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Google Search “Groundhog Day Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Groundhog Day jokes.
  2. Does anybody know any good Groundhog Day jokes?… I feel like I keep hearing the same ones over and over again. (February Jokes)
  3. Over breakfast one morning, a woman said to her husband, ‘I bet you don’t know what day this is?’ ‘Of course I do,’ he answered indignantly, as he slammed the door, and drove to his office. At 11 o’clock, the doorbell rang. The wife answered, and there at her front door was a UPS driver, in his had was a box containing 12 red roses. Later, at 2 pm there was another knock at the door, this time it was a deluxe box of Belgian chocolates. Eventually the husband came home, tired after a hard day’s work. His wife greeted him by saying: ‘First the flowers, then the chocolates, I’ve never had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my life!’ (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes & Breakfast Jokes)
  4. What did the French groundhog see when he woke up?… His château. (World Geography Jokes)
  5. Why is coronavirus like Groundhog Day?… If you stick your head outside and encounter another person, you get 6 more weeks of quarantine. (Doctor Jokes & Covid Jokes)
  6. What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Winter Olympics?… Gopher gold. (Winter Olympics Jokes)
  7. Which hockey player is best at forecasting the weather?… “Puck” satawny phil. (Rain Jokes & Hockey Jokes)
  8. I love February because it contains two of my favorite annual events Groundhog Day, and the State of the Union Address. One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a notoriously unreliable mammal for prognostication with no basis in reality. The other involves a groundhog. (Ground Hog Day & Presidents’ Day Jokes)
  9. What does Punxsutawney Phil do at a party?… Go hog wild.
  10. What do you call Punxsutawney Phil’s laundry?… Hogwash. (Pig Jokes)
  11. How was the Super Bowl football coach’s game plan on Groundhog day?… To use the running game of course. He wanted to “ground” it out. (Super Bowl Jokes)
  12. What do you call a royal groundhog?… A crowned hog.
  13. What’s a groundhog’s favorite drink?… Hole milk. (Milk Jokes)
  14. Americans tend to think us Aussies are all dumb… But at least we get our weather information from meteorologists and not groundhogs. (Australia Day Jokes)
  15. What is a groundhog’s favorite book?… Holes. (Book Jokes)
  16. Groundhog day was one of my favorite Bill Murray movies… I can watch it over and over again.
  17. Punxsutawney Phil makes conservatives out of us all. Every time it snows after February 2, I rethink my position on gun control: “I’m gonna kill that skinking groundhog!” (Election Jokes)
  18. What would you get if you crossed February 2 with a Christmas drink?… Ground Nog Day! (Christmas Jokes & Christmas Trivia)
  19. What do you call a groundhog who eats too much?… A roundhog.
  20. Punxsutawney Phil came out and said, “Brace yourself: Six more weeks of Winter is coming!” (Winter Jokes)
  21. Anyone know any new Groundhog Day jokes?… I keep hearing the same ones over and over and over again.
  22. Groundhog Day is a classic movie… It sure has great replay value. (Movie Jokes)
  23. What happens if the ground log sees its shadow?… We’ll have six more weeks of splinters! (Tree Jokes)
  24. Here we see the majestic Woodchuck, also known as a Groundhog which begs the question… How much ground would a ground hog hog if a ground hog could hog ground?
  25. What did Elvis say when he divorced the rodent?… “You ain’t nothing but a groundhog.” (365 Music Jokes)
  26. Darth Vader choked Punxsutawney Phil, saying, “I find your lack of an early Spring disturbing.” (Star Wars Jokes)
  27. A groundhog tried to cross a well by burrowing under it… It didn’t go over well.
  28. What would you get if you crossed February 2 with a puppy?… Ground-dog Day! (Puppy Jokes)
  29. What animal takes up the most land?… a groundhog.
  30. Why did Punxsutawney Phil leave his home on February 2nd?… He needed to go buy some Valentine’s Day cards. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  31. How do woodchuck’s greet their parents?… With hogs and kisses!
  32. Where do ill groundhogs go?… The hogspital. (Doctor Jokes)
  33. What did Peppermint Patty ask Charlie Brown when they needed to start a campfire?… Where’s the wood, Chuck? (Charlie Brown Jokes)
  34. The 1993 movie Groundhog Day is truly timeless.
  35. I celebrate my own version of Groundhog Day…. If I see my abs, I’ll go out to the beach during the summer.
  36. What is a groundhog’s favorite color?… Mahogany!
  37. What song was a #1 hit for groundhog Elvis?… Hound hog. (365 Music Jokes)
  38. Don’t forget to eat some sausage today… It is Groundhog Day, after all.
  39. Why don’t they let Punxsutawney Phil watch TV?… He keeps hogging the remote.
  40. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about Groundhog Day?
  41. What do you call a groundhog who drives in the center of the road?… A road hog.
  42. What happened when the groundhog met the dogcatcher?… He became a pound hog! (Dog Jokes)
  43. What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Summer Olympics?… Gopher gold. (Summer Olympics Jokes)
  44. What happens if the groundskeeper sees his shadow?… We’ll have six more weeks of un-trimmed hedges.
  45. What does it mean when a ground hog sees a Maple Leaf on February 2nd?… Six more weeks of bad hockey! (Hockey Jokes)
  46. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good Groundhog Day knock-knock joke?
  47. Why was Phil kicked off the Punxsutawney soccer team?… For being a ball hog.
  48. What do you call a groundhog adopted from the Humane Society?… A poundhog. (Puppy Jokes)
  49. What’s green, has four legs, and jumps out of its hole on February 2?… The ground frog! (Frog Jokes)
  50. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Pun… Pun who?… Punxsutawney Phil.