen if you took the school bus home? Student: The police would make you bring it back! (Police Jokes for Kids)
  60. Teacher: How old were you on your last birthday? Student: Seven. Teacher: How old will you be on your next birthday? Student: Nine. Teacher: That’s impossible! STUDENT: No, it isn’t, teacher. I’m eight today. (Birthday Jokes)
  61. Mother: What did you learn during your 1st day of school today? Son: Not enough; I have to go back tomorrow!
  62. Teacher: Name six wild animals. Student: Two lions and four tigers.
  63. What happened when the wheel was invented?… It caused a revolution!
  64. Teacher: What time do you get up in the morning? Student: About an hour and a half after I arrived at school.
  65. Teacher: How can you make so many mistakes in just one day? Student: I get up early.
  66. Mother: How was your first day at school? Son: It was all right except for some man called “Teacher” who kept spoiling all our fun!
  67. Son: I’m not going back to school tomorrow! Father: Why not? Son: Well I’ve been there a whole day, I can’t read, I can’t write and they won’t let me talk, so what’s the use?
  68. One of my classmates gets carried away. He shows up for the first day of school each year with a smiling face and three pack mules of school supplies.
  69. Mother: Now these new clothes are expensive. I don’t want you coming home from school that first week with a hole in the knee. Son: Okay, Mom, where would you like the hole?
  70. I don’t know how my Mom does it, but she even buys shoelaces that are out of style.
  71. Friend: My teacher this year is Mrs. Wright. They say she rules the first grade with an iron fist. Other Friend: I believe it. That’s the way she plays the piano at school assemblies.
  72. Mother: What’s wrong with the new clothes I bought you? They’re indestructible. Son: So is a Sherman tank, Mom, but I wouldn’t wear it to school.
  73. Moms like to buy “sensible” clothing. That’s the kind that they only sell in the “Junior Nerd” department.
  74. I buy pencils with an eraser at both ends. That’s so I can make sure I don’t make the same mistake twice. (Pencil Jokes)
  75. Mother: Now those are the kinds of clothes I wish I could have worn when I was in school. Daughter: They were probably in style back then.
  76. Which class was the caterpillar excited about on his first day in school?…Mothematics. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  77. What room can a student never enter?… A Mushroom.
  78. Mother: What’s wrong with the new clothes I bought you? They’re indestructible. Son: So is a Sherman tank, Mom, but I wouldn’t wear it to school.
  79. On the first day of school, what did the teacher say her three favorite words were?… June, July & August. (Summer Jokes & Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  80. Student: Teacher, I don’t have a pencil. Teacher: I want you to write 100 times, “I will come to school prepared.” Student: With what?
  81. Moms like to buy “sensible” clothing. That’s the kind that they only sell in the “Junior Nerd” department.
  82. I buy pencils with an eraser at both ends. That’s so I can make sure I don’t make the same mistake twice. (Pencil Jokes)
  83. Mother: Now those are the kinds of clothes I wish I could have worn when I was in school. Daughter: They were probably in style back then.
  84. Mother: There now, young man, I think that outfit is absolutely perfect. Son: Mom, it’s the first day of school; not a Pee Wee Herman look alike contest.
  85. Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with “t”. Student: Today and Tomorrow. (Teacher Jokes)
  86. There’s one good thing about the first day of school. When it’s over; you’re one day closer to the last day of school.
  87. Teacher: I’ll be your teacher this year. Does anybody here know my name? Student: How do you like that? It’s only the first day of school and already we’re having a quiz.
  88. What do they do on the first day of sheep school?…  Have a baa-baa-cue. (Sheep Jokes)
  89. What tool did the boy bring to his first math class?…  Multi-plyers. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  90. Which grade school children have the greenest thumbs?… The kindergardeners. (Kindergarten Jokes)
  91. Why did the boy go to school with his pants tucked into his socks?… To protect himself from mathema-ticks. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  92. Why did the warlock way he had so much trouble with math?…  He never knew WITCH equation to use. (Witch Jokes)
  93. Son: I think we need a new teacher. Mom: Why is that? Son: Our teacher doesn’t know anything, she keeps asking us for the answers. (Kindergarten Jokes)
  94. What do elves learn on the first day of school?… The elf-abet! (Christmas Jokes / Elf Jokes Christmas Trivia Answers)
  95. Mother: How do you like your new teacher? Son: I don’t. She told me to sit up front for the present and then she didn’t give me one! (Mother’s Day Jokes & Mom Jokes)
  96. Student: “Teacher, may I leave the room?” Teacher: “Well, you certainly can’t take it with you.”
  97. Teacher: Where are the Great Plains located? Students: At the great airports! (Geography Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
  98. Student: The first day of school is always special to me. It’s the only day of the year when I’m not behind in my homework. (Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  99. What is the first thing a little gorilla learns in school?… The Ape B C’s. (Elementary School Jokes)
  100. Why did the girl wear glasses during math class?… To improve her di-vison. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  101. A student came into his kindergarten class on ther first day of schoo with a squirming worm. “What are you doing with that disgusting worm?” asked his teacher.“We were playing outside and I thought I’d show him my kindergarten.” the student replied. (Elementary School Jokes)
  102. How can you make the first day of school fly by?… Throw a clock! (Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  103. Who is everyone’s best friend on the first day of school?… Their princi-PAL. (Principal Jokes)
  104. What is white when it’s dirty and black when its clean?… A blackboard (Teacher Jokes) 
  105. Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses on the first day of school?… She had bright students! (Summer Jokes)
  106. What has given Mr. Bubbles nightmares since elementary school?… Pop quizzes! (Elementary School Jokes)
  107. Teacher: Why are you late for class on the first day of school?… Student: Because of the sign on the road? Teacher: What sign? Student: School Ahead. Go slow! (Teacher Jokes)
  108. I love school supplies. If only there were some other place we could use them besides school.
  109. Have you heard about the teacher who was cross-eyed?… She couldn’t control her pupils! (Biology Jokes)
  110. Where did King Arthur report on the first day of school?… Knight school. (Knight Jokes)
  111. Why was the obtuse angle so upset on the first day of school?…  Because it was never right. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  112. What school supply is always tired?… A knapsack! (Napping Jokes for Kids)
  113. I ordered cake for my son on the 1st day of school…. The baker asked me what I wanted it to say. Wow, talking cakes, who knew? (Cake Jokes)
  114. Son to mother after 1st day of school. “Nothing exciting happened except the teacher didn’t know how to spell cat, so I told her.” (Cat Jokes & Grammar Jokes)
  115. Mother: How did you find school on the 1st day today? Daughter: I just got off the bus and there it was! (Mother’s Day Jokes)
  116. What makes a Cyclops such an effective teacher?… He has only one pupil. (Biology Jokes)
  117. What treat do math teachers in Maine bring to the first day of class?…  Whoopie Pi’s. (Pi Day Jokes & Maine Jokes)
  118. Student: Teacher, I don’t have a pencil. Teacher: How can you come to school on ther first day without a pencil? Student: I took the bus. (Pencil Jokes)
  119. What food do math teachers eat on the first day of school?… Square meals! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  120. What does your school computer do for lunch on the first day of school?… Has a byte! (Computer Jokes)
  121. Knock! Knock!… Who is there?… Teddy!… Teddy who?… Teddy (today) is the first day of school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  122. What vegetables do librarians like on the first dya of school?… Quiet peas. (Library Jokes & Farming Jokes)
  123. A book never written: “When Does School Start?” by Wendy Belrings. (Book Jokes)
  124. Why would a music teacher might need a ladder on the first day of school?… The reach the high notes. (Music Jokes)
  125. What kind of school do you go to if you’re a surfer?… Boarding school. 
  126. What did the lobster do when the first day of school ended?…  It shellabrated. (Lobster Jokes)
  127. Why didn’t the fish go on vacation?… Because he was always in school. (Fishing Jokes)
  128. How does a middle school science teacher freshen her breath on the first day of school?… With experi-mints! (Middle School Jokes & Science Jokes)
  129. What did the buffalo dad say at drop off on the 1st day of school?… Bison.
  130. What did the paper say to the pencil on the first day of school?… Write on! (Pencil Jokes for Kids)
  131. Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. ‘Wake up, son. It’s time to go to school’ ‘But why, Mom? I don’t want to go.’ ‘Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go.’ ‘Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!’ ‘Oh, that’s no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready.’ ‘Give me two reasons why I should go to school.’ ‘Well, for one, you’re 52 years old. And for another, you’re the Head teacher!’ (Teacher Jokes & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  132. What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school?… Looking sharp! (Pencil Jokes for Kids)
  133. Teacher: Name one important thing we have today that we didn’t have ten years ago. Student: Me! (Elementary School Jokes)
  134. How do bees get to school on the first day of school ?… By school buzz! (Bee Jokes)
  135. Where do giants go on the first day of school?… High school. (High School Jokes)
  136. Why do trees hate going back to school in the fall?… Because they’re easily stumped! (Fall Jokes & Back to School Jokes)
  137. What’s the difference between a teacher and a train?… A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!” (Teacher Jokes & Train Jokes)
  138. Knock, knock!… Who’s there?… Pencil… Pencil who?… Never mind, this is pointless. (Pencil Jokes for Kids)
  139. Where do math teachers like to go on summer vacation?… Times Square! (New York Jokes & Math Jokes)
  140. Why is Alabama the smartest state?… Because it has 4 A’s and 1 B! (Back to School Jokes Top 50 State Jokes)
  141. What does a school book do on the first day of school ?… Puts on a jacket. (Book Jokes & Winter Jokes / Spring Jokes / Fall Jokes)
  142. Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school on the first day of school?… Because they’re all in High School. (Elementary School Jokes / Giraffe Jokes / High School Jokes)
  143. What’s the king of all school supplies on the first day of school?… The ruler. (180 School Jokes)
  144. What should you grow in a school garden?… Human beans! (Flower Jokes)
  145. If the #2 pencil is the most popular in schools, why isn’t it #1? (Pencil Jokes for Kids)
  146. Student: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn’t do? Teacher: Of course not. Student: Good, because I didn’t do my homework. (180 School Jokes)
  147. With tears in his eyes, the little boy told his kindergarten teacher that only one pair of boots was left in the classroom and they weren’t his. The teacher searched and searched, but she couldn’t find any other boots. “Are you sure these boots aren’t yours?” she asked. “I’m sure,” the little boy sobbed. “Mine had snow on them.” (Elementary School Jokes & Snow Jokes)
  148. A book never written: “The Best Subject in School” by Jim Class. (Book Jokes)
  149. WATSON: What school did you go to, Holmes? SHERLOCK: Elementary, my dear Watson! (Elementary School Jokes)
  150. Why did the teacher dive into the ocean, lake, river, or pool?… She wanted to test the water! (Swimming Jokes / Teacher Jokes / 180 School Jokes / Ocean Jokes)
  151. Why isn’t there a clock in the library?… Because it tocks too much. (Library Jokes)
  152. What is the smartest insect?… A spelling bee. (Bee Jokes)
  153. Why was the geometry book so adorable?…  Because it had acute angles.  (Math Jokes for Kids)
  154. What is the school’s tallest room?… The library because it has the most stories. (Library Jokes)
  155. Teacher: Can anyone give me a sentence with a direct object? Student: You are pretty. Teacher: What’s the direct object? Student: A good report card. (Teacher Jokes)
  156. Why do magicians do so well in school?… They’re good at trick questions. (Magic Jokes)
  157. What do little astronauts get when they do their homework?… Gold stars. (Astronomy Jokes)
  158. What do you get when you add 4 apples and 2 apples?…  A 2nd grade math problem. (Math Jokes for Kids & Elementary School Jokes)
  159. What kind of tree does a math teacher climb?… Geometry. (Geometry Jokes / Tree Jokes / Arbor Day Jokes)
  160. Why is 6 afraid of 7?… Because 7 8 (ate) 9! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  161. Why did the little vampires stay up all night?… They were studying for a blood test. (Halloween Jokes & Vampire Jokes)
  162. How do you get straight A’s?… By using a ruler!
  163. Teacher: Do you know “London Bridge Is Falling Down?” Student: No, but I hope no one gets hurt.
  164. What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?… Bookworms. (Fishing Jokes & Library Jokes)
  165. Principal: I’ve had to send you to the principal every day this week. What do you have to say for yourself? Student: I’m glad it’s Friday! (Principal Jokes for Kids)
  166. Why was school easier for cave people?… Because there was no history to study! (US History Jokes)
  167. Son: Hey, Mom, I got a hundred in school today! Mom: That’s great. What in? Son: A 40 in Reading and a 60 in Spelling(Mother’s Day Jokes & Math Jokes for Kids)
  168. Mother: Does your teacher like you? Son: Like me, she loves me. Look at all those X’s on my test paper
  169. Why did the broom get a poor grade in class?… Because it was always sweeping during class! (Napping Jokes for Kids)
  170. What U.S. state has the most math teachers?… Mathachussets. (Massachusetts Jokes)
  171. Why did the clock in the cafeteria run slow?… It always went back four seconds. (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  172. Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water? Student: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O. Teacher: What are you talking about? Student: Yesterday you said it was H to O. (Chemistry Jokes & Mole Day Jokes)
  173. “We have too many quizzes in school!” The student said testily.
  174. Teacher: Goodness, haven’t you finished washing that blackboard yet? You’ve been at it for an hour. Student: I know, but the more I wash it, the blacker it gets.
  175. Why did the girl do her homework on an airplane?… To achieve a higher education. (Plane Jokes)
  176. Math Teacher: If you had 13 apples, 12 grapes, 3 pineapples and 3 strawberries, what would you have? Student: A delicious fruit salad. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  177. Teacher: Can you tell us where the Declaration of Independence was signed? Student: Yes, ma’am. At the bottom. (American Revolution Jokes)
  178. What did the spider make online?… A website! (Spider Jokes)
  179. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?… Finding half a worm. (Apple Jokes & Worm Jokes)
  180. Teacher: If this class doesn’t stop making so much noise I’ll go crazy? Class: Too late, we haven’t made a sound for an hour! (Psychology Jokes)
  181. Math teacher: A man from Los Angeles drove toward New York at 250 miles per hour and a man from New York drove toward Los Angeles at 150 m.p.h. Where did they meet? Student: In jail! (Police Jokes for Kids)
  182. Why is glue bad at math?…  It always gets stuck on the problems. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  183. Knock, knock…. Who’s there?… Gladys… Gladys, who?… Gladys the weekend—no homework! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  184. Teacher: Why can’t you work in an orange juice factory? Student: I don’t know. Why? Teacher: Because you can’t concentrate! (Labor Day Jokes & Orange Juice Jokes)
  185. Teacher: Where is your homework? Student: I ate it. Teacher: Why?! Student: You said it was piece of cake! (Cake Jokes)
  186. What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?… Stop going in circles and get to the point! (Pencil Jokes)
  187. What did the girl say to her math book?…  Some day, you’re going to have to solve your own problems. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  188. Why did the kid study in the airplane?… Because he wanted a higher education! (Pilot Jokes & Travel Guest Blogs)
  189. What did the algebra book say to the science book?…  Boy, do I have problems! (Math Jokes for Kids & Science Jokes)
  190. What did the math book say to the history book?…  You know you can count on me. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  191. A book never written: “High School Math” by Cal Q. Luss. (Calculus Jokes & High School Jokes)
  192. Teacher: You’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet! Student: But these are the only feet I’ve got! (Biology Jokes)
  193. Why do middle school math books always look so sad?… They are full of problems. (Middle School Jokes)
  194. Teacher: Name four members of the cat family. Student: Mother, father, sister and brother. (Cat Jokes)
  195. Why did you eat your homework?… Because I don’t have a dog. (Dog Jokes)
  196. Teacher: Why is your homework in your father’s handwriting? Student: I used his pen! (Dad Jokes & Father’s Day Jokes)
  197. Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention? Student: I’m paying as little attention as I can.
  198. What do you get when you cross a teacher with a calculator?…  Someone you can always count on. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  199. Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning. Class: Hooray! Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  200. Why wouldn’t the teacher allow her students to say 288 in class?…  Because it’s two gross. (Hint: 144 is called a gross) (Math Jokes for Kids)
  201. Why didn’t the boy want to go to public school?…  He wanted to go to Sundae school instead – because of all the ice cream! (Ice Cream Jokes)
  202. Why was the school cafeteria clock behind on the first day of school?…  It went back four seconds. (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  203. Why was the snake upset when math class ended?…  He was an Adder!
  204. Mom: What did you do at school today? Son: We did a guessing game. Mom: But I thought you were having a math exam. Son: That’s right! (Mother’s Day Jokes
  205. What are you going to be when you get out of school?… An old man!
  206. Where do monsters study?… In ghoul school. (Halloween Jokes for Kids)
  207. Who sits in front of the class in ghoul school?… The creature teacher. (Halloween Jokes for Kids)
  208. C.L.A.S.S. = Come Late And Start Sleeping
  209. Mother: There now, young man, I think that outfit is absolutely perfect. Son: Mom, it’s the first day of school; not a Pee Wee Herman look alike contest.
  210. What’s yellow, has wheels and lies on its back?… A dead school bus!
  211. What’s the worst thing you’re likely to find in the school cafeteria?… The Food!
  212. What object is king of the classroom?… The ruler! (Teacher Jokes)