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Google Search “February Jokes”

Top 10 February Jokes / February Jokes / Twitter Account of the Day

  1. February 1st, 1234 AD must’ve been the birth of the world’s best drummer… One / two / one two three four! (Music Jokes & 365 Music Jokes)
  2. February 2nd Ground Hog Day: What did the French groundhog see when he woke up?… His château. (World Geography Jokes)
  3. When is the best outfit for February 2nd?… A tu-tu (2/2).
  4. Does anybody know any good Groundhog Day jokes?… I feel like I keep hearing the same ones over and over again. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  5. What month is the Jake Paul’s favorite? …. Feb – BRO – ary!
  6. WWII: The USSR’s three greatest generals. What’re the names of the USSR’s three greatest generals?… December, January, and February! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  7. This is the Alaska State Police. Where were you during the night of November 14th to February 12th? (Alaska Jokes Police Jokes)
  8. What do you say when someone dies between February 19 and March 20?… Rest in Pisces. (Cemetery Jokes)
  9. February 9th National Pizza Day Jokes: What’s the difference between a pizza and our pizza jokes?… Our pizza jokes can’t be topped!
  10. Me and my childhood crush are marrying next year… Hers is in January and mine in July! (Wedding Jokes & Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  11. My friend bought tickets for the Super Bowl LVI on February 13th 2022 in Inglewood, Calif. not realizing that it is also the day of his marriage. So if someone is interested… The church is in Rochester, the women’s name is Clarissa. (Wedding Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  12. February 12th Super Bowl JokesHow is the Super Bowl football coach’s game plan on Groundhog day?… To use the running game of course. He wanted to “ground” it out. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  13. There’s a place where January comes after February and December comes before September… It’s the dictionary! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month Grammar Jokes)
  14. February 14th Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes: I just got a text from my girlfriend that said, “I bought you an awesome Valentine’s Day gift! xox” I really hope she spelled “Xbox” wrong. 
  15. 2020 was an interesting leap year… There was 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 5 years in April. (Leap Year Jokes)
  16. Can February March?… No, but April May! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  17. Do you have a date for Valentine’s day?… Yes, February 14th.
  18. What is a frog’s favorite month?… February. It has a Leap Year. (Leap Year Jokes & Frog Jokes)
  19. My wife’s panties are labelled ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’ … My underwear is labelled ‘January’, February’, ‘March’… (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  20. I just got a date for Valentine’s Day!… Apparently it’s tomorrow, February 14. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  21. February 21st: President’s Day Jokes: I love February because it contains two of my favorite annual events Groundhog Day, and the State of the Union Address. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a notoriously unreliable mammal for prognostication with no basis in reality. The other involves a groundhog. (Ground Hog Day & Presidents’ Day Jokes)
  22. February 22nd: I can’t wait for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (2/22/22)… We can call it… 2’s day. (Math Jokes for Teachers)
  23. What’s for breakfast on really cold days in February?… Frosted Snowflakes. (Cereal Jokes)
  24. If January threw a parade would February March?… No but April May! (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  25. What month is the best for coffee? …. Feb – BREW – ary (Coffee Jokes)
  26. What month is the best month to tell a lie? …. Fib -ruary.
  27. What month enjoys a beer the most?…. Feb – BREW – ary! (College Jokes Beer Jokes)
  28. February 28th: February is ending today, but that’s okay. We’ll March on. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
  29. February 29th: We should have February 29th every year?…Statistically it’s the day the fewest people die so why only have it 1/4 of the time? (Math Jokes for Teachers)
  30. Which is the month in which women talk the least?… February… because it has the least number of days. (Mom Jokes)
  31. February is like the Tuesdays of months… the worst!
  32. What’s the difference between February 14th and July 4th?… There isn’t any, at least to me, because they’re both Independence Day. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes & 4th of July Jokes)
  33. What is a ghost’s favorite month?… Feb – BOO – uary. (Halloween Jokes & Ghost Jokes)
  34. When’s a frog’s birthday?… February 29th. Leap Day! (Birthday Jokes)
  35. Don’t June know it’s February? (June Jokes)
  36. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best February jokes. (February Knock Knock Jokes)
  37. What do you call a shape born on February 9th?… an asquareius.
  38. Sometimes February feels like it will last forever… But time Marches on. (March Jokes)
  39. Court Hearing in Helsinki: The judge questions the culprit: “Where have you been in the night of the 4th November to 11th February?” (Police Jokes / World Geography Jokes / November Jokes)
  40. Top 10 Leap Year JokesWhat is a Kermit the Frog’s favorite month?… February. It has a Leap Year. (Leap Year Jokes & Frog Jokes)