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Google Search “National Popcorn Day Jokes”
January 19th is National Popcorn Day. Click here for an explanation!(January Jokes)
- Why aren’t there many jokes about popcorn?… Because they are corny.
- Did you hear about the popcorn that joined the army?… They made him a kernel. (Veterans’ Day Jokes)
- What did the baby corn say to momma corn?… Where is pop corn? (Mother’s Day Jokes & Father’s Day Jokes)
- How much do pirates charge for corn on the cob?… A buck-an-ear. (Top Pirate Jokes)
- What is a popcorn’s favorite type of music?… POP
- What do you call a popcorn’s favorite flower?… Poppies.
- Why is popcorn way better than a movie?… Because they are just so much butter.
- Knock knock… Who’s there?… Papa… Papa who?… Papapapapapapapa popcorn.
- What do you call a “corny” metal band?… PopKORN!
- Why didn’t the kernel leave the popper?… He was cornfused. (Top Psychology Jokes)
- What music gets popcorn to dance?… Hip Pop
- Want to here a popcorn joke?… Nah, it’s to corny.
- Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm?… Because the corn has ears!
- What did the popcorn say to the jack in the box?… POP goes the weasel.
- Mom says “You keep dropping popcorn.” I say “Sorry, butter fingers.” y
- What is the main ingredient for cooking popcorn?… Poprika.
- Who orders everyone in the popcorn place around?… The kernel.
- What makes a loud noise when changing it’s jacket, becomes larger, but weighs less?… Popcorn!
- What’s the difference between popcorn and pea soup?… Anyone can pop corn, but you can’t pee soup.