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More Pancake Jokes…

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best pancake jokes. (February Knock Knock Jokes)
  2. Why is it so rare to hear pancake jokes?… They usually fall flat
  3. Where do most people eat pancakes during a Leap Year?… IHOP. (Lear Year Jokes)
  4. Politician: I really feel like having some pancakes… maybe I don’t…I just can’t stop waffling. (Election Jokes)
  5. I really feel like having some pancakes… maybe I don’t…I just can’t stop waffling. (Election Jokes)
  6. What did the pancake say to the baseball player?… Batter up! (Baseball Jokes)
  7. What do pancakes wear to the beach?… A flip-flops! (Flip Flop Jokes)
  8. I tried making pancakes… But I ended up with flapjacks instead. I guess I used too much synonym. (Grammar Jokes)
  9. How tasty are pancakes?… They’re not just tasty, they’re flipping delicious!
  10. What did the baseball umpire say to the pancake?… Batter up. (Baseball Jokes)
  11. I’m making a coat out of pancakes…. I’ll call it my flapjacket.
  12. Why do jedi always burn their pancakes?… Because they won’t turn over to the dark side. (Star Wars Jokes)
  13. Customer: I’ll have a stack of 24 pancakes, please. Waitress: That’s a tall order!
  14. A pancake, a piece of toast, and a piece of bacon walk into a bar They sit down and ask the bartender for a round of beers. The bartender looks at them and says “Get the out of my bar, we don’t serve breakfast here.” (Toast Jokes & Beer Jokes)
  15. What does the pope put on his pancakes?… Papal syrup.
  16. What do groundhogs put on pancakes?… Hog cabin syrup. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  17. Went to a pancake restaurant, and asked if my breakfast would be long.  “No, sir, round” came the reply. (Geometry Jokes for Teachers)
  18. What did the pancake say to the complimentary muffin?… I’m flattered!
  19. One friend brags to another: “I know the recipe for the best pancake mix in the world!”. His friend replies: “I bet mine is batter, it’s flipping amazing!”
  20. What do a baseball team and pancakes have in common?… They both need a good batter! (101 Baseball Jokes New York Jokes)
  21. Did you hear about the angry pancake?… He totally flipped! (Psychology Jokes)
  22. Why couldn’t the pancake sleep?… He kept tossing and turning! (Napping Jokes)
  23. Why aren’t pancakes good singers?… They’re too flat! (365 Music Jokes)
  24. I tried to break the ice at a party with a pancake joke… but it fell flat.
  25. How do you make a pancake smile?… You butter him up!
  26. Why did the pancake run away?… Because he was creped out!
  27. How do leprechauns eat their pancakes?… In short stacks. (St. Patrick Day Jokes)
  28. A pancake I know tried to make it as a singer, but he was too flat.
  29. How do you make a pancake smile?… Butter him up. (180 School Jokes Butter Jokes)
  30. Did you know today is Pancake day… apparently it just creped up on us. (Bastille Day Jokes)
  31. What do you call a politician who can’t turn pancakes?… A flip-flop. (Flip Flop Jokes)
  32. What do bus drivers put on their pancakes for breakfast?… Traffic jam! (Car Jokes)
  33. What do uber drivers put on their pancakes for breakfast?… Traffic jam! (Car Jokes)
  34. What’s the best thing you can put into a pancake?… Your teeth! (Dentist Jokes)
  35. “I have the best pancake mix!”… “No, mine is batter”
  36. What did Abe Lincoln put on his pancakes?… Lincoln Log Cabin Syrup. (Abraham Lincoln Jokes)
  37. What did the young pancake say to the old burnt pancake?… I don’t like your flip side. (Grandparent Jokes)
  38. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about pancakes? (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month& February Knock Knock Jokes)
  39. What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?… IHOP. (Pancake Jokes & Easter Jokes)
  40. How does a penguin make pancakes?… With its flippers! (Penguin Jokes)
  41. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good pancake knock-knock joke? (February Knock Knock Jokes)
  42. My successful pancake business was recently shut down… Someone tipped off the police that I was selling them hot. (Labor Day Jokes & Police Jokes)
  43. Why did the pancake get arrested?… It had committed multiple unwaffle actions. (Police Jokes)
  44. Why do musicians never sing pancake songs?… They always fall flat! (365 Music Jokes)
  45. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best pancake jokes. (February Knock Knock Jokes)
  46. Why didn’t the waffle go to the pancake party?… He was a square. (Geometry Jokes for Teachers)
  47. Where do most people eat pancakes during a Leap Year?… IHOP. (Lear Year Jokes)
  48. I tried making pancakes… But I ended up with flapjacks instead. I guess I used too much synonym. (Grammar Jokes)
  49. What do groundhogs put on pancakes?… Hog cabin syrup. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  50. Went to a pancake restaurant, and asked if my breakfast would be long.  “No, sir, round” came the reply. (Geometry Jokes for Teachers)