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Top Joke Pages: 180 School okes, Family Joke of the Day, May Jokes for Kids
- Top 10 May Pages / May Hashtag of the Day / May Guest Blogs
- More Pirate Jokes… & Top 10 Pirate Jokes
- (Pirate Jokes)
- Knock knock?… Who is there?… Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We promise to find the best pirate jokes!
- Have you heard any good pirate jokes?… Well, neither have ayyyye.
- What is a pirate’s favorite letter?…. Most people think it’s the ‘R’rrrr, but really it’s the ‘C’ they love. (26 lessons for the Letter of the Week & Ocean Jokes)
- What are the only notes a pirate can sing?… High C’s [seas] (Music Jokes)
- Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?… Because they can spend years at C. (26 lessons for the Letter of the Week & Ocean Jokes)
- Where did the one legged pirate go for breakfast?… IHOP. (Bacon Jokes & Egg Jokes)
- 3.14% of Sailors are PI rates! (Pi Day Jokes)
- What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer?… Shiver me timbers! (Tree Jokes)
- What do you call a pirate with both eyes and all his limbs?… A rookie.
- What does a Dyslexic Pirate Say?… RRAAAAAAAAAAA! (Cheerleading Jokes)
- How do you turn a pirate furious?… Take away the “p.” (Grammar Jokes)
- A pirate and a sailor were exchanging stories. The sailor pointed to the pirate’s peg leg and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said, “Aye, I wrestled a shark and lost me leg.” The sailor pointed to the pirate’s hook and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said: “Aye, I fought Red Beard’s crew and lost me hand.” The sailor pointed to the pirate’s eye patch and asked, “How did you get that?” The pirate said, “Aye, a bird came by and left droppings in me eye.” The sailor said, “That’s not as impressive as the other two. …” “Aye,” the pirate answered. “It was me first day with the hook.” (Shark Jokes)
- Where do pirates get their haircut?… At the barrrrrber shop! (Barber Jokes)
- What are the 10 letters of the pirate alphabet?… I, I, R, and the seven C’s! (Grammar Jokes)
- Why can’t pirates play golf well?… They always hook the ball. (Pirate Jokes & Golf Jokes)
- What’s a pirate’s favorite state?… Arrrrkansas (Top 50 State Jokes & Pirate Jokes)
- What is a pirate’s favorite holiday?… AHRRRRR-bor Day! (Arbor Day Jokes)
- What’s the pirate’s favorite movie?… Booty and the Beast. (Disney Jokes for Kids)
- What’s a pirate’s favorite type of exercise?… The plank!
- How do pirates talk to each other?… Aye to aye! (Biology Jokes)
- What’s a pirate’s favorite country?… AARRRRGGHentina! (Geography Jokes)
- If Blackbeard played sports who would he play for?… Either the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or the Pittsburgh Pirates. (Top 10 Sports Jokes / Baseball Jokes / Football Jokes)
- What’s a pirate’s favorite basketball move?… Jump hook. (Basketball Jokes for Kids)
- What do you call a pirate that skips class?… Captain Hooky! (180 School Jokes)
- How do pirates know they exist?… They think, therefore they arrrr.
- How much does a pirate pay to get his ears pierced?… A-buck-an-ear.
- Why did the pirate so bad at bowling?… He had a severe hook. (Top 10 Sports Jokes & Bowling Jokes)
- What Star Wars character is really a pirate?… AARRRRGGH-2 D-2! (Star Wars Jokes)
- Why did the pirate fail his spelling class?…. Because he insisted there were seven ‘C’s. (Deos Selplnig Ralely Mtetar? / Spelling Lists / Ocean Jokes / Grammar Jokes)
- What did the sea say to the Pirate Captain?… Nothing, it just waved! (Geography Jokes)
- Why is pirating so addictive?…They say once ye lose yer first hand, ye get hooked!
- What happened when Red Beard fell in the Deep Blue Sea?… He got marooned. (Ocean Jokes & Crayon Jokes)
- What do nice pirates do on Father’s Day?… Take out the garrrrrrrrrrrbage without being asked. (Father’s Day Jokes)
- Have you heard about the new pirate movie?… It’s rated AARRRRGGH! (Movies Jokes)
- Why don’t you ever see a pirate cry?… When they do, it’s a private tear!
- Who is the do the Tampa Bay Buccaneers change?… Davey Jones’ Locker! (Football Jokes)
- What’s a pirate’s second-choice job?… an arrrrrrchitect! (Labor Day jokes))
- Why are pirates called pirates?… They just aRRRRRRRR,
- Where do pirates like to eat?… the HARRRRRRD rock cafe! (Travel Guest Blogs)
- Where can ye find a pirate who has lost his wooden legs?… Right where ye left him.
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about pirates? (Knock Knock Jokes)
- Why did the pirate go on vacation?… He needed some AARRRRGGH and AARRRRGGH! (Travel Guest Blogs)
- What was pirate’s wife’s name?… Peg.
- What’s a pirate’s second favorite mode of transportation?… A cAARRRRGGH! (Massachusetts Jokes)
- Why did the shipwrecked pirates get to eat cakes, oreo cookies and pies when they washed up on shore?… It was a desserted island. (Oreo Cookie Jokes & Dessert Jokes)
- How do pirates measure the distance they swim?… In YARRRRRds. (Swimming Jokes)
- Why didn’t the pirate make it to the honor roll when he graduated?… All of his scores were in the C’s. (Graduation Jokes / Jokes for Teachers / Pirate Jokes)
- What kind of grades did the pirate get in school?… HIGH SEAS! (180 School Jokes)
- What’s a pirate’s favorite kind of cookie?… Ships ahoy! (Cookie Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the pirate join Planet Fitness?… To improve his booty!