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Google Search “Top X Accounts for Halloween”

  1. Alice Cooper @alicecooper (941.6.1K followers) Detroit, MI
  2. Jamie Lee Curtis @jamieleecurtis (756.5K followers)
  3. HalloweenMovies™ @Halloweenmovies (514K followers)
  4. John Carpenter @TheHorrorMaster (446.5K followers) Los Angeles, CA
  5. Friday The 13th Game @Friday13thGame (232.7K followers) Crystal Lake
  6. Robert B. Englund @RobertBEnglund (240.2.8K followers) Laguna Beach, CA, USA
  7. Spirit Halloween @SpiritHalloween (152.5.6K followers)
  8. #HalloweenKills @halloweenmovie (118.6K followers)
  9. 31 Nights @31NightsWatch (72.9K followers)
  10. Jason L. Voorhees @JasonLVoorhees (61.3K followers) Crystal Lake, USA
  11. Friday The 13th: The Franchise @F13thFranchise (62.6K followers) Crystal Lake
  12. Freddy Kruege@ElmStreetWired (47.1K followers) 1428 Elm Street
  13. Halloween @OctobersLeavess (41.8K followers)
  14. The Halloween Haunt podcast @HalloweenHaunt (8.8K followers) In the Halloween Haunt
  15. Derek Mears @DerekMears (30.4K followers) Los Angeles
  16. Ghoulia Childs @GhouliaChilds (26.3K followers) Los Angeles
  17. WesKeltner @weskeltner (32.3K followers) Kentucky
  18. Halloween Countdown @HalloweenCount (18.8K followers)
  19. Halloween Love @halloween (14.6K followers)
  20. @mytowntutors (6.4K followers) TOP HALLOWEEN JOKES!
  21. SpookyWorld @SpookyWorld (3K followers) 454 Charles Bancroft Hwy
  22. NightmaresFear @NightmaresFear (2.9K followers) Niagara Falls, Canada
  23. @mytowntutors (6.4K followers) TOP HALLOWEEN JOKES!
  24. @schooljokesk_12 (3.1K Followers)
  25. Salem Witch Museum @salemwitchmuse (2.4K followers) Salem, MA
  26. Eva Halloween @evahalloween (1.1K followers)
  27. Halloween Queen @Halloween4All (1.4K followers)