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Top Joke Pages:
- Top 10 Jokes
- Farming Jokes
- 180 School Jokes
- Family Joke of the Day
- Sports Jokes for Kids
- Top 10 Corn Jokes (Corn Jokes)
- Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best corn jokes.
- What do popcorn use for money?… Corn “Bread.” (Bread Jokes & Corn Jokes)
- What is corn’s favorite holiday?… New Ears Day!
- How do you know you’re in Iowa?… You’re surrounded by a-maize-ing corn fields!
- What do you call a Nebraskan who hates Democratic Presidents?… A CORNservative. (Presidents Day Jokes & Nebraska Jokes)
- What does a corn stalk and Rabbit have in common?… They both have big ears.
- Is it corny that we want to be ranked #1 for “Corn Jokes” by google?
- What has 100 ears but cannot hear?… a cornfield. (Popsicle Jokes)
- Why was the candy corn booed off the school stage during the Halloween talent show?… All of his jokes were too corny! (Corn Jokes)
- What does a corn stalk and Rabbit have in common?… They both have big ears. (Winnie the Pooh Jokes)
- I complemented some corn the other day… It smiled from ear to ear.
- Corn makes everything better… It’s a-maize-ing like that.
- A corn farmer asked his field “are you listening?” To which the field responded “I’m all ears.”
- What is a farmer’s favorite college football team?… The Nebraska Cornhuskers! (College Football Jokes & Nebraska Jokes)
- I saw a pirate selling corn… Buccaneer. (Pirate Jokes)
- The best student at the Corn College is called the “A”-corn. (College Jokes)
- What is a buccaneer?… Pretty high price to pay for corn. (Pirate Jokes)
- Do you know who is considered the corniest professional baseball player of all time?… Ty Cobb. (Baseball Jokes)
- How much do pirates charge for corn on the cob?… A buck-an-ear. (Pirate Jokes & Corn Jokes)
- I would tell you a joke about Nebraska… But it’s too corny. If you like dry humor though, I have a good one about Arizona! (Arizona Jokes & Nebraska Jokes)
- What do popcorn use for money?… Corn “Bread.” (Popcorn Jokes)
- What political party are most corn farmers and growers?… They are “corn” servative republic-corns. (Election Jokes)
- What’s the best part about living in Indiana?… All the corny jokes. (Indiana Jokes)
- I don’t really like corn jokes… I find them a bit too difficult to digest.
- Why is a southwest grilled cheese sandwich such a terrible joke?… It’s both corny and cheesy. (Popcorn Jokes & Corn Jokes)
- Do you know where they developed a new app for corn farmers and traders?… Sili-corn Valley! (California Jokes)
- What did baby corn say to mama corn?… Where’s popcorn? (Popcorn Jokes for Kids / Father’s Day Jokes / Corn Jokes)
- What you call a potato and an ear of corn driving a police car?… Starchy and Husk. (Potato Jokes & Police Jokes)
- An ear of corn is quite similar to an army… because both of them have lots of kernels. (Army Jokes)
- When the corns on the field hear the rain coming, they say “That would be music to our ears!” (Music Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross Spider-Man with an ear of corn?… Cobwebs. (Spiderman Jokes for Kids)
- The corn stalk decided to change careers… He went into a completely different field. (Labor Day Jokes)
- Why is corn popular around Halloween?… Because it’s so earie. (Funny Halloween Jokes)
- Why did the corn stalks hold a ceremony in honor of the scarecrow?… To corn-gratulate him for being out standing in their field! (Scarecrow Jokes)
- What did the corn farmer say to his therapist?… An ear full. (Psychology Jokes & Farming Jokes)
- What has ears but can’t hear a thing?… A cornfield. (Biology Jokes for Teachers)
- Many people claim that it is hard to chew popcorn…. There is a kernel of truth to that claim. (Popcorn Jokes)
- The baby corn wanted a pet, so his mama decided to buy the baby a corn dog. (Baby Jokes & Dog Jokes)
- What do we call a single kernel of corn?… A unicorn! (Unicorn Jokes)
- Why were all the corn stalks afraid of Jimmy?… Because Jimmy cracks corn and he don’t care.
- The quickest way for corn farmers to be successful is to “corn” – er the market. (Farming Jokes)
- Do you know why corn is always worried about their weights?… Because they are a little bit husky.
- Why did the policemen decide to lock up the corns?… Stalking. (Police Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the farmer find his way out of the corn field?… He was in the middle of a maize! (Massachusetts Corn Mazes & Farming Jokes)
- A guy is cooking up some corn on the cob and he’s not too sure how long it cooks for So… he plays it by ear.
- Why don’t we tell secrets at a Memorial Day picnic?… Because the potatoes have eyes, and the corn has ears!
- Did you hear about the corn that got run over by a car?… It was creamed corn. (Car Jokes)
- What did the left ear of corn says to the right ear of corn: “Don’t look now, but I think that we are being stalked.” (Police Jokes)
- What do we call the state fair organized in Nebraska?… A “corn” ival. (Nebraska Jokes)
- The corn will graduate from college tomorrow… We should attend the ceremony and corn-gratulate him! (College Jokes & Graduation Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about corn?
- I have ears, but I am unable to hear? Who am I?… A cornfield. (Farming Jokes)
- What is a mythical vegetable called?… A unicorn! (Unicorn Jokes)
- What would farmers say when they pick up the corn on the field?… “Aww! Shucks!” (Farming Jokes)
- What kind of farm dog strips corn’s ears?… A husky! (Dog Jokes)
- Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield?… Because the corn has ears. (Biology Jokes & Corn Jokes)
- Have you heard the joke about the Santa Fe taco?… It was corny. (Taco Jokes)
- Sitting with my shoes off next to a warm campfire eating corn chips… Tostitos
- What is a corn’s favorite holiday?… New Ear’s Day. (New Year’s Eve Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good corn knock-knock joke?
- What do you call a “corny” metal band?… PopKORN! (Music Jokes & Popcorn Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good corn knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- Corn Pick-up Line: I know this might be a little bit corny, but you are really a-maize-ing!
- The corn police receive many complaints from local people that somebody is trying to stalk them. (Police Jokes)
- What is a corn’s favorite holiday?… New Ear’s Eve. (Farming Jokes)
- What does corn say after receiving a compliment?… “Awww, shucks!”
- How do they describe the Iowa State fair?… It’s like a corn-ival. (Iowa Jokes)
- What is a buccaneer?… A fair price for corn. (Pirate Jokes)
- Where does corn go for vacation?… Lake Earie. (Travel Guest Blogs)
- Why did the corn cross the road?… It was being stalked.
- Why was the farmer scared to go in his corn field?… He was afraid of being stalked.
- Which kind of corn holds the highest position in the catholic church?… Popecorn.
- Jokes about tacos always get a bad wrap… It’s probably because they’re so corny. (Taco Jokes)
- What did the farmer give his wife for Valentines day?… Corn Rows. (Marriage Jokes)
- What do you get when a truck runs over a corn on the cob?… Creamed corn.
- What does a baby corn call it’s father?… Pop corn! (Popcorn Jokes)
- Where does ghost corn go to haunt people?… Lake Eerie. (Ghost Jokes)
- What do you call corn that’s been frightened?… Screamed corn. (Funny Halloween Jokes)
- The corn police receive many complaints from local people that somebody is trying to stalk them. (Police Jokes)
- How do you describe Halloween corn?… It’s eerie. (Funny Halloween Jokes)
- What do farmers do on Christmas eve?… Hang the corn stalkings over the fireplace. (Christmas Eve Jokes)
- Why was everyone letting the corn tell them what to do?… He was the kernal.
- Why shouldn’t you tell secrets on a farm?… Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.
- Why aren’t there many jokes about popcorn?… Because they are corny. (Popcorn Jokes)
- Why was the kernal comedian booed off the stage?… All of his jokes were corny.
- What do you get when you cross a corn cob and a cow?… Corned Beef. (Cow Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross a werewolf and maize?… A corn dog. (Dog Jokes)
- Why is corn such a good listener?… Because it’s all ears! (Biology Jokes for Teachers)
- What was the name of the vegetable police squad that rode motorcycles?… Corn CHiPs. (Police Jokes)
- Do you know where the most expensive corn in the country is from?… From Tampa, it’s a buccaneer.
- What kind of corn can you eat but never grows?… Candy corn. (Candy Jokes)
- Why doesn’t anyone laugh at the farmer’s jokes?… Because they’re always too corny.
- If you’re ever left alone in a corn salesman’s office, whatever you do don’t start snooping through his files… They are “corn” fidential.
- Corn farmers are not good comedians because their jokes are always corny.
- Why couldn’t the corn answer the door?… It was in the can.
- Why didn’t the corn chip advocate wear shoes?… They believed in Fritos.
- Have you heard the joke about the tortilla?… It was corny. (Taco Jokes & Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
- Why didn’t anyone laugh at the popcorn jokes?… Because they were too corny! (Popcorn Jokes)
- Plain popcorn?… I’m sorry but you can really do a lot butter than that. (Popcorn Jokes)
- Learning a new language requires a lot of corn-centration.
- I could give you a list of corn loving baseball players… but you know Ty Cobb would be number one. (Baseball Jokes)
- It was a nasty shock for the football team that practiced in the corn field… They got totally creamed. (Football Jokes)
- If corn oils are made from corn, so from which do baby oils made? (Baby Jokes)
- What does corn say after receiving a compliment?… “Awww, shucks!”
- The corn will graduate from high school tomorrow… We should attend the ceremony and corn-gratulate him! (College Jokes & Graduation Jokes)
- Who is the leader of the corn army?… The kernal.
- Two corns in a field were telling each other corny jokes… They were the laughing stalk of the field.
- The best student at the elementary school is called the a-corn. (College Jokes & Graduation Jokes)
- The best student at the middle school is called the a-corn.
- A carrot, some corn and a cucumber fell into the ocean… They are all c foods.
- Illinois has corn, Wisconsin has cheese, what does Michigan have?… Lead poisoning.
- Down at the farmers market and a man dress as a pirate was selling corn for 1$… It was a buccaneer.
- I was going to tell a joke about a corn eyeball… But it just keeps getting cornea and cornea.
- What does Iowa corn and Iowa football have in common? They’re both better that what Nebraska has to offer.
- What does Nebraska corn and Nebraska football have in common? They’re both better that what Iowa has to offer.
- What does corn use to get on the internet?… The cobweb.
- Why are farmers growing corn?… Don’t they know they can just buy it at the grocery store!
- Was shopping at the grocery store and I saw that an ear of corn was a dollar A Buck an Ear?… That’s Piracy!
- I had a joke about what happens to corn in the digestive system… But it’s recycled.
- What did the ear of corn say to the cute puppy?… Aww Shucks!
- What did the corn say when it was being followed?… “I’m being stalked!”
- hat did mammy corn say to baby corn when daddy didn’t come home?… Where’s popcorn.
- I saw someone at the grocery store who angrily stabbed a box of corn flakes, and the flakes went everywhere… The person was arrested for being a cereal killer.
- Why did Mike Tyson plant marijuana instead of corn?… He was afraid he’d eat all of the ears.
- Have you ever walked through a corn field?… It’s Amaizeing.
- The baby corn liked his mom, but he preferred his pop corn.
- I told the corn he wasn’t fat, just a little husky. He didn’t know how to take the compliment… I guess it went against the grain.
- Did you know corn has a favorite food?… Cobb salad.
- I gave a huge sum of money to a corn farmer. I was a bit nervous, it was a major stalk investment.
- If you want to buy some pirate corn, it’s going to cost you a buccaneer.
- What do you call corn studying at the university?… A Uni-corn.
- What do we call two cornstalks which are best friends?… They are earbuds!
- Why did the manager fire the corn?… Cause he was sleeping on the cob!
- What does corn have in common with good friends?… You know you’ll see them again.
- Corn is the Houdini of food… It disappears one day and reappears the next.
- What is sweeter than sweet corn?… Candy corn!
- What does corn say when it’s frustrated?… Aw shucks!
- What’s the best food to talk to? Corn… They’re all ears.
- Went out and took pictures of wheat, oats, rice, and corn… Unfortunately, they all came out pretty grainy… One of them you could barley make out.
- The potato and corn conglomerate have eyes and ears everywhere.
- How much does a corn flake weigh?… 1 Kelloggram.
- Dad fertilized the garden with corn starch… The plot thickens.
- Why do pirates only eat corn on special occasions?… Arrrrr, cause’ they cost a buccaneer.
- What do you call corn that is crazy?… A corn-nut.
- What is a spider’s favorite food?… Corn on the cob-web.
- In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked… It was earie.
- Feed a man corn and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to grow corn, he will kill your people and steal your land.
- Corn is my favorite vegetable… It tastes amaizing.
- What the corniest part of a corn field?… The “corn” – er.
- My dad is a corn magician. His act is a-maize-ing. It really pops.
- I asked my son today, “Why do you always sing to your corn on the cob before eating it?” His explanation was music to my ears.
- Do you now how much a pirate pays for corn?… Buccaneer
- Sitting with my shoes off next to a warm campfire eating corn chips… Tostitos.
- Why is it risky to tell secrets on a farm?… The corn have ears, the potatoes have eyes and the beanstalk.
- Why did the corn farmer win a Nobel Peace Prize?… Because of his dedication to world hominy.
- What do you call a corn farmer who wakes up one morning to find that complex branching pathways have been cut into his field?… Amaized.
- I was going to tell you another joke but it was too corny…