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More Middle School Jokes…

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! There are many more middle school jokes. (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  2. How is an earthquake like a middle school student?… The both get grounded. (Earthquake Jokes)
  3. If the #2 pencil is the most popular pencil in middle school… why isn’t it #1? (Pencil Jokes)
  4. When did Anakin’s Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side?… In the Sith Grade. (180 School Jokes & Star Wars Jokes)
  5. How do you get straight A’s in middle school?… By using a ruler. (180 School Jokes)
  6. What do get when you cross one middle school principal with a high school principal?… I wouldn’t do it, principals don’t like to be crossed! (Principal Jokes)
  7. A group of vaping college students is called a smog…. A group of vaping middle school students is called down to the principal’s office. (Principal Jokes & College Jokes)
  8. Why are leprechauns bad middle school teachers?…. Because they’re very short-tempered! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  9. Why was the teacher suspicious of the Watermelon during the 1st day… She couldn’t really put her finger on it. He just looked a little seedy. (Jokes for Teachers)
  10. Why was the teacher suspicious of the Watermelon during the exam… She couldn’t really put her finger on it. He just looked a little seedy. (Jokes for Teachers)
  11. Are people jealous of the Irish middle school teachers?… Sure, they’re green with envy! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  12. Why can’t you borrow lunch money from a leprechaun? …. Because they’re always a little short. (Leprechaun Jokes)
  13. Do leprechauns make good middle school secretaries? …. Sure, they’re great at shorthand! (Leprechaun Jokes)
  14. Are people jealous of the Irish students?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  15. Are people jealous of the Irish students?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  16. Are people jealous of the Irish teachers?… Sure, they’re green with envy!
  17. Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you were a better middle school student.
  18. How can you tell if an Irish middle school student is having a good time? …. He’s Dublin over with laughter! (World Geography Jokes)
  19. How are coffee beans like middle school kids?… They’re always getting grounded. (Coffee Jokes)
  20. Teacher #1: My new student is from Ireland. Teacher #2: Oh, really? …. Teacher #1: No, O’Reilly! (St Patrick’s Day Jokes for Teachers)
  21. What is the #1 present for a middle school music teacher?… a broken drum. You can’t beat it! (Christmas Jokes for Teachers)
  22. What’s the difference between a middle school teacher and a train?… A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!” (Train Jokes & Gum Jokes)
  23. Why did the nose not want to go to middle school?… He was tired of getting picked on! (October: Bullying Prevention Month)
  24. Why did the M&M go to middle school?… Because he really wanted to be a Smartie! (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  25. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the local middle school?… Probably not, he is still sleeping in the nurse’s office. (Napping Jokes & Nurse Jokes)
  26. Why is a middle school band like a fish?…. They both have scales! (Music Jokes & Fishing Jokes)
  27. What object is king of the middle school classroom?… The ruler!
  28. Teacher: Where did your mom go to middle school? Student: Alaska. Teacher: Never mind, I’ll ask her myself.(Mother’s Day Jokes & Alaska Jokes)
  29. What did the dentist give to the middle school marching band?…A TUBA toothpaste. (Music Jokes & Dentist Jokes)
  30. What state has the the loudest middle school students?… ILL-I-NOISE! (Top U.S. State Jokes & Illinois Jokes)
  31. Why can’t the Cat in the Hat go to middle school?… You’re not allowed to wear hats in school! (Hat Jokes & Dr. Seuss Jokes)
  32. “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A middle school teacher on the last day before Winter Break. (Dad Jokes & New Year’s Eve Jokes for Teachers)
  33. What is the #1 Christmas present for a middle school music teacher?… a broken drum. You can’t beat it! (Christmas Jokes for Teachers)
  34. What New Year’s resolution should a middle school basketball player never make?… To travel more. (Travel Guest Blogs & Basketball Jokes)
  35. What should you grow in a middle school garden?… Human beans! (Flower Jokes)
  36. Why did the middle school student drown?… All her grades were below C-level! (Ocean Jokes)
  37. Why isn’t there a clock in the middle school library?… Because it tocks too much. (Library Jokes & Daylight Savings Jokes)
  38. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Dewey…. Dewey who?… Dewey have to go to middle school today? (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  39. Why didn’t the Cat in the Hat ever get grounded?… His mother did not mind anything he did at all. (Cat Jokes & Dr. Seuss Jokes)
  40. What do get when you cross one middle school principal with another principal?…I wouldn’t do it, principals don’t like to be crossed! (Principal Jokes)
  41. A book never written: “The Best Subject in School” by Jim Class. (Book Jokes)
  42. What is a snake’s favorite class?… Hissss-tory! (Social Studies Jokes & Snake Jokes)
  43. What’s a middle school teacher’s favorite nation?… Expla-nation. (World Geography & Social Studies Jokes)
  44. What did one middle school math book say to the other?…You think you’ve got problems. (Math Jokes)
  45. What do call a middle school student afraid of Santa Claus?…. Claustrophobic. (Christmas Jokes & Psychology Jokes)
  46. A middle school book never written: “When Does School Start?” by Wendy Belrings. (Book Jokes)
  47. Where do New York City middle school students learn their multiplication tables?… Times Square. (New York Jokes & Math Jokes)
  48. What happened when the middle school teacher tied all the kids shoe laces together?… They had a class trip! (Field Trip Jokes)
  49. Teacher: I’ve had to send you to the principal every day this week. What do you have to say for yourself? Middle School Student: I’m glad it’s Friday! (Principal Jokes)
  50. Why is middle school arithmetic hard work?… All those numbers you have to carry. (Math Jokes)