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(Donut Jokes)

More Donut Jokes……

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best donut jokes.
  2. National Donut Day Theme Song: “Donut stop believing!” (Music Jokes)
  3. What is a pilot’s favorite type of donut?… A plain (plane) donut! (Pilot Jokes for Kids)
  4. What did the donut say to the munchin?…. You complete me! (Movie Jokes)
  5. Why did the donut start going to therapy?… It couldn’t get over the feeling that something was missing — it never felt hole! (Psychology Jokes)
  6. What did Yoda say when he turned a patron away for ordering a pie?… “Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.” (Yoda Jokes)
  7. What are strange donuts made out of?… Weird-doughs.
  8. Where was the first doughnut cooked?… In Greece! (World Geography Jokes)
  9. Where do basketball players always get their coffee?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (Donut Jokes & Coffee Jokes)
  10. What do you call a store that only sells pretzels, bagels and donuts?… Hole Foods. (Donut Jokes & Bagel Jokes)
  11. National Donut Day Motto: “Donut Worry! Be Happy!”
  12. Career Advice: “Donuts: The only non-negotiable element to a successful meeting.” Anonymous
  13. What do do-nuts wear to proms?… Tuxedoughs! (Wedding Jokes)
  14. What do you call it when you order the same donut every day?… A do-rut!
  15. “The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole.” Oscar Wilde
  16. What is the best thing to put into a donut?… your teeth. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
  17. Where do bakers go on vacation?… Orlandough, Florida. (Florida Jokes)
  18. Why did the baker stop making donuts?… He was fed up with the hole business! (Labor Day Jokes)
  19. What do you call a cute donut?… Adoughrable!
  20. What kind of donuts can fly?… A plane one. (Pilot Jokes for Kids & Plane Jokes)
  21. A Donut Book Never Written: “Doughnuts, Doughnuts, Doughnuts!” by Chris P. Cream. (Book Jokes)
  22. Ides of March JokesCelebrate the Ides of March with a donut. In fact…Eat two, Brute. (Donut Jokes)
  23. Why do basketball players eat donuts for a pre-game meal?… They love to dunk them. (March Madness Jokes)
  24. National Donut Day Inspiration: “Donut give up”
  25. Why did the Croissants take the Donuts and Bagels to Disneyland?… They thought it would be fun for the hole family. (Disney JokesCroissant Jokes)
  26. Which fast-food chain would be a good basketball player?… Dunkin’ Donuts. (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  27. Why do golfers love donuts?… Always a hole-in-one!
  28. What did the pastry chef say to his unsupportive father?… “Donut hole me back.”
  29. Did you hear the joke about the donut?… Probably not, it was crummy! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
  30. Why did the mother return a donut?… Because there was a hole in it. (Mom Jokes)
  31. I tried working in a donut shop, but I soon got tired of the hole business. (Labor Day Jokes)
  32. Why did the baker stop making donuts?… He was fed up with the hole business! (Labor Day Jokes for Kids)
  33. Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut ask, it’s a secret! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  34. Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow?… It always went back four seconds? (Daylight Savings Time Jokes)
  35. What’s a donut’s favorite lullaby?… “Sprinkle, Sprinkle Little Star.”
  36. A cream-filled donut and an eclair decided to get a divorce. It’s a sad story, but the real victims are their children. They’re in for a grueling custardy battle.
  37. What do you call uncivilized donuts?… Bavarians.
  38. Donut PSA: Warning! Donuts will make your clothes shrink.
  39. Why couldn’t the Teddy Bear eat his donut?… He was stuffed. (Animal Jokes for Kids & Bear Jokes)
  40. I was on a diet, but I donut care anymore.
  41. Why did the donut go to the doctor?… Because it was feeling crummy! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
  42. How did the police department figure out a perp stole a cop car?… The lojacked cop car went 5 hours without stopping at a Dunkin Donuts! (Police Jokes for Kids)
  43. Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to close the door! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  44. Donut Pun: What did one donut say to the other?… I donut care.
  45. Donut Pun:”You donut know how much I love you.” (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  46. Where is a basketball player’s favorite place to eat?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
  47. Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to hire a tutor to improve your grades! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  48. Which nut has a hole in it?… A donut.
  49. What do you call a Boston crème do-nut that’s a straight A student?… The cream of the crop. (School Jokes for Kids & 180 School Jokes)
  50. What do you get when you cross Frosty with a baker?… Frosty the Dough-man! (Frosty the Snowman Jokes)
  51. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about donuts?
  52. Why did the donut decide to become a priest?… It always felt very hole-y!
  53. What do you call a Jamaican donut?… Cinnamon. (World Geography Jokes)
  54. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good donut knock-knock joke?
  55. Knock Knock… Who’s there… Justin… Justin who?… Justin time to make the donuts! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  56. Why did the donut go to the dentist?… It needed a chocolate filling. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
  57. What kind of evidence can a donut not take to trial?… Anecdoughtal evidence! (Lawyer Jokes)
  58. What do do-nuts wear to weddings?… Tuxedoughs! (Wedding Jokes)
  59. Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut let anyone else in but me! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  60. American donuts… glazed, powdered and raspberry-filled; now how’s that for freedom of choice?… Homer Simpson (4th of July Jokes)
  61. What’s a donut’s favorite day of the week?… Fry-day! (Fast Food Jokes)
  62. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… CIA… CIA, who?…CI ate your last doughnut! (Donut Knock Knock Jokes)
  63. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good donut knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  64. How does Bob Marley like his donuts?… Wi’ jam in.
  65. Why do donuts hate puns so much?… They donut like to joke around!
  66. What is the only thing that can cure a sick do-nut?… An antidought! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
  67. Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget do your homework or you will have to go to summer school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids / Summer School Jokes / 180 School Jokes)
  68. Where’s a donut’s favorite vacation spot?… The Sahara dessert! (Travel Guest Blogs & World Geography Jokes)
  69. “If you stop eating donuts you will live three years longer; it’s just three more years that you want a donut.” Lewis Black
  70. What do you call a pastry that is a priest?… A Holy Donut!
  71. What was the donut’s least favorite part of its day?… I’m not really sure, it glazed over that part!
  72. How did the strawberry donut feel after dinner?… Jam-packed!
  73. What’s a donut’s favorite drink?… Hole-y water!
  74. What’s a do-nuts favorite place to explore?… The Sahara dessert! (Travel Guest Blogs & World Geography Jokes)
  75. Donut Pun: “A donut is happiness with sprinkles on top.”
  76. Donut Pun: “Donut kill my vibe.”
  77. Donut Pun: “Eat more hole foods.”
  78. Donut Pun: “And the donut just stood there with a glazed expression.”
  79. Donut Pun: “You need to understand the difference between want and need. Like I want abs, but I need donuts.”
  80. Donut Pun: “Donut judge me.”
  81. Where do college basketball players always get their coffee?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (Donut Jokes & Coffee Jokes)
  82. I allow myself only one donut per year… This morning I had 533 B.C., 1831, and 1962.
  83. Ever heard of French Donuts?… They’re the Beigne of my existence.
  84. Why did the donut go to a therapist?… He felt empty inside.
  85. What’s the healthiest part of a donut?… The middle.
  86. Why did the donut visit a cardiologist?… Because of the hole in its heart.
  87. When do bakers stop making donuts?… When they get tired of the hole thing.
  88. What did an angry donut say to his wife?… Donut talk to me.
  89. What did an angry donut say to her husband?… Donut talk to me.
  90. What happened to the renegade donuts?… They went down in a glaze of glory.
  91. Why do donuts make terrible teachers?… They’re always glazing over the important stuff.
  92. How can you spot a fashionista donut?… They’re into all the latest glazes.
  93. How was the donuts’ hole business?… Not at all jam-packed.
  94. Why do people ignore filled donuts?… Because they are just full of themselves.
  95. Why do you need to buy new clothes after buying donuts?… Because donuts make your existing clothes shrink.
  96. How does the gym instructor say after having loads of desserts? A: “I donut care anymore..”
  97. How would you brand a cop basketball team? A: Dunkin donuts. Everyone knows that the police force loves donuts.
  98. What did the basketball player who loved donuts say after the match?… Let’s go to Dunkin donuts for the hole food protein!
  99. What did the people say when donut graduated?… They cheered, saying, “He passed with frying crullers”.
  100. What song did the motivational donut leader sing?… Donut stop believing.
  101. Why do the people say donuts are made by God?… Because they are hole-y. Boy, that is quite a religious approach for donut jokes.