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- Jokes for Teachers
- Christmas Jokes for Teachers
- Winter Jokes for Teachers
- January Jokes & Top 10 January Jokes
- Elementary School Jokes / Middle School Jokes / High School Jokes
Google Search “January Jokes for Teachers”
- “I promise not to make any bad jokes for the rest of the year.” A teacher on the last day before Winter Break.
- Why did the New England teacher go for a swim at the Polar Plunge on New Year’s Day?… She wanted to test the water. (Swimming Jokes)
- Why did the teacher put the new calendar in the freezer?… To start off the New Year in a cool way. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month & January Jokes for Teachers)
- January 4th: National Spaghetti Day Jokes Top 10 Spaghetti Jokes: Why did the spaghetti miss the field trip?… It lost its parmesan slip. (Jokes for Teachers)
- January 5th: National Bird Day Top 10 Bird Jokes: What kind of math do Snowy Owls like?… Owlgebra! (Pi Day Jokes & Algebra Jokes for Teachers)
- What happened to the student who shoplifted a calendar on New Year’s Day?… He got 12 months! (Police Jokes & Top 10 Jokes for Each Month)
- Why does a student need a jeweler on New Year’s Day?… To ring in the New Year.
- January 8th Christmas was unlike any other during Covid. My gifts were delivered on January 8 instead of December 25. Santa was asked to quarantine for 14 days. (Covid Jokes)
- Why did the New England teacher go for a swim at the Polar Plunge on New Year’s Day?… She wanted to test the water. (Swimming Jokes)
- What did the triple jumper say to the high school track & field team on January 1st?… Hoppy New Year (365 Sports Jokes & Track & Field Jokes)
- January 11th National Milk Day: 101 Milk Jokes: “Why shouldn’t I milk it? We’re an agricultural institution.” (after all his endorsement offers after North Carolina State won the NCAA Tournament) (365 Basketball Jokes)
- What comes at the start of January?… “J.”
- Wolf Moon Jokes: How is the Wolf Full Moon likes some school years?… It has four quarters!
- Where did the spaghetti go to dance?… The meat ball! (Meatball Jokes)
- What time is it when little white flakes fall past the classroom window?… Snow and Tell
- Help Wanted: Gymnastics Teacher Needed To Work Sat-Wed. Must be flexible. (Top Jobs for Teachers & Gymnastics Jokes)
- Why did the poultry farmer become a school teacher?… So he could grade his eggs. (180 School Jokes)
- January 18th Winnie the Pooh Day: Winnie the Pooh Jokes: What is Owl’s favorite school subject?… Owlgebra. (Bird Jokes & Algebra Jokes for Teachers)
- January 19th National Popcorn Day: What is the #1 school snack?… Smart Food popcorn. (Popcorn Jokes)
- Why did the little bird get in trouble at school?… Because he was caught tweeting on a test.
- Why did the little bird get in trouble at school?… He got caught peeping on a test. (365 School Jokes & 180 School Jokes)
- What did the triple jumper say to the middle school track & field team on January 1st?… Hoppy New Year (365 Sports Jokes & Track & Field Jokes)
- Why did the student only wear one boot to school?… He heard there would be a 50 percent chance of snow!
- January 11th Milk Day: What is a cow’s favorite type of math?… Moo-tiplication (Pi Day Jokes & Math Jokes for Teachers)
- What are a cows favorite subjects in school?… Moosic, psycowolgy, cowculus (365 School Jokes)
- Why did the chicken cross the playground?… To get to the other slide!
- What does Jack Frost like best about school?… Snow and tell. (Elementary School Jokes & Winter Jokes for Teachers)
- Hat Day: One good thing about graduation is that you get to wear a funny hat that makes your brain look larger than it actually is. (Graduation Jokes)
- January 18th: Winnie the Pooh Jokes What does Winnie say when he sneezes?… Ahh-ahh-POOH!!!
- January 19th: National Popcorn Day Jokes & Popcorn Jokes
- National Croissant Day: When I was a kid, my parents would always say “Excuse my french” after a swear word… I’ll never forget that first day at school when the teacher asked did we know any French. (Croissant Jokes)
- Why did the New England teacher go for a swim at the Polar Plunge on New Year’s Day?… He wanted to test the water and also give the 1st test of the year! (Swimming Jokes)
October What did Avogadro’s bird do when it was time for him to send his feathers?… it moleted! (Mole Day Jokes)