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Top 10 Muhammad Ali Quotes: The 10 “Greatest” Ali Quotes

Google Search “Boxing Jokes

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best boxing jokes.
  2. Why didn’t the dog want to play in the Super Bowl?… He was a boxer. (Boxing Jokes & Dog Jokes)
  3. What do you call a Canadian fight ring?… A hockey game. (Hockey Jokes & Canada Jokes)
  4. There’s a lot of debate over where the best place to punch a shark is… Personally, I think it’s the sea. (Shark Jokes)
  5. Did you hear Mike Tyson was just arrested for nearly beating a Pizza Hut waitress to death?… As he was finishing eating, she asked “Hey, mister, you wanna box for the rest of your pizza?” (Pizza Jokes)
  6. How did the hobbit ruin the boxing match?… He tried to destroy the ring! (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
  7. What’s red, white, black, and blue?… Uncle Sam after a boxing match. (American Revolution Jokes)
  8. Everyone keeps posting about Mayweather, but I’m 99% sure it’s August. (August Jokes)
  9. What do you say when two Chocolate Chip Cookies are getting ready for their fight?… “Let’s get ready to crumble!” (Chocolate Chip Cookie Jokes)
  10. Why wasn’t the dog interested in playing in the Super Bowl?… It was a boxer.
  11. What is a boxer’s favorite part of a joke?… The e!
  12. Boxers are known for their summer teeth… Summer here, summer there. (Dentist Jokes & Hockey Jokes)
  13. How did the hobbit ruin the boxing match?… He tried to destroy the ring! (Lord of the Rings Jokes)
  14. Why didn’t the dog want to play football?… It was a boxer. (Football Jokes)
  15. What is read, white, blue, and black?… Uncle Sam after a boxing match. (4th of July Jokes)
  16. Who was skateboarders’ favorite boxer?… Muhammad Ollie. (Skateboarding Jokes)
  17. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Woo… Woo, who?… What are you cheering for in boxing at the Summer Olympics? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  18. What is a fighter’s favorite dog?…  A boxer. (Dog Jokes for Kids)
  19. What do you get when you cross a hula hoop and a boxer?… Hawaiian Punch. (Hawaii Jokes)
  20. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good boxing knock-knock joke?
  21. Last year I bought an instructional boxing DVD on Cyber Monday… This year I’m going Black Friday shopping.
  22. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good boxing knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  23. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about boxing? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  24. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good boxing knock-knock jokes?
  25. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good boxing knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  26. What do they call a boxer who gets beat up in a fight?… A sore loser.
  27. What is a prize fighter’s favorite drink?… Punch.
  28. Why did the octopus beat the shark in a fight?… Because the octopus was well armed. (Shark Jokes & Octopus Jokes)
  29. What did the pepperoni say to the cook?… You wanna pizza me? (Pizza Jokes for Kids)
  30. Did you hear Mike Tyson was just arrested for nearly beating a Pizza Hut waitress to death? As he was finishing eating, she asked “Hey, mister, you wanna box for the rest of your pizza?” (Pizza Jokes for Kids)
  31. Waiter, waiter, this lobster’s only got one claw. It must have been in a fight, sir. Then bring me the winner. (Lobster Jokes)
  32. Why doesn’t Conor McGregor like fighting in the spring?… Because of Mayweather. (Boxing Jokes & May Jokes)
  33. What is a UPS worker’s favorite sport?… Boxing! (Summer Camp Jokes for Kids)
  34. What’s the difference between a hockey game and a boxing match?… In a hockey game, the fights are real. (Hockey Jokes)
  35. What did the macaroni say to the spaghetti in the boxing ring?… Come and spaghet it! (Spaghetti Jokes)
  36. How do you make a fruit punch?… Give it boxing lessons.
  37. What did the cupcake say to the fork?… You want a piece of me? (Cupcake Jokes)
  38. The other day, when I was watching a boxing match on TV, a hockey game broke out! (Hockey Jokes)
  39. Does a match box?… No, but a tin can!
  40. Did you hear about the martial artists who fought on the beach?… They faced off in sand-to-sand combat! (Ocean Jokes)
  41. What did a tree fighting with autumn say?… That’s it, I’m leaving. (Tree Jokes & Boxing Jokes)
  42. A man ordered lobster for dinner…And when the waiter brought it to him, he complained, “Hey, this lobster has only one claw!”The waiter said, “That lobster was in a fight.”“Okay then,” replied the man, “Bring me the winner!” (Lobster Jokes)
  43. Why do boxers have “TGIF” written on their boxing shoes?… Toes Go In First.
  44. What did Mike Tyson say to his girlfriend?… Your EARresistable. (Valentines Day Jokes for Kids)
  45. What’s the difference between a boxer and a person with a cold?…  One knows his blows and the other blows his nose.
  46. What’s the difference between a nail and a bad boxer?… One gets knocked in and the other gets knocked out.
  47. When is a man like a dog?… When he’s a boxer.
  48. Did you see the award winning boxing cartoon for kids?…The Rocky Balboa & Raging Bullwinkle Show.
  49. What’s the difference between a hockey game and a boxing match?… In a hockey game, the fights are real. (Hockey Jokes)
  50. Why doesn’t Conor McGregor like fighting in the spring?… Because of Mayweather. (Boxing Jokes & May Jokes)
  51. Why does Manny Pacquiao hate spring?… Because it has May weather in it! (Boxing Jokes & May Jokes)
  52. What did Conor McGregor say when it rained on Cinco De Mayo?” I don’t like Mayweather!”
  53. Meatballs never get tired because they’re always “rolling” with the punches!
  54. What is a boxer’s favorite March Madness team?… The DUKES of James Madison.