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- (Elephant Jokes)
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- Top 10 Elephant Jokes / Top 50 Elephant Jokes / 101 Elephant Jokes
- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best elephant jokes.
- Do you hear what is big in Africa right now?… Elephants. (World Geography Jokes)
- What do you call a baby elephant that hates taking baths?… A smellyphant! (Baby Jokes)
- Why are elephants always so broke?… They work for peanuts. (Labor Day Jokes & Peanut Jokes)
- How do elephants stay cool during a heat wave?… Ear Conditioning! (Summer Jokes & Heat Wave Jokes)
- What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?… Irrelephant.
- How do elephants talk to each other?… On the ele-phone!
- What does an elephant mom say to her children every morning?… “I love each and ivory one of you!”
- What is the biggest ant in the world?… An elephant! (Ant Jokes)
- What’s an elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?… TUSKan Raiders. (Star Wars Jokes)
- How do you raise a baby elephant?… With a forklift! (Baby Jokes)
- What do you call two elephants talking?… A heavy discussion.(Popsicle Jokes for Kids)
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with Darth Vader?… An ele-Vader. (Darth Vader Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his teacher on the 1st Day of School?… That was a ton of summer work! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes & Jokes for Teachers)
- Why are elephants bad dancers?… Because they have two left feet! (Dance Jokes)
- What was the elephant doing on the freeway?… About 5 M.P. H. (Car Jokes)
- How do you prevent an elephant from charging?… Take away it’s credit card. (Black Friday Jokes)
- Did you hear about the guy who made giraffe and elephant jam?… He called it Wildlife Preserve. (Giraffe Jokes)
- Why did the zookeeper refuse to work the elephant enclosure?… The work kept piling up. (Labor Day Jokes)
- What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?… It ele-faints. (Doctor Jokes)
- What album could an elephant listen to all day long?… Tusk by Fleetwood Mac. (Music Jokes)
- What do you call an elephant that can fly?… A propellephant! (Plane Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?… Swimming trunks. (Swimming Jokes & Fishing Jokes)
- What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree?… The trunk! (Tree Jokes)
- How much does a dead elephant weigh?… A skeleton.
- What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?… He called a tow truck! (Car Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- If you took away an elephant’s trunk, how would it smell?… Trunk or no trunk, it would smell pretty bad.
- Why did the elephant leave the circus?… He was tired of working for peanuts! (Circus Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the elephant use the computer?… He was afraid of the mouse. (Computer Jokes)
- Why didn’t the elephant buy a suitcase for his summer vacation?… Because he already had a trunk! (Summer Jokes for Kids)
- What is an elephants favorite musical?… The elephantom of the opera.
- What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?… An elaughant.
- What vegetable does a pumpkin become when an elephant stands on it?… Squash! (Pumpkin Jokes)
- How do you do with a blue elephant?… Tell it silly jokes!
- What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use?… Ella font. (Computer Jokes)
- What crime is an egg most afraid of?… Poaching. (Egg Jokes & Police Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to her son when he misbehaved?… “Tusk tusk!”
- What do elephants and trees have in common?… They both have big trunks! (Tree Jokes)
- Why were the swimming elephants thrown out of the Olympics?… Because they couldn’t keep their trunks up! (Summer Olympic Jokes)
- What did the zoo keeper say when he saw the elephant wearing sunglasses?… Nothing, he didn’t recognize him. (Zoo Jokes & Elephant Jokes)
- What animal is always up for an adventure?… Elephants! They have a trunk with them wherever they go.
- What goes down but never goes up?… An elephant in an elevator.
- What game do you not want to play with an elephant?… Squash. (Squash Jokes)
- How do you lift an elephant with one hand?… Don’t worry about it, you will probably never meet an elephant with one hand.
- What did the elephant do to unwind after work?… He watched ele-vision! (Labor Day Jokes)
- Why did the elephant get pulled over?… He sped through the stomp sign. (Car Jokes & Police Jokes)
- What’s big and gray and has horns?… An elephant marching band! (365 Music Jokes)
- What wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?… Cinderellephant! (Cinderella Jokes)
- What’s the only way an elephant flies?… By dumbo jet! (Plane Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
- What time is it when you find an elephant in your car?… Time to get a new car. (Car Jokes)
- What time is it when 10 elephants are chasing you?…Ten to one! (Daylight Savings Jokes)
- What is big, grey, and has a lot of red bumps?… An elephant that was stung by a bunch of bees. (Bee Jokes)
- What time is it when an elephant sits on your watch?… Time to get a new watch! (Daylight Savings Jokes)
- What do you call an elephant that never takes a shower?… A smellyphant!
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about elephants?
- What’s an elephant’s favorite vegetable?… Squash. (Fall Jokes)
- What did Tarzan say when he saw a herd of elephants with sunglasses?… Nothing. He didn’t recognize them. (Tarzan Jokes for Kids)
- How do you catch an elephant?… Hide in the grass and make a sound like a peanut! (Peanut Jokes)
- What’s as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?… An elephant’s shadow.
- What did Tarzan say when he saw a herd of elephants in the distance?… Look! A herd of elephants! (Tarzan Jokes for Kids)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good elephant knock-knock joke?
- What did the peanut say to the elephant?… Nothing, peanuts can’t talk.
- Why didn’t the African elephant like playing UNO?… There are too many cheetahs.
- Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool?… Because their trunks kept falling down! (Swimming Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good elephant knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the two elephants go swimming together?… They only had a pair of trunks. (Swimming Jokes)
- What time is it when an elephant stands on your skateboard?… It’s time to buy a new skateboard. (Skateboarding Jokes)
- Why do elephants never forget?… Because nobody ever tells them anything!
- How do you know if there’s an elephant in your fridge?… You open the door and see the elephant.
- Why couldn’t the elephant ride the bus to school?… It’s trunk wouldn’t fit under the seat. (Jokes for Teachers)
- Why do elephants need trunks?… Because they don’t have handbags.
- What do you call an elephant that hates taking baths?… A smellyphant!
- Why did the baby elephants get kicked out of the pool?… Their trunks kept falling down.
- Teacher: What’s gray, has four legs and a trunk? Student: An elephant. Teacher: No, a mouse on vacation. (Teacher Jokes)
- Why can’t an elephant ride a bicycle?… Because he doesn’t have thumbs to ring the bell.
- Which animals were last to leave Noah’s ark?… The elephants, because they had to pack their trunks!
- What is the difference between an elephant and a dozen eggs?… If you don’t know, I am sure not going to send you to the store for a dozen eggs. (Egg Jokes)
- What is the difference between a mouse and an elephant?… About a ton.
- What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on him?… Nothing, he just let out a little wine.
- What do you call an elephant in a telephone booth?… Stuck!
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with a computer?… A 2 ton know-it-all. (Computer Jokes)
- Did you know elephants can grow up to 11 feet?… Most only have four.
- What do you get when an elephant sky dives?… a BIG hole.
- Why are elephants wrinkled?… Have you tried to iron one?
- What do you call an elephant covered in mud?… Dirty!
- Why do elephants travel in herds?… Because if they traveled in flocks they might get mistaken for sheep.
- Where do you find elephants?… It depends on where you left them.
- Why do elephants live in the jungle?.. They can’t fit in a house.
- How can you tell elephants are ready for an adventure?… They always have their trunks ready to go.
- There were two elephants under one umbrella, why didn’t they get wet?… It was not raining.
- Where do baby elephants come from?… Big storks.
- What’s an elephant called that won’t share it’s toys?… Elfish
- What is big, grey, and has a lot of red bumps?… An elephant that was stung by a bunch of bees. (Bee Jokes)
- Why do elephants need trunks?… Because they do not have glove compartments.
- Why are elephants so wrinkly?… Because ironing them takes way too long.
- How does an Elephant get out of a tree?… Sits on a leaf and waits till Autumn! (Fall Jokes)
- What is the difference between an elephant and a piece of paper?… You can’t make a paper airplane out of an elephant.
- Why didn’t the elephant buy a suitcase for his summer camp?… Because he already had a trunk! (Summer Camp Jokes for Kids & Travel Guest Blogs)
- What did the elephant want for his birthday?… A trunk full of presents.
- The biggest ant in the world is called what?… An eleph-ant!
- When an elephant is bored, what’s it like to do?… Watch elevision
- How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed?… Your nose will touch the ceiling.
- Why did the tree fall down?… I thought it was an elephant.
- What do you get when you cross and elephant and a kangaroo?… Great big holes across Australia.
- How do you eat an elephant?… One bite at a time.
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?… Elephino.
- Why do elephants have trunks?… Because they would look funny with a suitcase.
- What’s large in size, gray, and has red spots?… An elephant with chickenpox!
- Where does an elephant pack his luggage?… In his trunk!
- What is same size and shape as an elephant but weighs nothing?… An elephant’s shadow.
- What is green, wrinkly, and has a long nose?… An elephant. I lied about the green part.
- How is an elephant like an apricot?… They are both gray. Well except for the apricot.
- How do elephants stay cool at summer camp?… Ear Conditioning!
- What did the elephant say to his husband?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his son?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his daughter?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What’s blue and have big ears?… An elephant at the North Pole.
- Why do elephants drink so much?… To try to forget.
- What do you call an elephant with an extra long nose?… Smellephant.
- What has big ears and makes toys for Santa?… Elfants
- Why don’t elephants drink martinis?… Have you ever tried to get an olive out of your nose?
- What did the elephant say to his wife?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his boyfriend?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What do you get if you cross a worm and an elephant?… Very big worm holes in your garden! (Elephant Jokes)
- What do you get if you cross a worm and an elephant?… Very big holes in your peanut garden. (Worm Jokes)
- How do elephants stay cool in the summer?… Ear Conditioning!
- How do you know an elephant is in your bed?… Because when you get into bed your nose touches the ceiling. (Napping Jokes)
- How does an elephant know what size clothes to buy online?… They use the elle-e-fit size chart.
- What do you call elephants on a train?… passengers.
- How do elephants stay cool?… Ear Conditioning! (Summer Jokes)
- What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a car?… The trunk! (Tree Jokes)
- What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?… Time to get a new fence.