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Summer Guest Blogs & Summer Jokes for Kids

  1. San Jose Sharks @SanJoseSharks (803.7K followers) For us, every week is Shark Week #SharksTerritory
  2. Shark Week @SharkWeek (286.7K followers) After all these years, there’s still a lot you don’t know. #SharkWeek 2020 | August 9 | @Discovery Learn more at
  3. Atlantic White Shark Conservancy @A_WhiteShark (37.4K followers) AWSC is a nonprofit supporting scientific research, improving public safety, and educating the community to inspire shark conservation. Download @Sharktivity .2 35 Orleans Road, Chatham, MA
  4. Clark The Shark @KingManProds (1.4K followers) Tarzana, Los Angeles
  5. Chatham Shark™ @ChathamShark (980) I love the people of Chatham and can’t stay away from the local sea food and warm waters. http://TheChathamShark.comI Summer In