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- 180 School Jokes
- Jokes for Special Days of the Year
- Top 10 Jokes for Each Month
- 365 Family Friendly Jokes
- Top 10 March Jokes
- March 1st: Top 10 March Jokes: Can February March?… No, but April May. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
- March 2nd: Top 10 Dr. Seuss Jokes: What is the Cat in the Hat’s favorite school subject?… HISStory. (Cat Jokes & Social Studies Jokes)
- March 4th Top 10 Grammar Jokes: I once fell in love with someone who only knew 4 vowels. They didn’t know I existed. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- March 6th: Top 10 Oreo Jokes: What’s was the cookies favorite band?… OREO Speedwagon… (I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend…) (Music Jokes)
- March 7th Top 10 Cereal Jokes: How did Reese eat her cereal?… Witherspoon. (Movie Jokes)
- March 9th National Meatball Day Top 10 Meatball Jokes: Where did the spaghetti go to dance?… The meat ball!
- Top 10 March Madness Jokes: Why was the sports fan acting so crazy?… He had March Madness! (March Madness Jokes)
- Top 10 Winter Jokes: What is the most competitive season?… “Win” ter. (365 Sports Jokes)
- Top 10 Spring Jokes: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?… Pilgrims! (Social Studies Jokes & Rain Jokes)
- March 14th Selection Sunday: Top 10 March Madness Jokes: Why was the sports fan acting so crazy?… He had March Madness! (March Madness Jokes)
- Friday the 13th Jokes: What’s Jason Voorhees favorite dessert?… I-Scream! (Ice Cream Jokes & Summer Jokes)
- March 14th Top 10 Pi Day Jokes: Pi Day…. Come to think of it, we wouldn’t mind celebrating forever.
- March 14th Top 10 Daylight Savings Jokes: Most modern clocks these days auto-update when daylight savings begins/ends. So this morning I’m walking around my house thinking wow… …times have changed.
- March 15th: Ides of March Jokes: Top 10 Ides of March Jokes: Celebrate the Ides of March with a donut. In fact…Eat two, Brute. (Donut Jokes)
- March 15th: Top 10 Napping Jokes: Did you hear about the kidnapping?…. He’s still sleeping!
- March 17th: Top 10 St. Patrick’s Day Jokes: Knock Knock …. Who’s there? ….Irish!… Irish Who? …. Irish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day! (St. Patrick’s Day Jokes)
- March 20th: Top 10 Spring Jokes: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?… Pilgrims! (Social Studies Jokes & Rain Jokes)
- March 30th Top 10 Pencil Jokes: If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why isn’t it #1? (Jokes for Teachers)
- March 31st: Top 10 Crayon Jokes: Why do nurses carry red crayons to work?… In case they has to draw blood.