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More Elephant Jokes…

  1. Do you hear what is big in Africa right now?… Elephants. (World Geography Jokes)
  2. What do you call a baby elephant that hates taking baths?… A smellyphant! (Baby Jokes)
  3. Why are elephants always so broke?… They work for peanuts. (Labor Day Jokes & Peanut Jokes)
  4. How do elephants stay cool during a heat wave?… Ear Conditioning! (Summer Jokes & Heat Wave Jokes)
  5. What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?… Irrelephant.
  6. How do elephants talk to each other?… On the ele-phone!
  7. What does an elephant mom say to her children every morning?… “I love each and ivory one of you!”
  8. What is the biggest ant in the world?… An elephant! (Ant Jokes)
  9. What’s an elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?… TUSKan Raiders. (Star Wars Jokes)
  10. How do you raise a baby elephant?… With a forklift! (Baby Jokes)
  11. What do you call two elephants talking?… A heavy discussion.(Popsicle Jokes for Kids)
  12. What do you get when you cross an elephant with Darth Vader?… An ele-Vader. (Darth Vader Jokes)
  13. What did the elephant say to his teacher on the 1st Day of School?… That was a ton of summer work! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes & Jokes for Teachers)
  14. Why are elephants bad dancers?… Because they have two left feet! (Dance Jokes)
  15. What was the elephant doing on the freeway?… About 5 M.P. H. (Car Jokes)
  16. How do you prevent an elephant from charging?… Take away it’s credit card. (Black Friday Jokes)
  17. Did you hear about the guy who made giraffe and elephant jam?… He called it Wildlife Preserve. (Giraffe Jokes)
  18. Why did the zookeeper refuse to work the elephant enclosure?… The work kept piling up. (Labor Day Jokes)
  19. What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?… It ele-faints. (Doctor Jokes)
  20. What album could an elephant listen to all day long?… Tusk by Fleetwood Mac. (Music Jokes)
  21. What do you call an elephant that can fly?… A propellephant! (Plane Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
  22. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?… Swimming trunks. (Swimming Jokes & Fishing Jokes)
  23. What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree?… The trunk! (Tree Jokes)
  24. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?… He called a tow truck! (Car Jokes)
  25. What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?… I love you a ton! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  26. If you took away an elephant’s trunk, how would it smell?… Trunk or no trunk, it would smell pretty bad.
  27. Why did the elephant leave the circus?… He was tired of working for peanuts! (Circus Jokes)
  28. Why couldn’t the elephant use the computer?… He was afraid of the mouse. (Computer Jokes)
  29. Why didn’t the elephant buy a suitcase for his summer vacation?… Because he already had a trunk! (Summer Jokes for Kids)
  30. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?… An elaughant.
  31. What vegetable does a pumpkin become when an elephant stands on it?… Squash! (Pumpkin Jokes)
  32. How do you do with a blue elephant?… Tell it silly jokes!
  33. What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use?… Ella font. (Computer Jokes)
  34. What crime is an egg most afraid of?… Poaching. (Egg Jokes & Police Jokes)
  35. What did the elephant say to her son when he misbehaved?… “Tusk tusk!”
  36. What do elephants and trees have in common?… They both have big trunks! (Tree Jokes)
  37. Why were the swimming elephants thrown out of the Olympics?… Because they couldn’t keep their trunks up! (Summer Olympic Jokes)
  38. What did the zoo keeper say when he saw the elephant wearing sunglasses?… Nothing, he didn’t recognize him. (Zoo Jokes & Elephant Jokes)
  39. What animal is always up for an adventure?… Elephants! They have a trunk with them wherever they go. 
  40. What goes down but never goes up?… An elephant in an elevator.
  41. What game do you not want to play with an elephant?… Squash. (Squash Jokes)
  42. How do you lift an elephant with one hand?… Don’t worry about it, you will probably never meet an elephant with one hand.
  43. What did the elephant do to unwind after work?… He watched ele-vision! (Labor Day Jokes)
  44. Why did the elephant get pulled over?… He sped through the stomp sign. (Car Jokes & Police Jokes)
  45. What’s big and gray and has horns?… An elephant marching band! (365 Music Jokes)
  46. What wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?… Cinderellephant! (Cinderella Jokes)
  47. What’s the only way an elephant flies?… By dumbo jet! (Plane Jokes & Pilot Jokes)
  48. What time is it when you find an elephant in your car?… Time to get a new car. (Car Jokes)
  49. What time is it when 10 elephants are chasing you?…Ten to one! (Daylight Savings Jokes)
  50. What is big, grey, and has a lot of red bumps?… An elephant that was stung by a bunch of bees. (Bee Jokes)