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More Algebra Jokes…

  1. Why do algebra teachers feel superior to geometry teachers?… Because they think that geometry teachers are too symbol-minded! (Geometry Jokes)
  2. What do you call a group of boys who love math?… Alge-bros.
  3. Why are relationships similar to algebra?… Because sometimes you look at your X and wonder Y. (Divorce Jokes)
  4. What kind of math do Snowy Owls like?… Owlgebra! (Pi Day Jokes & Algebra Jokes)
  5. What do you call two guys who love math and Pi Day?… Algebros. (Pi Day Jokes for Teachers)
  6. What do you get when you cross an algebra class with the prom?… The quadratic formal. (Prom Jokes)
  7. What does the little mermaid wear?… An algae-bra.
  8. Why are you drumming on your algebra book with two big sticks?… Because we are studying log rhythms.
  9. What do you call male friends who love math? alge “bros”
  10. What do you get when you cross an algebra class with the prom?… The quadratic formal.
  11. What did algebra math book say to the other?… Don’t bother me I’ve got my own problems!
  12. Why was the student afraid of the y-intercept?… She thought she’d be stung by the b.
  13. Who invented algebra?… A Clever X-pert.
  14. Why did the relation need a math tutor?… It failed the vertical-line test.
  15. Why did the polynomial plant wilt? A: Its roots were imaginary.
  16. Why did the doctor send the expression to a psychiatrist?… Because it wasn’t rational.
  17. What wild animal is good at algebra?… The tangent lion.
  18. Why are you so negative?… Just take me for my absolute value!
  19. How can you predict how many protesters will show up at a rally?… By using a radical function.
  20. What do you call a snake after it drinks three cups of coffee?… A hyper boa.
  21. What is a smart bird’s favorite type of math?… owl-gebra
  22. What is Ho cubed?… HoHoHo (Christmas Trivia & Christmas Jokes)
  23. How can you tell when a factorial is enthusiastic?… It’s always enthusiastic- it has an exclamation point!
  24. Why is an algebra book always unhappy?… Because it always has lots of problems.
  25. Why did all the apples in the fruit bowl know each other?… They were core-relations.
  26. What shape is usually waiting for you at Stabucks?… A line.
  27. Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach?… Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don’t need the sun! (Top Summer Jokes)
  28. How can a fisherman determine how many fish he needs to catch to make a profit?… By using a cod-ratic inequality. (Top Summer Jokes)
  29. Why is the Rational Root Theorem so polite?… It minds its p’s and q’s.
  30. How do you know that your dentist studied algebra?… She said all that candy gave me exponential decay.
  31. Why won’t Goldilocks drink a glass of water with 8 pieces of ice in it?… It’s too cubed.
  32. What do you get when you cross a mountain climber and a mosquito?… Nothing! You know you can’t cross a scalar and a vector.
  33. How did the chicken find the inverse?… It reflected the function across y = eggs.
  34. What is purple and commutative?… An abelian grape
  35. Why did the imaginary number turn red?… It ran out of i-drops.
  36. How does a ghost solve a quadratic equation?… By completing the scare.
  37. What is a proof?… One-half percent of alcohol.
  38. What is the definition of a polar bear?… A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation.
  39. Why was the matrix arrested?… Illegal entry.
  40. What do you call a rodent with babies?… A quad-rat-ic parent.
  41. What do you get when you cross a linebacker with a computer geek?… A linear programmer.
  42. Knock, Knock… Who’s there?… Polly… Polly who?… Polynomial.
  43. Teacher: “What is seven Q plus three Q?” Student: “Ten Q” Teacher: “You’re Welcome.” (Top Teacher Jokes)
  44. Parent: Did you study your algebra lesson at the family reunion? Student: Sure, it was a function with relations.
  45. Teacher: Why did your mother and father do your algebra homework? Student: They really understand parent functions. (Top Teacher Jokes)
  46. Teacher: Let’s find the square root of 1 million. Student: Don’t you think that’s a bit too radical? (Top Teacher Jokes)
  47. Surgeon: Nurse! I have so many patients! Who do I work on first? Nurse: Simple. Use the order of operations.
  48. Teacher: Your behavior reminds me of square root of 2? Student: Why? Teacher:Because its’ completely irrational. (Top Teacher Jokes)
  49. Student: The artist Picasso must have been really good at algebra. Teacher: Why do you say that? Student: He was a famous cubist, so he probably had to do a lot of factoring. (Top Teacher Jokes)