1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the BEST School jokes in the World. (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  2. Teacher: What is the most common phrase used in school? Student: I don’t know! Teacher: Correct! (Grammar Jokes)
  3. Student: Can I ask you a question? Teacher: You just have. (Grammar Jokes)
  4. Why are fish so smart?… They live in schools! (180 School Jokes & Fish Jokes)
  5. Why did the elementary student cross the playground?… To get to the other slide.
  6. Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. ‘Wake up, son. It’s time to go to school’ ‘But why, Mom? I don’t want to go.’ ‘Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go.’ ‘Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!’ ‘Oh, that’s no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready.’ ‘Give me two reasons why I should go to school.’ ‘Well, for one, you’re 52 years old. And for another, you’re the teacher!’ (Teacher Jokes & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  7. Teacher: Everybody hand in your homework, please. Students: Teacher, it’s the first day of school. We didn’t have any homework. Teacher: That’s right, and that’s the last excuse for not doing your homework that I’ll accept for the rest of the year. (Teacher Jokes & Jokes for the 1st Day of School)
  8. Why is Alabama the smartest state?… Because it has 4 A’s and 1 B! (Alabama Jokes)
  9. How is an English teacher like a judge?… They both give out sentences! (Grammar Jokes & Lawyer Jokes)
  10. What if math teachers are pirates… and they just want us to find X so they can get the buried treasure? (Pirate Jokes)
  11. What is a math teacher’s favorite season?… “Sum”mer. (Math Jokes for Kids & Summer Camp Jokes)
  12. Why was Harry Potter sent to the office?… Because he was cursing in class! (School Jokes & Principal Jokes)
  13. Teacher: Give me a sentence beginning with “I.” Student: I is the… Teacher: Remember you must say “I am” not “I is.” Student: All right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet. (Grammar Jokes)
  14. Teacher: What are two pronouns? Student: Who? Me? (Grammar Jokes)
  15. What’s the difference between a teacher and a train?… A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!” (Train Jokes)
  16. Do fish go on vacation?… No, because they’re always in schools!
  17. Child: I think we need a new teacher. Mom: Why’s that? Child: Our teacher doesn’t know anything! She keeps asking us for the answers…
  18. Why did the pirate fail his spelling class?…. Because he insisted there were seven ‘C’s. (Deos Selplnig Ralely Mtetar? / Spelling Lists / Pirate Jokes 180 School Jokes)
  19. How do you comfort a grammar teacher?… Say… “They’re, there, their.” (Grammar Jokes)
  20. Why was the geometry book so adorable?… Because it had acute angles. (Geometry Jokes) 
  21. What do you call a teacher who forgot to take attendance?… Absent-minded.
  22. What’s the best place to grow flowers in school?… In the kindergarden. (Flower Jokes & Kindergarten Jokes)
  23. What is a math teacher’s favorite snake?… a pi – thon. (Snake Jokes)
  24. What dinosaur knows the most synonyms?… A Thesaurus. (Grammar Jokes & Dinosaur Jokes)
  25. What did the triangle say to the circle?… You are pointless. (Geometry Jokes) 
  26. What do you call an English teacher with a social media addiction?… An Instagrammar. (Grammar Jokes)
  27. Why did the student bring a ladder to school?… Because they heard it was high school! (High School Jokes)
  28. What is a pirate’s favorite class?… Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt! (Art Jokes & Pirate Jokes)
  29. Teacher: If I had 8 oranges in one hand and 10 apples in the other hand, what would I have? Student: Big hands!
  30. Pirates are not very good students… They are just above C-level. (Pirate Jokes)
  31. What do you call a group of boys who love math?… Alge-bros. (Algebra Jokes)
  32. What do you call a pirate that skips class?… Captain Hooky! (Pirate Jokes)
  33. What students like vegetables the most?… Kindergardners. (Kindergarten Jokes)
  34. What do you call a ruler, protractor, and a compass hanging out together?… Weapons of Math Instruction. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  35. What do you call when the high school biology teachers take a picture?… Cell-fie. (Biology Jokes & Photography Jokes)
  36. What is the difference between a comma and the Cat in the Hat?… One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause. (Grammar Jokes Cat Jokes)
  37. Why did the school librarian get kicked off the plane?… It was overbooked! (Library Jokes)
  38. What is the longest word in the English Dictionary?… Smiles because there is a mile between the first letter and the last one. (Grammar Jokes)
  39. Why did the teacher write on the window?… Because she wanted the lesson to be clear!
  40. My Social Studies teacher can read maps better than anyone I know… She is a legend. (Social Studies Jokes)
  41. Principal Jokes for Kids: Students going to the Homecoming Dance: Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Dewey….Dewey who?… Dewey have to take a breathalizer? (Police Jokes & Homecoming Jokes
  42. I am close with 25 letters of the alphabet… I don’t know Y.
  43. What do you call an acid with an attitude?… A – Mean – Oh acid. (Biology Jokes)
  44. What do you call a music teacher with problems?… A trebled person. (365 Music Jokes)
  45. When did Anakin’s Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side?… In the Sith Grade. (Star Wars Jokes for Kids)
  46. How are coffee beans like middle school kids?… They’re always getting grounded. (Coffee Jokes)
  47. Why is 6 afraid of 7?… Because 7 8 (ate) 9. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  48. What do you get when you cross a teacher and a vampire?… Lots of blood tests! (Vampire Jokes)
  49. Why did the student eat his homework?… The teacher said it was a piece of cake. (Cake Jokes)
  50. Why did the students study in the airplane?… Because they wanted higher grades. (Plane Jokes