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More Shark Jokes…

  1. If you thought swimming with dolphins was expensive, you should try swimming with sharks …. It cost me an arm and a leg! (Swimming Jokes & Dolphin Jokes)
  2. Which sharks would you find at a construction site?… Hammerhead sharks.
  3. Which sharks do you find in heaven?… Angel sharks.
  4. Which body part are mermaids scared of?… Jaws! (Movie Jokes)
  5. What do you call a solitary shark?… A “lone” (loan) shark.
  6. Where are sharks from?… Finland. (Geography Jokes)
  7. What is a shark’s favorite sandwich?… A peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich. (Sandwich Jokes)
  8. A friendly reminder: Sharks live in the ocean. Year-round. (Ocean Jokes)
  9. Did you hear about the surfer who lost his left arm and left leg in a shark attack… he is all right now. (Surfing Jokes)
  10. What is a shark’s favorite song?… Fins by Jimmy Buffett. (Music Jokes)
  11. If a shark is after you, what should your feed it?… Jawbreakers! (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  12. Why wasn’t the woman afraid when she saw a shark while she was swimming in the water?… Because it was a man-eating shark! (Swimming Jokes)
  13. What did the shark get on his biology test?… A sea-minus. (Biology Jokes & 180 School Jokes)
  14. Shark Pun: Where’s my bloody dinner?
  15. What kind of shark is always gambling?… A CARD SHARK.
  16. What is a shark’s favorite game?… Swallow the leader! (Shark Jokes for Kids)
  17. What do you call the mushy stuff stuck between a great white’s shark teeth?…  Slow swimmers. (Swimming Jokes)
  18. What do sharks working in fast food tell customers?… Chumming right up. (Fast Food Jokes)
  19. What did the shark say to the spear fisherman?… Please, spear me the pain! (Fishing Jokes)
  20. A pirate and a sailor were exchanging stories. The sailor pointed to the pirate’s peg leg and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said, “Aye, I wrestled a shark and lost me leg.” The sailor pointed to the pirate’s hook and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said: “Aye, I fought Red Beard’s crew and lost me hand.” The sailor pointed to the pirate’s eye patch and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said, “Aye, a bird came by and left droppings in me eye.” The sailor said, “That’s not as impressive as the other two. …” “Aye,” the pirate answered. “It was me first day with the hook.” (Pirate Jokes)
  21. Why don’t sharks like fast food?… Because they can’t catch it! (Fast Food Jokes)
  22. The star attraction at my local aquarium has been repossessed… Turns out it was a loan shark!
  23. Where do country singing sharks try to make it big?… Gnashville. (Tennessee Jokes)
  24. What do sharks order at McDonalds?… A quarter flounder with cheese! (Fast Food Jokes)
  25. What did the momma shark say to the kid shark?… Watch that sharkasm, young man. (Mom Jokes)
  26. What do sharks do when they have a big choice to make?… Chews wisely! 
  27. How do sharks stay up all night?… They drink jaw-va. (Coffee Jokes)
  28. Why did the shark cross the great barrier reef?… To get to the other TIDE. (Ocean Jokes)
  29. How does a hammerhead shark tell his mom he passed his test?… Nailed it! (180 School Jokes)
  30. What’s a shark’s favorite movie?… Shaw-shark Redemption! (Movie Jokes)
  31. What do you call two sharks who get married?… Hooked for life. (Wedding Jokes)
  32. What was the marine biologist’s kid’s excuse for not having his homework?… “My shark ate it!” (180 School Jokes)
  33. Why did the octopus beat the shark in a fight?… Because the octopus was well armed. (Octopus Jokes & Boxing Jokes)
  34. What did the shark say when he was accused of hitting his brother?… Not gill-ty! (Police Jokes)
  35. What did one shark say to the other after an awkward moment?… Whale, that was weird. (Whale Jokes)
  36. Who gives sharks presents on Christmas?… Santa Jaws! (Christmas Jokes)
  37. What was the shark’s favorite James Joyce novel?… FINnegan’s wake! (St. Patrick’s Day Jokes & Book Jokes)
  38. What did the shark say to the whale?… What are u blubbering about? (Whale Jokes)
  39. What did the shark say to the other shark?… There’s some-fin special about you! (101 Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  40. Where do sharks go to summer camp?… Finland! (Summer Camp for Kids)
  41. How do sharks greet the day?… With the saying “time to rise and tide.”
  42. What did one shark say to the other after eating a clown fish??… ‘Not only does it look funny, but it tastes funny too.’
  43. How do you make a shark laugh?… Tell a whale of a tale. (Whale Jokes)
  44. I went to a Halloween party dressed as a shark…. The novelty is wearing a little fin! (Halloween Jokes)
  45. What did the shark plead in the murder case?… Not gill-ty! (Police Jokes & Lawyer Jokes)
  46. What happens when you cross a great white shark with a trumpet fish?… I don’t know…but I wouldn’t want to play it! (Music Jokes)
  47. Who is the most famous shark writer?… William Sharkspeare! (Book Jokes)
  48. What do you call a shark that can’t stop singing “U Cant Touch This?”… An M.C. Hammerhead. (Music Jokes)
  49. A new study shows sharks only bite those who swim in the ocean. Researchers advise not swimming there. (Swimming Jokes & Ocean Jokes)
  50. How does a shark greet a fish?… Pleased to eat you! (Fishing Jokes)
  51. What did the shark say to the surfer?… Come on in, the water’s fine! (Surfing Jokes)
  52. How does a shark family get a vacation started?… By setting the wheels in ocean. (Travel Guest Blogs)
  53. What’s a shark’s favorite science fiction TV show?… Shark Trek!
  54. What’s a shark’s favorite TV show?… Shark Tank!
  55. What did the great white shark say to the cliff jumper?… Don’t worry, I’ll catch you.
  56. If they made movie starring the Loch Ness Monster and the great white shark from Jaws, what would the movie be called?… Loch Jaws! (Movie Jokes)
  57. What was the nerd shark’s favorite programming language?… Jaw-va. (Computer Jokes)
  58. What do yuppie sharks like to drink?… Jaw-va. (Coffee Jokes)
  59. What song do sharks sing while they hunt for food?… Don’t Stop Bleedin’! (Music Jokes)
  60. What types of sharks are the shadiest sharks?… Card sharks.
  61. What does a snowshark give you?… Frost bites. (Winter Jokes & Snow Day Jokes)
  62. What sharks are the shortest?… Ground sharks.
  63. What does a hammerhead shark call a headache?… A hammering head. (Doctor Jokes)
  64. What does a dentist say to his shark patients?… Let’s see those chompers. (Dentist Jokes)
  65. What did the shark say to his wife during a fight?… You’re just being jaw-matic.
  66. What candy must a shark with braces avoid?… Jaw-breakers! (Dentist Jokes & Candy Jokes)
  67. How did the crazy shark become normal again?… electro shark therapy. (Psychology Jokes)
  68. What lie will a shark always tell a human?… I promise to take just one bite.
  69. How does a shark announce dinner’s ready?… “Hot off the gill!”
  70. What did the 18-year-old shark ask his parents when they kicked him out of the reef?… Why are you casting me out?
  71. What do you get from a bad-tempered shark?… As far away as possible.
  72. What should you do if you see a shark?… Swim away.
  73. What happened when the shark got famous?… He became a starfish!
  74. Why do sharks live in salt water?… Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
  75. If you see a tuna being chased by a dozen sharks what time is it?… Twelve after one. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  76. What doe a shark like to watch on TV?… Anything but Flipper! Dolphin Jokes)
  77. What happens when you cross a great white shark with a cow fish?…  I don’t know…but I wouldn’t want to milk it! (Cow Jokes & Milk Jokes)
  78. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark?… An animal that talks your head off.
  79. Why did the shark throw his clock out the window?… He wanted to see time fly!
  80. Who is the shark community’s favorite 1950s film actor?… Shark Hudson
  81. Whats the Great White Shark’s favorite candy?… The Jaw-Breaker! (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  82. What did the shark say when something amazing happened?… JAWESOME!
  83. What should you do if you see a shark?… Swim far, far away! (Swimming Jokes)
  84. What does a shark eat for dinner?… Whatever it wants!
  85. Save a boat. Ride a shark. It’s more eco-friendly. (Earth Day Jokes)
  86. What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark?… Frost bite! (Snowman Jokes)
  87. What did the shark say after eating a clown fish?… This tastes a little funny!
  88. What is a Great White shark’s favorite kind of sandwich?… Peanut butter and jellyfish!
  89. What did the Daddy shark say to the kid shark?… Watch that sharkasm, young man! (Dad Jokes)
  90. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark?… An animal that talks your head off!
  91. What’s a great white’s favorite tune?… Dun-uh. Dun-uh. Dun-u. (Music Jokes)
  92. How does a shark plead in court?… Gill-ty. (Police Jokes & Lawyer Jokes)
  93. Her: What do you want to dinner? Him: Finny you should ask, I wanted to see if you’d like to catch a bite somewhere.
  94. Tiger sharks will eat anything and everything. Especially people who use the ocean as a bathroom.
  95. How did the hammerhead do on his test?… He nailed it!
  96. Sharks only attack because no one will look them straight in the eye.
  97. How did the hammerhead do on the Math exam?… He nailed it. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  98. Just remember, you’ll never need a bigger boat if you don’t go to the ocean.
  99. How do you throw a shark out of a bar?… You cast it out. (Beer Jokes)
  100. Why did the shark cross the great barrier reef?… To get to the other tide!
  101. The last ten times I’ve been to a fancy dress party I’ve gone as a shark… The joke’s wearing fin!