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Top Pages:
- Top Friday the 13th Twitter Accounts
- Top 50 Friday the 13th Jokes
- Top 10 Friday the 13th Jokes
- Funny Halloween Jokes
- 365 Family Friendly Jokes
- (Friday Jokes)
- (Friday the 13th Jokes)
- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Friday the 13th jokes.
- When Jason Voorhees tells a joke…. it kills! (Cemetery Jokes)
- What do get when you cross Jason Voorhees and a box of cherrios?… A cereal killer. (Cereal Jokes)
- What kind of snack do you have during a scary Friday the 13th movie?…. I scream (ice cream) sandwich. (Ice Cream Sandwich Jokes)
- What’s scarier than Friday the 13th?… these bad jokes.
- There’s a Friday the 13th this December… A nightmare before Christmas some may say. (December Jokes & Christmas Jokes)
- What sort of parties do people generally organize on Friday the 13th?… Search parties. (Police Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who is there?… Bee… Bee who?… Bee-ware! It’s Friday the Thirteenth! (Bee Jokes)
- What’s is NOT Jason Voorhees’ favorite dessert?… I-Scream! (Ice Cream Jokes & Summer Jokes) We were WRONG with this one…. CORRECTED by Jason L. Voorhees @JasonLVoorhees What’s Jason Voorhees’ favorite dessert?… “Actually it’s Twizzlers, you can just stuff ‘em right in my mask holes, but yeah, you weren’t asking.” (Candy Jokes)
- What Great Lake should you avoid on Friday the 13th?… Lake Erie. (Geography Jokes)
- What’s Jason Voorhees favorite bean?… A human bean. (Farming Jokes)
- There’s a new serial killer in town who works at the bakery… They call him Bready Kruger! (Bread Jokes & Labor Day Jokes)
- What should you avoid on Friday the 13th?… Ladders, black cats and ridiculous superstitions. (Cat Jokes)
- What day do eggs hate most?… Fry-day the 13th! (Egg Jokes)
- What do evil spirits sing on Friday the 13th?… “Voorhees a jolly good fellow. Voorhees a jolly good fellow.” (Music Jokes)
- What do Italian’s eat on Friday the 13th?… Fettucinni Afraid-o. (Pasta Jokes)
- Dear Jedi, Today is Friday the 13th, there’s never been a better time to join the Dark Side. (Star Wars Jokes)
- What is a great for dessert for Friday the 13th?… Boo-berry pie and I-scream! (Ghost Jokes)
- Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gusta be careful. It is Friday the 13th. (August Knock Knock Jokes)
- I want to make a Lord of the Rings heavy metal band called Nightmare on Helm’s Deep. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- What’s the safest place to hide on Friday the 13th?… The living room.
- What game is most played on Friday the 13th?… Hide and Ghost Seek. (Ghost Jokes)
- Voorhees a jolly good fellow’ is the most popular song among witches and spirits to sing on Friday the 13th. (Witch Jokes & 365 Music Jokes)
- It’s Friday 13th… Thank my lucky stars that I’m not superstitious! (Friday Jokes)
- I don’t worry about Friday the 13th…. It’s bad luck to be superstitious.
- I’m going to celebrate Friday the 13th the same way I always do… by murdering a bunch of teens by the lake.
- What will you say if Jason Voorhees starts chasing you?… Please, stop Jason me.
- What’s the 1st thing a sorority girl does on Friday The 13th?… Nothing. She’s the first to go. (College Jokes)
- I don’t care it is Friday the 13th… I am just happy it is finally Friday. (Friday Jokes)
- What is Jason Voorhees’ favorite fast food restaurant?… Chi Chi Chi Chick-Fil-A. (Fast Food Jokes)
- I don’t have to be Freddie Krueger… to be the man of your dreams.
- Monday the 13th sounds much worse than Friday the 13th.
- What song does Jason Voorhees sing on Friday the 13th?… “Takin Care of Business!” (Music Jokes)
- Why is Friday the thirteenth one of the worst days to get arrested on?… Because the judge will only be in on Monday.
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Ice cream!… Ice cream who?… Ice-cream, you scream, we all scream because it’s Friday Thirteenth.
- Why don’t Americans worry about Friday the 13th?… After losing their home, job, and 401k nothing scares them anymore! (Retirement Jokes)
- What’s the worst part about waking up to realize it’s Friday the thirteenth?… Realizing that you still have to go to work.
- What’s the worst part about waking up to realize it’s Friday the thirteenth?… Realizing that you still have to go to school.
- What’s the worst part about waking up to realize it’s Friday the thirteenth?… Realizing that you still have to go to teach.
- Why don’t people like going to work on Friday the thirteenth every year?… Because they hate their jobs very much for the rest of the year too.
- Why do people say that Friday the thirteenth is one of the unluckiest day of the year?… Oh, don’t worry about it if you don’t know, you’ll find out.
- What’s the worst thing that can happen on Friday the thirteenth?… Getting married.
- What’s the worst thing that can happen on Friday the thirteenth?… Getting divorced.
- Why did the old man wake up on Friday the 13th and decide that nothing bad could happen to him all day?… Because he had already gotten married.
- What’s the best thing you can do on Friday the thirteenth?… Continue to be depressed about your last divorce.
- Why should you play the lottery on Friday the thirteenth?… Because when you lose this time, you’ll at least expect it.
- What’s the most unlucky thing that you can do on Friday the thirteenth?… Be born into the world.
- Why should you never go out on a date on Friday the thirteenth?… Because everyone knows it’s the one day of the year where you won’t be lucky.
- What usually happens on Friday the thirteenth?… Nothing at all.
- Killers eagerly look forward to which day of the month?… Fri-Die the 13th.
- Which types of people consider Friday the thirteenth as lucky as any other day?… The smart ones.
- How do you know that it’s Friday the 13th?… Everyone will tell you.
- Why do people consider Friday the 13th unlucky?… Because it’s not a Saturday.
- What starts with the letter J and gets called the reason for the season by some people who celebrate this special holiday?… Jason.
- What do you call someone who wakes up on Saturday the fourteenth?… Lucky.
- What’s the most difficult part about the average Friday the thirteenth?… Making sure that you survive it
- According to Freddy Krueger, it’s best to visit a tailor on Friday the 13th, because they are very super-stitchious.
- What kind of shoes does Jason wear?… Crocs.
- Why was the black cat having a concert on Friday the 13th?… Because she was very meow-sical. (Cat Jokes & Music Jokes)
- What do black cats like to have for breakfast on Friday the 13th?… Mice crispies. (Cereal Jokes & Cat Jokes)
- Why does Freddy Krueger wear a hat?… He ran out of scare spray. (Barber Jokes)
- I’m throwing a Friday the 13th hobbit party… It’s just a little get-together. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- Who won the zombie war on Friday the 13th?…Nobody, it was dead even. (Zombie Jokes)
- Why did the skeleton not go and see a scary movie with his friends on Friday the 13th?… He didn’t have the guts. (Movie Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
- It’s Friday the 13th and there’s a serial killer at the circus… He’s so in tents.
- Why can’t you kill humor on Friday the 13th?… Because it’s deadpan.
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Ice cream!… Ice cream who?… Ice-cream, you scream, we all scream because it’s Friday Thirteenth. (Ice Cream Jokes)
- A set of twin witches chasing you on Friday 13th is worse than being chased by Freddy Krueger because you never know witch is which. (Witch Jokes)
- Freddy Krueger got a job offer to clean mirrors… He took it because it’s something he can see himself doing. (Labor Day Jokes)
- What does a ghost keep in its stable on Friday the 13th?…Nightmares. (Horse Racing Jokes & Napping Jokes)
- What did Crystal Lake say to the shore?… Nothing, it waved. (15 Best Lakes in South Carolina)
- What’s more frightening than “Today is Friday the 13th”?… 1st of every month, when rent is due. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
- On Friday the 13th, I dreamt that a horse in armor was chasing me… It was a Knightmare.
- The worst thing about Friday the 13th… Is Monday the 16th.
- What makes Jason Voorhees different from Donald Trump?… Both are frightening individuals, but Jason understands how to hide behind a mask. (Election Jokes & Covid Jokes)
- Happy Friday the 13th everyone… May the odds be ever in your favor.
- Why could the mummy not go out on Friday the 13th?… Because he was all wound up. (Mummy Jokes)
- Why didn’t the skeleton want to go to the Friday the 13th dance?…Because he had no body to go with. (Halloween Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about Friday the 13th? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
- What costumes do ghosts wear for a Friday the 13th dance party?… BOO jeans. (Ghost Jokes)
- What key opens a Haunted House?… A spooKEY! (Halloween Jokes)
- Cracking a serial killer joke on Friday the 13th is ok… As long as they are properly executed.
- Where do ghosts go for rides on Friday the 13th?… They ride in elevators; it raises their spirits! (Ghost Jokes)
- How was the black cat feeling on Friday the 13th?… Purr-fectly happy. (Cat Jokes)
- What did the ghost eat on a special Friday 13th lunch?… He had some spook-eti. (Pasta Jokes & Ghost Jokes)
- Which store you shouldn’t enter on Friday the 13th?… The ghost-ery store.
- Where do ghosts go for a family vacation after working on Friday the 13th?… Boo-dapest, the Boo-hamas, and Mali-boo.
- What pants do ghosts wear to the Friday the 13th dance?…BOO jeans. (Halloween Jokes / Ghost Jokes / Dance Jokes)
- Where can you find witches on Friday the 13th?… The scary-go-round. (Witch Jokes)
- What’s the scariest thing to do on Friday the 13th?… Check your bank account.
- What is a golfer’s worst nightmare?… The “Bogey” man. (Golf Jokes & Funny Halloween Jokes)
- What happens when Black Friday falls on Friday the 13th?… Prices get slashed! (Black Friday Jokes)
- Killers eagerly look forward to which day of the month?… Fri-Die the 13th. (Friday Jokes)
- What did the black cat say to the construction worker on Friday The 13th?… It’s fine if you avoid stepping under that ladder. I plan on crossing your path in a minute. (Cat Jokes)
- Last night I had a nightmare about earthquakes…. I woke up trembling. (Earthquake Jokes & Napping Jokes)
- I want to make a Lord of the Rings themed metal band called Nightmare on Helm’s Deep.
- What is a black cat’s favorite game?… Hide and shriek! (Cat Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good Friday the 13th knock-knock joke?
- Why didn’t the skeleton want to go to the Friday the 13th dance?…Because he had no body to go with. (Halloween Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
- The witches’ black cat fell off the broom while flying on Friday the 13th… it was cat-astrophic. (Cat Jokes)
- The black cat wore her favorite dress for the costume party on Friday 13th… she wore a purrr-ple gown. (Cat Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best basketball jokes for Friday the 13th.
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: Is Jason any good at basketball?… What do you think? He wears a HOCKEY mask! (Friday the 13th Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: When Jason Voorhees best basketball move?…. A killer crossover! (Cemetery Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: What kind of snack do you have during a Friday the 13th basketball game?…. I scream (ice cream) sandwich. (Ice Cream Sandwich Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: There’s an away high school basketball game against the #1 team in the league on Friday the 13th of December… A nightmare before Christmas some may say. (December Jokes & Christmas Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: There’s an away college basketball game against the #1 team in the country on Friday the 13th of December… A nightmare before Christmas some may say. (December Jokes & Christmas Jokes)
- Basketball Jokes for Friday the 13th: What fast food restaurant did the basketball team go to after winning a game on Friday the 13th?… Chi Chi Chi Chick-Fil-A. (Fast Food Jokes)
- At the Friday 13th dance party, the black cat saw her rival fish and said, “I have a bone to pick with you.” (Cat Jokes)
- Why was the black cat feeling grouchy on the 13th of Friday?… She was in a very bad meowd.
- What is the difference between a black cat and a frog?… They say a black cat has nine lives, and the frog croaks every night. (Cat Jokes & Frog Jokes)
- Cracking a serial killer joke on Friday the 13th is ok… As long as they are properly executed.
- Where does Jason Voorhees buy shoes from?… Crocs.
- Which store you shouldn’t enter on Friday the 13th?… The ghost-ery store.
- What desserts do black cats have on Friday the 13th?… Mice-cream.
- What’s The First Thing A Frat Boy Does On Friday The 13th?… Pull the knife out of his back and shoot a beer bong.
- What would make Friday the 13th even scarier?… If it were on a Monday.
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good Friday the 13th knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- What’s the scariest thing to do on Friday the 13th?… Check your bank account.
- What’s the best advice for Friday the 13th? For those who believe Friday the 13th is unlucky, pretend it’s any other day like in the last two years.
- What desserts do black cats have on Friday the 13th?… Mice-cream.
- Why can’t you kill humor on Friday the 13th?… Because it’s deadpan.
- On Friday the 13th, I dreamt that a horse in armor was chasing me… It was a Knightmare.
- The cops arrested a black cat on Friday the 13th… They said she was a purr-patrator. (Cat Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who is there?… Norma Lee… Norma Lee, who?… Normally, I won’t ask this, but witches the way to the haunted cemetery? (Cemetery Jokes)
- When do vampires like horse racing?…When it’s neck and neck! (Horse Racing Jokes & Vampire Jokes)
- While trying a new magic spell, the witch crossed a black cat and an oak tree… The result was a black and white cat-a-log’ue. (Cat Jokes / Witch Jokes / Tree Jokes)
- Who is targeting Anti-Vaxxers on Friday the 13th?… COVID-19.
- What do you do if your house is overrun with ghosts?… Hope that it’s Halloween and not Friday The 13th.
- On Friday the 13th, the black cat did all her laundry and hung them on a fe-line to dry. (Cat Jokes)
- What do you think a ghost keeps in its stable?… Night-mares. (Horse Racing Jokes & Napping Jokes)
- If a monster’s working week begins on a Moan Day, when does it end?… On a Fright day. (Labor Day Jokes)
- When is it considered unlucky to see a black cat?… When you are a mouse. (Cat Jokes)
- Knock knock… Who is there?… Voodoo… Voodoo who?… Voodoo you think you are and why do you ask me so many questions?
- It’s Friday 13th… Thank my lucky stars that I’m not superstitious
- What happens when you propose to someone blind on Friday the 13th?… They tell you that they are seeing someone else.
- “Did you know that Christmas day falls on a Friday this year?” “Oh dear!!” her friend replied, “I hope it’s not the 13th?”
- Wouldn’t it be crazy if Friday the 13th was on Halloween!
- How can you tell difference between people and ghosts on Friday the 13th?… You can see right through the ghosts.
- Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Yule… Yule who?… Yule know when you look out the door.
- To break the stigma surrounding black cats being a bad omen, the cat joined the red cross society and became a first aid kit-ten and started helping mankind. (Cat Jokes)
- What’s Jason Voorhees favorite candy?… “Actually it’s Twizzlers, you can just stuff ‘em right in my mask holes, but yeah, you weren’t asking.”
- What do evil spirits say on Friday the 13th?… Voorhees a jolly good fellow!
- Why was the killer relentlessly killing fat people on Friday the 13th?… He wanted to be a mass murderer.
- What’s way worse than Friday the 13th?… Monday the whatever.
- Killers eagerly look forward to which day of the month?… Fri-Die the 13th.
- Why is Fright Day the 13th is a great day to be cherished?… Because no one was struck by lightning on Thor’s Day the 12th
- Why could the mummy not go out on Friday the 13th?… Because he was all wound up.
- Which store you shouldn’t enter on Friday the 13th?… The ghost-ery store.
- Why was the killer relentlessly killing fat people on Friday the 13th?… He wanted to be a mass murderer.
- Which country does Jason Voorhees love to spend time in?… Chi-chi-chi Na-na-na.
- Did you hear about people being murdered and then having their bodies cooked?… Yes, it was a great heartwarming Friday the 13th story from start to finish.
- Yo momma is so ugly… even Freddy Krueger has nightmares.
- Who is the unluckiest girl on Friday the 13th? Amber… constantly getting kidnapped.
- Which day of the month does everyone in the coven prefer?… Friday the 13th. (Witch Jokes)
- I’m not superstitious on Friday the 13th… Just a little stitious.