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Top 10 May Pages / May Hashtag of the Day

Clone Wars Quotes

Google Search “Star Wars Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Star Wars jokes.
  2. Obi-Wan: Why did the movies come out 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9? Yoda: In charge of scheduling, I was.
  3. Who is the best Star Wars character at basketball?… Kobe Wan Kenobi. (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  4. Where does Jabba the Hutt eat?… Pizza Hutt. (Pizza Jokes)
  5. How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil?… Since the Sith Grade. (Sith Jokes & Middle School Jokes)
  6. Trying to come up with Jedi jokes about Star Wars is difficult… Sometimes they seem a bit too forced. (Jedi Jokes
  7. Why did Anikin Walker cross the road?… To get to the Dark Side. (Sith Jokes & Top 10 Revenge of the Fifth Jokes)
  8. Obi-Wan: Should I kill the Sith or let him go? Yoda: Kill him… (Obi-Wan executes the Sith.) Yoda: …you must not. (Jedi Jokes)
  9. Obi Wan: “Luke… I’m reading a great book about Force levitation… I can’t put it down.” (Book Jokes Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  10. Darth Vader: I know what you’re getting for Christmas. Luke: How do you know? Darth Vader: I can feel your presents. (Christmas Jokes)
  11. Obi-Wan: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Stormtrooper: They R2! (R2D2 Jokes)
  12. I didn’t like Obi-Wan’s Jedi master… But I’ve decided to let Qui-Gons be Qui-Gons. (Jedi Jokes)
  13. What did Palpatine say to the intern when they asked how many pizzas they needed for his birthday party?… “Order 66!” (Pizza Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  14. What did Obi-wan say to Skywalker the first time he saw him as Darth Vader?… Nice suit, must have cost you an .. (Darth Vader Jokes)
  15. What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say when he heard Anakin had joined the dark side?… “Sith happens!” (Sith Jokes)
  16. What do Star Destroyers wear to the prom?… A bow TIE. (Prom Jokes)
  17. What position does Darth Vader play in baseball?… The Umpire. (Baseball Jokes)
  18. What would Obi-wan say if he was an English teacher?… Metaphors be with you. (Jokes for Teachers & Grammar Jokes)
  19. What do you call a Jedi in denial?… Obi-Wan Cannot Be. (Jedi Jokes)
  20. Which Star Wars character is best at rugby?… Darth Maul! (Rugby Jokes)
  21. Knock, Knock…. Who’s there?… Luke… Luke who?… Luke out! Here comes another Star Wars knock knock joke! (Luke Skywalker Jokes)
  22. Roses are red, violets are blue, if you love Star Wars, May the Force be with You. (Flower Jokes)
  23. What do you call an Italian Jedi?… Obi Wan Cannoli.
  24. Originally, in The Force Awakens BB-8 had a brother. The robot would not stay on script or say his lines correctly, so he was fired. It is sad… but you can’t really feel bad for DV-8. (BB-8 Jokes & Grammar Jokes)
  25. Who swore the most in star wars?… R2-D2, they beeped out every word he said.
  26. Did you know RD2D uses foul language?… They have to bleep out all his words! (R2D2 Jokes)
  27. Why couldn’t Obi-Wan calculate the volume of Bespin from the ideal gas law?… Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
  28. Why did Princess Leia fail her exams?… She had Alderaan answers! (Jokes for Teachers)
  29. Is BB hungry?… No, BB-8. (BB-8 Jokes)
  30. Who does Princess Leia’s hair?… Darth Braider! (Barber Jokes)
  31. Why is Yoda such a good gardener?… Because he has a green thumb. (Spring Jokes & Yoda Jokes)
  32. What is R2D2 short for?… Because he has small legs! (R2D2 Jokes)
  33. Why couldn’t Princess Leia find love?… She was looking for love in Alderaan places! (365 Music Jokes & Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  34. What did they call Chewbacca in his first year of the NBA?… A Wookie. (365 Basketball Jokes)
  35. I saw a falcon eating avocado toast… Guess it’s a millennial falcon. (Bird Jokes & Toast Jokes)
  36. What flavor ice cream do Jedi like best?… Obi-Wan Spumoni. (Ice Cream Jokes & Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  37. Why was the pitcher from the moon of Endor cut from the baseball team?… Ewoked every batter. (Baseball Jokes)
  38. How do Tusken Raiders cheat on their taxes?… They always single file, to hide their numbers.
  39. I don’t want to sound racist but… All stormtroopers look the same to me.
  40. How do Jedi say goodbye?… See ya Leia! (Jedi Jokes)
  41. What is the difference between the first fight between Vader and Kenobi and the second?… Obi-wan then Obi lost. (Darth Vader Jokes & Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  42. How do Wookies like their cookies?… Chewie. (Chocolate Chip Cookie Jokes)
  43. Why is there no Jedi navy?… Sailing is a path to the dockside. (Navy Jokes & Sailing Jokes)
  44. Yoda and Obi-Wan are flying through space in their ship. Obi-Wan: “Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?” Yoda: “Off course, we are.” (Yoda Jokes)
  45. What was Obi-Wan Kenobi’s favorite place to hang out?… The Maul. (Black Friday Jokes)
  46. Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke’s still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, Use the forks, Luke. (Obi Wan Kenobi Jokes)
  47. What do Jedi trees say to each other in the fall?… May the forest be with you. (Fall Jokes)
  48. Disney now owns Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones, Disney World and the Simpsons. If they acquire my parent’s divorce they will own my entire childhood. (Indiana Jones Jokes)
  49. My wife says she’s leaving me because of my obsession with Star Wars. I said, “Please don’t go, honey. You’re the Obi-Wan for me.” (Psychology Jokes)
  50. How many treats can Obi Wan Kenobi eat?… Only one cannoli.
  51. What kind of vehicle did Watto drive?… A wattomobile. (Car Jokes)
  52. What’s a Jedi’s favorite car?… A Toy-Yoda. (Car Jokes)
  53. What did the dentist say to Luke Skywalker?… May the floss be with you.
  54. Why does Obi-Wan keep his coffee on the top shelf?… He likes the high grounds.
  55. Why was Darth Vader bad at sports?… He always choked.
  56. R2-D2 was the most vulgar movie character of all time… They bleeped out every word he said! (Movie Jokes)
  57. What did Yoda say when the bakery was out of Pies?… Dough. Or Doughnut. There is no Pie
  58. Why did the Storm Trooper want his teeth whitened?… To get rid of the dark side. (Dentist Jokes)
  59. Why does Han Solo like gum so much?… Because it’s chewy.
  60. Anakin: You underestimate my power! Obi wan: Your watt? Anakin: Exactly!
  61. Knock, Knock…. Who’s there?… Leia… Leia who?… Lei-a hand on me and you’re toast! (Star Wars Knock Knock Jokes & Toast Jokes)
  62. What’s fat, hairy, and drinks a lot of coffee?… Java the Hut! (Coffee Jokes)
  63. What is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?… Luke Warm.
  64. Why is Obi-wan Kenobi a terrible marriage counselor?… The only advice he gives is Use di- vorce. (Divorce Jokes & Marriage Jokes)
  65. Why did Chewbacca get sent back down to play minor league baseball?… He was making too many Wookiee mistakes. (Baseball Jokes)