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  1. My Dad was a Christmas tree salesman…. Before he started work he always got himself spruced up. (Labor Day Jokes & Christmas Tree Jokes)
  2. How does the Grinch measure Christmas trees?… In grinches. (Grinch Jokes)
  3. Why does a fully decorated Christmas tree weigh less than a non decorated one?… Because it’s lighter.
  4. Why do Christmas trees have trouble sewing?… They can’t stop dropping their needles! (Tree Jokes)
  5. What’s another name for an artificial Christmas tree?… Faux fir. (Tree Jokes)
  6. What do a Christmas tree and Donald Trump have in common?… Both will be out in January. (January Jokes & Inauguration Jokes)
  7. What month do Christmas trees hate most?… Sep-timber! (September Jokes)
  8. What did Luke Skywalker say after he planted a Christmas tree farm?May the forest be with you! (May the 4th Be With You Jokes)
  9. What did Luke Skywalker say after he planted a Christmas tree farm?… May the forest be with you! (May the 4th Be With You Jokes)
  10. What did one Christmas tree decoration say to the other?… Let’s hang out! (Christmas Jokes)
  11. Where would you find a Christmas tree?… Between a Christmas two and a Christmas four! (Math Jokes for Kids)
  12. What is a Christmas tree’s favorite candy?… Ornamints. (Candy Jokes & Christmas Jokes)
  13. What do you get when you eat Christmas ornaments?…  Tinsel-itis! (Doctor Jokes)
  14. Who is a Christmas tree’s favorite singer?… Spruce Springsteen. (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  15. How can you identify a Christmas tree?…  By its bark – woof! (Dog Jokes)
  16. What is a basketball player’s favorite Christmas song?… “Oh Christmas Three, Oh Christmas Three!” (Christmas Tree Jokes & Music Jokes)
  17. How did the Christmas tree get in trouble?…  It was knotty.
  18. How did the two rival Christmas trees get along?… They signed a peace tree-ty. (World Geography Jokes)
  19. What did the Christmas tree say to the ornament?… “Aren’t you tired of hanging around?” (Christmas Tree Jokes)
  20. What do reindeer use to decorate their Christmas trees?… Horn-aments.
  21. Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?… It needed to be trimmed. (Barber Jokes & Christmas Tree Jokes)
  22. Which former president planted the most Christmas trees?… Wood-row Wilson! (Presidents’ Day Jokes & Election Jokes)
  23. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Dishes… Dishes who?… Dish is a nice place to put a Christmas tree. (Christmas Knock Knock Jokes)
  24. Why are Christmas trees such bad knitters?… They are always dropping their needles. (Christmas Tree Jokes)
  25. Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past?… Because the present’s beneath them.
  26. A book never written: “How to Decorate a Tree” by Orna Ment. (Book Jokes)
  27. What happens to Christmas trees on Valentine’s Day?… They get all sappy. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  28. Why did the Christmas tree get in trouble with the umpire?… Too much pine tar on his bat. (Baseball Jokes)
  29. How did the ornament get addicted to Christmas?… He was hooked on trees his whole life.
  30. What did one Christmas tree say to the other Christmas tree?… “I wish Christmas would last forever because there would be no Sep-timber!” (September Jokes & Christmas Tree Jokes)
  31. What was the Christmas tree’s favorite thing about Star Trek?… The Captain’s log. (Star Trek Jokes)
  32. What do you get if you cross an iPad with a Christmas tree?… A pineapple! (Hawaii Jokes & Computer Jokes)
  33. What was the Christmas tree’s favorite shape?… A treeangle. (Geometry Jokes & Pi Day Jokes)
  34. Why are Christmas trees more noticeable on Christmas?…  They have more presence.
  35. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog?… Frostbite. (Snowman Jokes & Dog Jokes)
  36. Why do Christmas trees make such wonderful pets?… They have a great bark, but wooden bite. (Dog Jokes)
  37. Why did the Christmas tree go to decorating school?… So it could spruce up the forest. (180 School Jokes)
  38. How can Christmas trees grow so big?… When they get enough rein, deer. (Reindeer Jokes)
  39. How do Christmas trees get their email?… They log-on.
  40. How can you get down from a Christmas tree?… You can’t… down comes from ducks.
  41. Why can’t Christmas trees sew?… They always drop their needles.
  42. Why was the Christmas tree’s friend so sad?… It was a weeping willow.
  43. Which Canadian city is a favorite vacation spot for Christmas trees?… Montreeal. (World Geography Jokes)
  44. What was the Christmas tree’s favorite subject in high school?… Treegonometree. (Geometry Jokes & Pi Day Jokes)
  45. What gets one year older when it rings?… A Christmas tree.
  46. Which type of Christmas tree is green, has a trunk and leaves?… A Christmas tree going on vacation.
  47. What did Luke Skywalker say after he planted a Christmas tree farm?… May the forest be with you. (Star Wars Jokes)
  48. Where do young trees learn to become Christmas trees?… In elementree school. (Elementary School Jokes)
  49. Why didn’t the Christmas tree perform well on it’s algebra test?… It got stumped by the problems. (Algebra Jokes)
  50. Why did the Christmas tree go to the dentist?… It needed a root canal. (Dentist Jokes)