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  1. What do minions eat on Halloween?… Boo-nanas. (Banana Jokes Funny Halloween Jokes Ghost Jokes)
  2. “Happy Halloween to all and to all a good fright!” Hubie Dubois! (Movie Jokes)
  3. What did one Pumpkin say to the other?… Happy Hollowing! (Pumpkin Jokes)
  4. Why is corn popular around Halloween?… Because it’s so earie. (Corn Jokes)
  5. If you eat too many salted pretzels on Halloween, what happens the next day?… November thirst. (Funny Halloween Jokes & November Jokes)
  6. Why was the tiny ghost asked to join the luge team?… They needed a little team spirit. (Luge Jokes)
  7. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Hans… Hans who?… Hans off my Halloween candy! (Candy Jokes)
  8. How do you describe Halloween corn?… It’s eerie. (Corn Jokes)
  9. What do football players wear on Halloween?… Face masks! (Football Jokes)
  10. What is a golfer’s worst nightmare?… The “Bogey” man. (Friday the 13th Jokes & Golf Jokes)
  11. This Halloween on the East Coast I heard a lot of people are going to be the Scorpions this Halloween…. Because we’re gonna get rocked like a hurricane. (Funny Halloween Jokes & Music Jokes)
  12. What do you call a wild dog that you can’t find?… A WHEREwolf! (Halloween Jokes / Werewolf Jokes / Dog Jokes)
  13. Why was the skeleton always left out of the sailing trip?… Because he had no body to go with. (Funny Halloween Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
  14. What do you call a wild dog that you can’t find?… A WHEREwolf! (Halloween Jokes / Werewolf Jokes / Dog Jokes)
  15. What did Frankenstein say to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?… Be my Valenstein! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  16. Who did Christopher Robin dress up as for Halloween?… Christopher Robin Hood. (Robin Hood Jokes & Winnie the Pooh Jokes)
  17. What does an invisible man drink?… Evaporated milk! (Milk Jokes)
  18. What’s the scariest day on the Hawaiian calendar?…Hula-ween. (Hawaii Jokes & October Jokes)
  19. Knock, Knock!… Who’s there?… Phillip!… Phillip who?… Phillip my bag with Halloween candy, please! (Candy Jokes)
  20. What do birds say on Halloween?… “Trick or tweet!” (Bird Jokes)
  21. Which Halloween monster is good at math?… Count Dracula! (Dracula Jokes & Math Jokes for Kids)
  22. Why are ghosts terrible liars?… You can see right through them! (Ghost Jokes)