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Google Search “Coronation Jokes

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best coronation jokes.
  2. King Charles is the new ruler of England… He hopes he can measure up.
  3. Can you name two burgers who are royalty?… Sir Loin and Burger King!
  4. King Charles III was a very good cello player when he was young… He’s an Artist formerly known as Prince. (365 Music Jokes)
  5. I’m not a fan of the new coins released with King Charles’ head on them…. But then again, I don’t like change.
  6. “God Save the Queen” seems an ill-fitting anthem following the coronation of King Charles III… The obvious choice for the replacement is the “Charles in Charge” theme song. (365 Music Jokes)
  7. Why did no one in the kings court laugh when the king farted?… Because noble gases don’t cause a reaction. (Chemistry Jokes)
  8. What do you call King Charles when he is on the toilet?… A royal flush.
  9. Once upon a time, there lived a king who was only 12 inches tall… He was a terrible king, but he made a great ruler.
  10. What did the King name the extra night?… Sir Plus. (Knight Jokes & Math Jokes for Teachers)
  11. What medieval king wrote books?… King Author. (Knight Jokes & Book Jokes)
  12. King Charles’s coronation date has been revealed… It’s Camilla.
  13. Where does the King Charles keep his armies?… In his sleevies. (Army Jokes)
  14. King Charles to get a crown next year… You know U.K. dentistry is bad when the King can’t even get a dentist appointment. (Dentist Jokes)
  15. Why is the King Charles wet?… He is the reigning monarch. (Rain Jokes)
  16. Sir Charles Barkley would have been a great NBA representative for the Royal Coronation. (365 Basketball Jokes)
  17. I found out that King Charles is a gamer, and mostly plays Nintendo games… He knows how to properly use the Royal Wii.
  18. Where does royalty go out to eat?… Burger King. (Fast Food Jokes)
  19. What sporting event does the British Royal Family always follow?… The Triple Crown. (Triple Crown Jokes)
  20. What professional American sports league does the British Royal Family always follow?… Major League Baseball. The want to see if a player can win the The Triple Crown. (Baseball Jokes)
  21. What sporting event does the British Royal Family always follow?… The Kentucky Derby. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Kentucky Derby Jokes)
  22. King Charles will not make as many foreign visits as Queen Elizabeth did… Because the Queen could go any distance but the King can only move one space at a time.
  23. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe name the last King who was coronated? (Egg Jokes & Canoe Jokes)
  24. Why did King Charles go to the dentist?… To get his teeth crowned, too. (Dentist Jokes)
  25. Prince Charles contracts Corona Virus… All part of the coronation process. (Covid Jokes)
  26. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe name the countries that still coronate a king? (Canoe Jokes)
  27. Why does King Charles go to the bank after dinner?… To make his knightly deposit. (Knight Jokes)
  28. Why does King Charles have a round table?… So he doesn’t get cornered. (Geometry Jokes for Teachers)
  29. The official beer of the Coronation… Corona. (Beer Jokes)
  30. Which of King Charles’ knights never doubted himself?… Sir Tanlee. (Knight Jokes)
  31. Which of King Charles’ knights loved going to the beach?… Sir Tanlee. (Knight Jokes)
  32. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me where King Charles lives? (Canoe Jokes)
  33. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me the date of the last Coronation? (Canoe Jokes)
  34. When is a king like a piece of wood?… When it’s a ruler.
  35. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe name the last French king to be coronated? (Canoe Jokes & Bastille Day Jokes)
  36. What does the king do on his throne?… He sits on it.
  37. Why was the King Charles unhappy with the weather?… Because it was reigning. (Rain Jokes)
  38. What the most frustrating thing for dragons when Kings threw them birthday parties?… Blowing out the candles… (Dragon Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  39. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe spell coronation? (Canoe Jokes)
  40. What happens when a prince gets coronavirus?… A coronation. (Covid Jokes)
  41. What was the nickname for da King who wanted everything?… DeSire…
  42. Prince Charles is actually happy about getting COVID-19… Now he doesn’t have to worry if he will experience coronation. (Covid Jokes)
  43. As the virus crisis rages on in Italy, many Italians are considering reverting back to monarchy… It should be quite easy, seeing as they already have a coronation. (Covid Jokes)
  44. What’s the difference between a dinosaur and a British king?… One is a T-rex, the other is a tea rex. (Dinosaur Jokes & Tea Jokes)
  45. Who was strong enough to move the king’s castle?… A chess player.
  46. Who designed King Arthur’s round table?… Sir Cumference. (Knight Jokes)
  47. How did Medieval kings send messages in the forest?… Moss code. (Tree Jokes)
  48. Where do kings get crowned?… On their heads.
  49. Why did King Arthur go to the dentist?… To get his teeth crowned. (Dentist Jokes)
  50. Why were there so many old chairs in the King’s castle?… They were never throne out.
  51. Who was the roundest knight at King Arthur’s table?… Sir Cumference!
  52. Why was the King’s army so tired?… Too many sleepless knights. (Knight Jokes)
  53. What do you call a king on the toilet?… A royal flush.
  54. I went to McDonalds and Wendy’s and Burger Kings and all the fries were burnt!… Then I realized it’s Black Fryday.(Black Friday Jokes & Fast Food Jokes)
  55. Please pray for my dumb friend who thinks Stephen King is a documentarian… He’ll believe ‘It’ when he sees it. (Book Jokes)
  56. Do you want to hear an old British joke?… King Charles III.
  57. In the early days, we had Kingdoms run by Kings. And Empires run by Emperors. Now we have Countries run by…
  58. What is it called when a king and queen have no children?… A receding heir line. (Barber Jokes)
  59. Why was the King unhappy with the weather?… Because it was reigning. (Rain Jokes)
  60. What was the name of the king’s extra knight?… Sir Plus.
  61. Why does Donald Trump thinks he can become King of the USA?… Because his actions led to a Coronation.
  62. King Charles has a realistic chance of breaking one of Queen Elizabeths most famous records… The record number of 15 prime ministers during her reign.
  63. Where does the King keep his armies?… In his sleevies
  64. What was King Tut known as in the wild west?… Rootin’ Tutankhamun.
  65. I have lived to see something I never thought possible… The Coronation of an American president.
  66. When will Putin resign as president?… At the coronation.
  67. Why was the king wet?… He was the reigning monarch. (Rain Jokes)
  68. Why did the king have a round table?… So he wouldn’t be cornered.
  69. Why did the King go to the bank after dinner?… To make his knightly deposit. (Knight Jokes)
  70. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me where the Royal Family lives? (Canoe Jokes)
  71. Which of the king’s knights never doubted himself?… Sir Tanlee. (Knight Jokes)
  72. How dose good King Wenceslas like his pizza?… Deep pan, crisp and even. (Pizza Jokes)
  73. King Charles has announced that he will be sending his best two Helicopter pilots to Ukraine for the war… Their names are Andrew and Harry.
  74. What sporting event does the British Royal Family always follow?… The Preakness. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Preakness Jokes)
  75. What sporting event does a king always follow?… The Preakness. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Preakness Jokes)
  76. What sporting event does a queen always follow?… The Preakness. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Preakness Jokes)
  77. What sporting event does a king always follow?… The Belmont Stakes. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Belmont Stakes Jokes)
  78. What sporting event does a queen always follow?… The Belmont Stakes. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Belmont Stakes Jokes)
  79. What sporting event does the British Royal Family always follow?… The Belmont Stakes. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Belmont Stakes Jokes)
  80. What professional American sports league does the King always follow?… Major League Baseball. The want to see if a player can win the The Triple Crown. (Triple Crown Jokes)
  81. What professional American sports league does the Queen always follow?… Major League Baseball. The want to see if a player can win the The Triple Crown. (Triple Crown Jokes)
  82. What sporting event does a king always follow?… The Triple Crown. (Triple Crown Jokes)
  83. What sporting event does a queen always follow?… The Triple Crown. (Triple Crown Jokes)
  84. What sporting event does a king always follow?… The Kentucky Derby. It is part of the Triple Crown. (Kentucky Derby Jokes)
  85. What sporting event does a queen always follow?… The Kentucky Derby. It is part of the Triple Crown.(Kentucky Derby Jokes)
  86. What sporting event does the British Royal Family always follow?… The Kentucky Derby. It is part of the Triple Crown.(Kentucky Derby Jokes)
  87. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe name the countries that still coronate a queen? (Egg Jokes & Canoe Jokes)

Royal Wedding Jokes

  1. Did you hear about the two cell antennas who got married?… The ceremony was just o.k., but the reception was great.
  2. Did you hear about the two spiders who just got engaged?… I hear they met on the web.
  3. Two cannonballs got married this morning. I hear they’re already expecting BBs. (Revolutionary War Jokes)
  4. Did you hear about the two cell phones who got married? The reception was terrific.
  5. Two florists recently got married. It was an arranged marriage.
  6. I just saw two nuclear technicians getting married. The bride was radiant and the groom was glowing.
  7. Did you hear about the notebook who married a pencil? She finally found Mr. Write.
  8. Do you know why the King of Hearts married the Queen of Hearts? They were perfectly suited to each other.
  9. Did you hear about the bald man who married his comb? He promised, “I’ll never part with it!”
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a very emotional day. Even the cake is in tiers.
  11. It’s been ten years since the invisible man married the invisible woman. Their kids are nothing to look at either.
  12. Comic Sans break up with Times New Roman? He just wasn’t her type.
  13. Unfortunately, the jumper cables are getting a divorce. They just didn’t have that spark.
  14. Sadly, hydrogen and helium broke things off. But they still think of each other periodically.