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Google Search “Leap Year Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Leap Year jokes.
  2. Be ready…. the Leap Year jokes are coming.
  3. I wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Year… but I decided to jump on the band wagon. (365 Music Jokes)
  4. If I did my math correct, this year is a leap year… But I don’t wanna jump to any conclusions. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  5. The great thing about leap-year jokes… you only hear them repeated every 4 years.
  6. What is the unofficial brand of Leap Year?… Jumpman!
  7. Where do most people eat pancakes during a Leap Year?… IHOP. (Pancake Jokes)
  8. What is the official song of Leap Year?… Jump around by House of Pain! (365 Music Jokes)
  9. 2020 was an interesting leap year… There was 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 5 years in April. (February Jokes)
  10. What kind of music do you listen to during a Leap Year?… Hip Hop. (Music Jokes)
  11. Why is Leap Day in February?… Isn’t winter long enough already? (Winter Jokes)
  12. This year is a Leap Year… Guess you should jump with joy.
  13. How do you know if a year is a leap year?… It jumps out at you!
  14. My Nana and Grandpa weren’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But they decided to jump on the band wagon. (Grandparent Jokes)
  15. Have you met anyone with birthdays on Leap Year Day… They are all mature for their age. (Birthday Jokes)
  16. What do you tell a hitchhiker during a Leap Year?… Hop In. (Car Jokes)
  17. What do the Chinese call the Year of the Frog?… Leap Year. (Frog Jokes)
  18. What is a frog’s favorite month?… February. It has a Leap Year. (February Jokes & Frog Jokes)
  19. Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people with more birthdays live longer… Rest In Peace people born on the 29th of February. (Birthday Jokes)
  20. Why did the sprinter get disqualified during the Leap Year?… He tried to jump the gun. (Track and Field Jokes)
  21. The government says I can’t get my pension yet, as I am only 22. I hate being born on a leap year… All my friends are 88. (Retirement Jokes)
  22. Trying to figure out why 2024 will be longer than 2023… But so far, nothing leaps to mind.
  23. How do you know it’s almost Leap Day?… When it is only a hop, skip and a jump away.
  24. What do athletes wear during a Leap Year?… Jumpsuits. (365 Sports Jokes)
  25. What do kids play during a Leap Year?… Hop-scotch. (43 Reasons to Celebrate Global School Play Day)
  26. Leap Day is the perfect day to listen to Hip Hop.
  27. Every year is Leap Year… for Odell Beckham Jr. (NFL Jokes)
  28. If I did my math correct, this year is a leap year… But I don’t wanna jump to any conclusions.
  29. What is a frog’s favorite year?… Leap Year. (Frog Jokes)
  30. What do you call a surgery during a Leap Year?… A hop-eration. (Doctor Jokes)
  31. My coworker was fired during a Leap Year… apparently he picked the wrong time to jump off the deep end. (Labor Day Jokes)
  32. What does a lawyer do during a Leap Year?… Jump to conclusions. (Lawyer Jokes)
  33. I’m going to get married on February 29th… so I only have to remember our anniversary once every 4 years. (Marriage Jokes)
  34. Why do leap years never get bored?… They always have an extra day of fun.
  35. What did the rabbit say during a leap year?… Hoppy Leap Year!
  36. Why do calendars hate leap years?… It’s that one day when they have to work overtime!
  37. Happy Leap Day! A friend celebrating his 21st birthday at the age of 84 can finally legally drink.
  38. What did the Leap Year say to February?… “Don’t worry, I’m just here for a day.”
  39. What did the leap year say to February?… You make my day, every four years!
  40. Why does February claim the leap day?… Other months can’t make the leap.
  41. What did the calendar say to February after a leap year?… You really know how to stretch a month!
  42. What did the mathematician say to the leap year?… You really know how to count those extra days!
  43. Why are leap years so good at basketball?… They’ve got that extra leap in their step.
  44. What did the February calendar say to the other months?… I’ve got an extra day up my sleeve every four years!
  45. How does a leap year end a conversation?… It takes a leap of silence.
  46. Why do leap years never play hide and seek?… Because they can’t resist showing up every four years.
  47. During which year were kangaroos officially identified?… A leap year.
  48. How did the leap year become a millionaire?… It took a giant leap in the stock market every four years!
  49. Why do leap years never get in trouble?… They always think before they leap.
  50. Why did the calendar break up with February during a leap year?… It felt like it was only special every four years!
  51. The great thing about leap year jokes …is that you only hear them repeated every 4 years.
  52. Why do leap years make terrible comedians?… Because their jokes only land once every four years!
  53. What did the physicist say about leap years?… “They add an extra day to the quantum of time!”
  54. What did the calendar say to February after a leap year?… See you again in 1,461 days!
  55. What do you call a talking frog?… A quantum leap. (Frog Jokes)
  56. If the coronavirus learns to jump on Leap Year… we are all in trouble.(Covid Jokes)
  57. What is the most popular restaurant during a Leap Year?… IHOP. (Pancake Jokes)
  58. Why did the sprinter get disqualified during the Leap Year?… He tried to jump the gun. (Track and Field Jokes)
  59. Why did the man get arrested on Leap Day?… Because he was doing 29 in a 28 zone.
  60. What does a butterfly during a Leap Year?… Jump out of his own skin. (Butterfly Jokes)
  61. What does a Navy captain do during a Leap Year?… Jump ship. (Navy Jokes) 
  62. What do surgeons perform during a Leap Year?… Hop-erations. (Doctor Jokes)
  63. Where do most people eat during a Leap Year?… IHOP. (Pancake Jokes)
  64. Leap Day Jokes: Happy Leap Day! I have an 84-year-old friend who is celebrating his 21st birthday today. He can finally drink alcohol legally! (Beer Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  65. What does a butterfly do on Leap Day?… Jump out of his own skin. (Butterfly Jokes)
  66. What is the official brand of Leap Day?… Jumpman.
  67. What do toads say on Leap Day?… “Wart’s new?” (Frog Jokes)
  68. What do you call a surgery on Leap Day?… A hop-eration. (Doctor Jokes)
  69. What do you call a talking Kangaroo?… Unbe-Leap-able. (Kangaroo Jokes)
  70. What did the baby kangaroo say to the mama kangaroo?… Don’t leap me hanging. (Baby Jokes)
  71. What happens to a baby wallaby on February 29th?… He grows by leaps and bounds.
  72. In what year were kangaroos discovered?… A leap year. (Kangaroo Jokes)
  73. Make an appointment with a friend for next February 29th and see if either of you remember it. I bet you forget.
  74. October 31st should be a leap year. One day you’re having a good time with Halloween… Then it’s 3 years of being ghosted. (Ghost Jokes)
  75. If a leap year has 366 days, what do you call a year with 365 days?… A light year.
  76. What do you call a frog born on February 29?… Leap frog. (Birthday Jokes & Frog Jokes)
  77. Are you gonna buy into an annual subscription of any kind?… Do it on February 29, you might get it free for the next four years!
  78. What is a frog’s favorite day of the year?… Leap Day. (Frog Jokes)
  79. How do you know it’s almost Leap Day?… When it is only a hop, skip and a jump away.
  80. Where do most people eat on Leap Day?… IHOP. (Pancake Jokes)
  81. What is the official brand of Leap Day?… Jumpman
  82. What do you tell a hitchhiker on Leap Day?… Hop In. (Car Jokes)
  83. What do kids play on Leap Day?… Hop-scotch
  84. What is a frog’s favorite time of year?… Leap Day. (Frog Jokes)
  85. What does a lawyer do on Leap Day?… Jump to conclusions. (Lawyer Jokes)
  86. What does a butterfly do on Leap Year?… Jump out of his own skin. (Butterfly Jokes)
  87. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Canoe… Canoe Who?… Canoe tell me if it is a Leap Year? (Canoe Jokes)
  88. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Canoe… Canoe Who?… Canoe spell Leap Year? (Canoe Jokes)
  89. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Canoe… Canoe Who?… Canoe tell me when the next Leap Year will be?
  90. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Canoe… Canoe Who?… Canoe explain to me Leap Year? (Canoe Jokes)
  91. This year is a leap year, and just like the world cup they only come round every 4 years. And if you support England they’re both over with very quickly.
  92. Happy 2025 to all. Remember we must skip 2024 — it’s a Leap Year.
  93. Did you know that February 29 is both Leap Day and Bachelor’s Day?… AWESOME! Now we have an extra day to not make decisions!
  94. Why was the math book sad on Leap Year?… Because it had too many problems and only an extra day to solve them. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  95. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Canoe… Canoe Who?… Canoe tell me how to celebrate a Leap Day? (Canoe Jokes)
  96. What did the frog say on February 29th?… “Hoppy leap year, everyone!” (Frog Jokes)
  97. Trying to figure out why 2028 will be longer than 2027… But so far, nothing leaps to mind.
  98. Be ready…. the Leap Day jokes are coming.
  99. Today is a leap day… Guess you should jump with joy.
  100. How did the leap year party go?.. It was jumping all night long!
  101. Why did the calendar feel unbalanced during leap years?… Because it had an extra day to juggle!
  102. What did the February calendar page say about the other months?… “I may be short, but I’ve got a leap day!”
  103. Why was the mathematician fascinated by leap years?… It added an extra dimension to their calculations! (Math Jokes for Teachers)
  104. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite sport?… Long jump, of course! (Track and Field Jokes)
  105. This year is a leap year, and just like the world cup they only come round every 4 years. And if you support Scotland they’re both over with very quickly.
  106. Why was the man planning to tie the knot on February 29th?… So he can tell his spouse he only forgets their anniversary once every four years! (Wedding Jokes & Marriage Jokes)
  107. Why did the calendar go to therapy?… Because it had way too many leap years to deal with!
    (Psychology Jokes)
  108. What did the frog say to February 29th?… You always make me jump for joy! (Frog Jokes)
  109. Why did the cat refuse to acknowledge leap year?… It didn’t want to admit it had nine lives for four more years! (Cat Jokes)
  110. Why did the dog want February 29th to come faster?… Because it wanted to chase its tail for an extra day! (Dog Jokes)
  111. Why did the soccer player love leap year?… It gave them an extra day to score goals!
  112. What did the calendar say when February 29th finally arrived?… “Leapin’ lizards, it’s about time!”
  113. Why was February so popular with the other months?… Because it brought an extra day of fun to the party!
  114. How does a leap year baby plan their wedding?… They have to make sure they pick a date that comes around more often! (Wedding Jokes)
  115. Why did the leap year baby’s friends throw them a surprise party on February 28th?… Because they couldn’t wait another four years to celebrate! (Baby Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  116. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite book?… “The Time Traveler’s Leap!” (Baby Jokes)
  117. Why did the leap year baby become a comedian?… They had four times as long to perfect their jokes! (Birthday Jokes)
  118. Why did the leap year baby become a detective?… They were used to tracking down their birthdays! (Police Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  119. How does a leap year baby celebrate New Year’s Eve?… With four times the fireworks! (New Year’s Eve Jokes & Fireworks Jokes)
  120. How does a leap year baby celebrate their 100th birthday?… They’ve only had 25 official birthdays! (Birthday Jokes)
  121. Why did the leap year baby become an actor?… They were used to waiting four years for their big break! (Movie Jokes)
  122. Why did the leap year baby start their own business?… They had four times the ambition!
  123. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite holiday?… Christmas, because they get presents every year! (Christmas Jokes)
  124. Why did the leap year baby go to the doctor on February 29th?… They wanted to make sure they were still aging properly! (Birthday Jokes & Doctor Jokes)
  125. Why did the leap year baby refuse to blow out their candles?… They were waiting for four years’ worth of wishes! (Birthday Jokes)
  126. How does a leap year baby plan for retirement?… They have to save four times as much!
  127. Why don’t we ever plan important events on February 29th?… Because it’s too risky to take a leap of faith!
  128. What did the leap year baby say when someone asked if they were excited about their birthday?… I’ve been waiting four years for this! (Birthday Jokes)
  129. How does a leap year baby count down to their next birthday?… With four times the anticipation! (Birthday Jokes)
  130. Why did the leap year baby start a blog?… They had four times as many stories to tell!
  131. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite subject in school?… Math, because they get to multiply their age by four! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  132. Why did the leap year baby join the circus?… They were used to being the center of attention once every four years! (Circus Jokes)
  133. What did the leap year baby’s parents say when they were born?… We only have to buy presents once every four years! (Birthday Jokes)
  134. Why did February 29th always feel so special?… It was the one day when time leaped!
  135. Why did the computer crash on a leap year?… It couldn’t handle the extra calculations! (Computer Jokes)
  136. What do you call a dinosaur who loves February 29th?… A leap-a-saurus! (Dinosaur Jokes)
  137. What did the squirrel do on February 29th?… Took a leap of faith off the highest tree branch! (Squirrel Jokes)
  138. What did the astronauts say when they landed on February 29th?… “One small leap for man, one giant leap for leap years!” (Astronaut Jokes)
  139. Why did the gardeners love leap years?… Because they had an extra day to plant more seeds!
    (Gardening Jokes)
  140. Why don’t we ever trust the groundhog’s prediction on a leap year?… Because it might take an extra day for winter to end! (Groundhog Day Jokes)
  141. What’s a leap year’s favorite sport?… High jumping – it’s all about taking things to new heights! (Track and Field Jokes)
  142. Why did the pirate love leap years?… Because it gave him an extra day to hunt for buried treasure! (Pirate Jokes)
  143. Why did the leap year baby’s friends throw them a surprise party?… Because they never know when to expect it! (Birthday Jokes)
  144. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite movie?… “The Lord of the Leap Rings!” (Lord of the Rings Jokes)
  145. What did the frog bring to the leap year party?… Some “croak-o-late!” (Frog Jokes)
  146. What did the frog bring to the leap year party?… Some “croak-a-cola!” (Frog Jokes)
  147. Why was February 29th such a good day for jokes?… Because it always left people jumping for joy!
  148. Why did the leap year baby become a musician?… Because they had extra time to practice their scales! (365 Music Jokes)
  149. Why did the leap year baby become a comedian?… They had four times as long to perfect their jokes! (Birthday Jokes)
  150. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite kind of cake?… One with four layers for each leap year! (Birthday Jokes & Cake Jokes)
  151. How does a leap year baby calculate their age in dog years?… They still only count the regular years! (Dog Jokes)
  152. How does a leap year baby celebrate their 21st birthday?… They’ve only had 5 official birthdays, so they’re still a teenager! (Birthday Jokes)
  153. Why was February so excited every four years?… Because it got an extra day to leap around!
  154. My Nana wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Grandparent Jokes)
  155. My Grandpa wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Grandparent Jokes)
  156. Why did the Leap Year break up with the calendar?… It felt like it was only special every four years.
  157. My principal wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Principal Jokes)
  158. Why was the math book sad on Leap Year?… Because it had too many problems and only an extra day to solve them. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  159. This year is a leap year, and just like the world cup they only come round every 4 years. And if you support Wales they’re both over with very quickly.
  160. This year is a leap year, and just like the world cup they only come round every 4 years. And if you support Ireland they’re both over with very quickly.
  161. What do athletes wear on Leap Day?… Jumpsuits.
  162. Every day is Leap Day… for Odell Beckham Jr. (Leap Day Jokes)
  163. My husband wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Marriage Jokes)
  164. I wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… but I decided to jump on the band wagon.
  165. What kind of music do you listen to on Leap Day?… Hip Hop.
  166. Why did the sprinter get disqualified on Leap Day?… He tried to jump the gun. (Track and Field Jokes)
  167. My wife wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Marriage Jokes)
  168. My mother wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Mom Jokes)
  169. My father wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Dad Jokes)
  170. My friend wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon.
  171. My teacher wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (365 Teacher Jokes)
  172. My student wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon.
  173. My assistant principal wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Principal Jokes)
  174. If the coronavirus learns to jump on Leap Day… we are all in trouble. (Covid Jokes)
  175. What does a boat captain do on Leap Day?… Jump ship.
  176. My coach wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon.
  177. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a calendar?… A leap year! (Kangaroo Jokes)
  178. What do you get when you cross a high jumper with a calendar?… A leap year! (Track and Field Jokes)
  179. What do you get when you cross a triple jumper with a calendar?… A leap year! (Track and Field Jokes)
  180. What do you get when you cross a basketball dunk champion with a calendar?… A leap year!
  181. What do you get when you cross a long jumper with a calendar?… A leap year. (Track and Field Jokes)
  182. My doctor wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon.
    (Doctor Jokes)
  183. My nurse wasn’t going to celebrate Leap Day… But he decided to jump on the band wagon. (Nurse Jokes)
  184. Why did the calendar go to therapy?… Because it had way too many leap years to deal with!
    (Psychology Jokes)
  185. What did the frog say to February 29th?… You always make me jump for joy! (Frog Jokes)
  186. Why was the kangaroo so excited for leap year?… It could finally celebrate its birthday every four years! (Kangaroo Jokes)
  187. Why did February break up with the other months?… It wanted to leap independence!
  188. How did the leap year baby celebrate turning 1 year old?… By saying they were four times younger than anyone thought! (Birthday Jokes)
  189. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite month?… February – it’s the perfect time to practice their leaps! (Kangaroo Jokes)
  190. How do you catch a leap year?… With a calendar trap, of course!
  191. Why did the calendar book a vacation during a leap year?… It needed time to leap around the world!
  192. Why did February always feel so rushed during a leap year?… Because it had to fit four years’ worth of days into one!
  193. Why did the calendar feel guilty on February 29th?… It forgot to count its blessings for the extra day!
  194. What did the leap year baby do during its first birthday party?… Had a “four”tastic time! (Birthday Jokes)
  195. Why did February 29th always feel like it was in a hurry?… Because it was rushing to catch up with the other days!
  196. What did the leap year calendar say to the regular calendar?… “You’re so predictable – I’m always one step ahead!”
  197. Why don’t lions like Leap Year?… Because they are always jumping through hoops. (Lion Jokes)
  198. Why did the kangaroo want to change his birthday to February 29th?… So he could celebrate every leap year! (Kangaroo Jokes)
  199. Why don’t people ever plan their weddings on February 29th?… Because it’s bad luck to take a leap of faith! (Wedding Jokes)
  200. Why did the calendar break up with February 28th?… Because it found someone who gave it more days!
  201. What did the pastor say to all the sinners on February 29th?… Take a leap of faith.
  202. What did the frog say to the calendar?… “Time’s leaping by!” (Frog Jokes)
  203. Why did the athlete love leap years?… Because it gave them an extra day to train!
  204. Why did the chef love leap years?… Because he could cook up an extra day’s worth of meals!
  205. Why did the chef love leap years?… Because he could cook up an extra day’s worth of meals!
  206. What did the calendar say when February 29th finally arrived?… “Leap for joy!”
  207. What’s a kangaroo’s favorite kind of year?… A leap year, of course—they’re the ultimate leapers! (Kangaroo Jokes)
  208. Why did the butterfly love leap years?… Because it meant it could flutter around for one more day! (Butterfly Jokes)
  209. Why was February 29th such a good day for jokes?… Because it was a “pun-derful” leap year!
  210. What do you call a sheep born on February 29th?… A “leap lamb!” (Sheep Jokes)
  211. Why did the lion roar on February 29th?… It wanted to make the most of its extra day in the leap-year jungle! (Lion Jokes)
  212. What did the calendar say about February 28th?… “It’s time to take a leap!”
  213. Why was the math book sad during leap years?… Because it was full of problems that only occurred once every four years! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  214. Why did the leap year baby feel left out?… Because they only get to celebrate once every four years! (Birthday Jokes)
  215. Why did the leap year baby get a special mention in the yearbook?… Because they had to wait four years for their photo!
  216. What did the leap year baby say to their friends on February 28th?… “See you in four years!”
  217. What’s a leap year baby’s favorite game to play at their birthday party?… “Pin the Tail on the Leap!” (Birthday Jokes)
  218. Why did the leap year baby refuse to go to school on February 29th?… They already had an excuse for not aging that year!
  219. Why did the leap year baby become a time traveler?… They were used to jumping ahead four years at a time! (Baby Jokes)