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October Guest Blogs / Top Guest Blogs / October Jokes / Top October Pages

January Jokes (2020)

January 1st: Top 10 New Year’s Day Jokes:What comes at the start of January?… “J.” (New Year’s Day Jokes & Grammar Jokes)

January 4th: National Spaghetti Day Jokes Top 10 Spaghetti Jokes What do you call something that tastes like pasta, looks like pasta but isn’t pasta?… An impasta! (Pasta Jokes)

January 5th: National Bird Day Top 10 Bird Jokes: What’s a good winter tip?… Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter. (Winter Jokes for Kids & Bird Jokes)

January 11th National Milk Day: Top 10 Milk JokesWhat do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk?… A MILK DUD! (Candy Jokes & Cow Jokes)

January 15th National Hat Day: Top 10 Hat Jokes: Why are hat jokes the hardest to understand?… Because they always go right over your head!

January 18th Winnie the Pooh Day: Top 10 Winnie the Pooh Jokes: What’s Winnie’s favorite bird?… Christopher Robin. (Bird Jokes)

January 19th: National Popcorn Day Jokes: Top 10 Popcorn Jokes: Why aren’t there many jokes about popcorn?… Because they are corny. (Corn Jokes)

January 20th Inauguration Day: Top 10 Inauguration Jokes What’s Joe doing until January 20th?… BIDEN his time. (Inauguration Jokes)

January 20th National Penguin Day: Why don’t you see any penguins in Britain?… Because they’re afraid of Wales! (World Geography Jokes)

January 23rd National Pie DayTop 10 Pie Jokes How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?… 3.14159265. (Pi Day Jokes)

January 24th: National Peanut Butter Day JokesTop 10 Peanut Butter Jokes

October Jokes

Fall Jokes for Kids:Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?… To make up for his miserable summer. (Summer Jokes for Kids)

October 4th: National Taco DayTaco JokesWhat do you call cheese that is not yours?… NA Cho cheese (180 School Jokes)

October 4th: World Smile Day: Taco JokesWhat do you call cheese that is not yours?… NA Cho cheese (180 School Jokes)

October 5th: World Teachers Day Jokes: Why did the teacher jump into the water?… She wanted to test the water! (Swimming Jokes for Kids)

October 8th: World Octopus Day Jokes: What do you call 2 octopuses that look exactly the same? – Itenticle. (Octopus Jokes)

October 9th: Leif Erikson Day Jokes: Which football team does Christopher Columbus like the least?… The Vikings, because they always beat him. (Leif Erikson found America first) (Top 10 Sports Jokes & Columbus Day Jokes)

October 10th: World Mental Health Day Psychology Jokes: What does a depressed tortilla say?… I don’t wanna taco ’bout it. (Taco Jokes& Bullying Prevention Blogs)

October 13th: Full Moon Jokes: Why wasn’t the moon hungry?… Because it was full! (Astronomy Jokes for Kids)

October 14th: Top 10 Columbus Day Jokes & Columbus Day Jokes: Where did Columbus first land in America?… On his feet! (Top Biology Jokes)

October 23rd:#MakeADogsDay / Dog Jokes:What is a fighter’s favorite dog?…  A boxer. (Boxing Jokes for Kids)

October 23rd: Mole Day Jokes: How much does Avogadro exaggerate?… He makes mountains out of mole hills. (Hiking Jokes & Geography Jokes)

October 26th: National Pumpkin Day Jokes:What did a Jack-o-lantern say to the pumpkin?… Cut it out! (Halloween Jokes & Fall Jokes)

October 29th: National Cat Day Jokes: October 29th #NationalCatDay Where did the school kittens go for their field trip?… To the mewseum. (Field Trip Jokes for Kids) (Cat Jokes)

October 31st:Halloween Jokes: The nurse walked into the busy doctor’s office and said, “Doctor, the invisible man is here.” The doctor replied, “Sorry, I can’t see him.” (Biology Jokes for Kids & Nurse Jokes)

November Jokes (2019)

November 3rd National Sandwich Day Jokes: What did the ghost eat for lunch?… A booloney sandwich! (Halloween Jokes & Ghost Jokes)

November 4th National Candy Day Jokes: What kind of bear has no teeth?… A gummy bear! (Hunting Jokes for Kids)

Fall Jokes for Kids: What is the cutest season?… Awwtumn. )

Daylight Savings Jokes

Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

December Jokes

New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song did Avogadro’s family sing on New Year’s Eve?… “Mole Lang Syne.” (Mole Day Jokes & Music Jokes)

August Jokes

September Jokes 2019

September 2nd: Labor Day Jokes: Father: Do you know, most people don’t have to work today, because it’s Labor Day. Son: If people are not working, shouldn’t we call today ‘No-Labor Day?’ (Father’s Day Jokes)

September 5th: National Pizza Day: Want to hear a joke about pizza?… Never mind, it’s too cheesy. (Cheese Jokes & (Pizza Jokes for Kids)

September 8th: Grandparents Day JokesWhat do you call having your grandma on speed dial?… Instagram. (Grandparent Jokes)

Friday the 13th Jokes: Why does Freddy Krueger wear a hat?… He ran out of scare spray. (Barber Jokes)

September 13th: National Peanut Day Jokes: Where do peanut drivers go to fill their tanks?…  The Shell station! (Peanut Butter Jokes)

September 17th: Constitution Day: Constitution Day JokesHow is a healthy person like the United States?… They both have good constitutions

September 18th: National Cheeseburger Day: Cheeseburger Day JokesWhat did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?…. Patty

September 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day: Top Pirate JokesWhat is a pirate’s favorite letter?…. Most people think it’s the ‘R’rrrr, but really it’s the ‘C’ they love. (26 lessons for the Letter of the Week)

September 25th: National Lobster Day: Lobster Jokes: Why did the lobster blush?… It saw the ocean’s bottom. (Ocean Jokes for Kids & Summer Jokes for Kids)

September 29th: International Coffee Day: Coffee JokesWhat’s fat, hairy, and drinks a lot of coffee?… Java the Hut! (Star Wars Jokes#InternationalCoffeeDay

September 17th: Constitution Day Jokes: How is a healthy person like the United States?… They both have good constitutions!

June Jokes / June Hashtags / June Google Analytics

June Jokes & Top Summer Jokes

Sports Jokes:

July 2017
July Jokes & Top Summer Jokes
July 13th: National French Fry Day: What day do potatoes hate the most?… Fry-day!
July 16th: National Ice Cream DayWhat do you get from an Alaskan cow?…  Ice Cream
July 19th: National Hot Dog Day: Did you see the movie about the hot dog?… It was an Oscar Wiener.
July 21st: National Junk Food Day: What do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?…. A Candy Baa (Animal Jokes for Kids)
August 2017
Top Summer Jokes
Summer Olympics: Top 10 Summer Olympics Jokes: Fencing jokes?… What’s the point?
August 24th: National Waffle DayHow is a softball team like a waffle?… They both depend on a good batter!  (Top Softball Jokes)
August 26th: National Dog Dog: Dog Day Jokes

Labor Day: Top Labor Day Jokes
September 2016
September Jokes & Top Fall Jokes

Back to School: Top Back to School Jokes: Teacher: Everybody hand in your homework, please. Students: Teacher, it’s the first day of school. We didn’t have any homework. Teacher: That’s right, and that’s the last excuse for not doing your homework that I’ll accept for the rest of the year.
September 5th: Labor Day: Top Labor Day JokesDid you hear the joke about Labor Day?… It doesn’t work for me!
September 11th: Grandparents Day: Grandparents Day JokesKnock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Grandma. Knock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Grandma… Knock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Grandma. Knock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Aunt. Aunt who?… Aunt you glad Grandma’s gone?
September 17th: Constitution Day: Constitution Day JokesHow is a healthy person like the United States?… They both have good constitutions!
September 18th: National Cheeseburger Day: Cheeseburger Day JokesWhat did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?…. Patty.
September 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day: Top Pirate JokesWhat is a pirate’s favorite letter?…. Most people think it’s the ‘R’rrrr, but really it’s the ‘C’ they love. (26 lessons for the Letter of the Week)
September 29th: International Coffee Day: Top Coffee JokesWhat’s fat, hairy, and drinks a lot of coffee?… Java the Hut! (Top Star Wars Jokes#InternationalCoffeeDay
October 2016

October 7th World Smile DayWorld Smile Day JokesWhen is the best time to go to the dentist? A: At tooth-hurty (2:30). (180 School Jokes & 365 School Jokes)
October 10th: Columbus Day: Columbus Day JokesWhere did Columbus first land in America?… On his feet!
October 12th: National Farmer’s Day: Top Farmer’s JokesWhat is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?… Straw-berries! (Top Fall Jokes)

October 23rd: 101 Mole Day Jokes (Top Science Jokes): What did one mole say to the other?… We make great chemistry together.
October 31st: Top Halloween JokesThe nurse walked into the busy doctor’s office and said, “Doctor, the invisible man is here.” The doctor replied, “Sorry, I can’t see him.”
November 2016
November Jokes

Top 10 Geography Week Jokes
November 8th: Election Day: Presidential Election Jokes (Electoral College: Highest to Lowest / Top Social Studies Jokes / Top 500 U.S. Jokes): What is the most popular college during election season?… The Electoral College.
November 11th: Top Veterans Day JokesWhat was General Washington’s favorite tree?…The infan-tree! (Top 40 4th of July Jokes & Top Arbor Day Jokes)
November 16th: Fast Food Jokes: National Fast Food Day Jokes: Did you hear McDonald killed Burger King in front of Five Guys over that the girl Wendy?… The funeral is at White Castle. I’m taking Dairy Queen.
November 17th: National Take a Hike DayDid hear the mountain joke?… You won’t get over it!
November: Top Thanksgiving Day JokesIf April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring?… Pilgrims (The Mayflower Ship)
December 2016
December Jokes / December Advertising Opportunities
December 8th: National Brownie Day JokesHow is a softball team like a brownie?… They both depend on a good batter! (Top Softball Jokes)
December 15th: Bill of Rights Day Jokes“Where was the Bill of Rights signed?”… “On the bottom!”
December 21st: Winter Solstice
December 21st: National Hamburger Day Did you hear about the hamburger patty who told funny jokes?… He was on a roll!
December 25th: Top Christmas JokesWhat is the difference between the alphabet and the Christmas alphabet?…The Christmas alphabet has no L (noel) (Christmas Trivia / 26 Lessons for the Letter of the Week A- Z / Top Elementary School Jokes)
December 27th: National Fruitcake Day JokesWhat profession truly enjoys fruitcakes?… Psychologists (Top Psychology Jokes)
December 31st: New Year’s Eve Jokes: What song does a vampire sing on New Year’s Eve?… Auld FANG Syne (Top Halloween Jokes & School Jokes for New Year’s Eve)