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Snow Day Jokes & Snowman Jokes

Google Search “Snow Jokes”

  1. Knock Knock!… Who’s There?… Snow!… Snow who?… Snow laughing matter! It is a blizzard! (Blizzard Jokes)
  2. What’s a good winter tip?… Don’t eat yellow snow. (Winter Jokes)
  3. What did one snowflake say to the other?… You’re one of a kind. (Snow Jokes)
  4. What often falls in the winter but never gets hurt?… Snow.
  5. What did the icy road say to the car?… Want to go for a spin?
  6. Why did the farmer wear one boot to town?… Because he heard there would be a 50% chance of snow! (Farming Jokes)
  7. Knock, knock!… Who’s there?… Snow… Snow who?… Snowbody! (Knock Knock Jokes & Snow Jokes)
  8. With tears in his eyes, the little boy told his kindergarten teacher that only one pair of boots was left in the classroom and they weren’t his. The teacher searched and searched, but she couldn’t find any other boots. “Are you sure these boots aren’t yours?” she asked. “I’m sure,” the little boy sobbed. “Mine had snow on them.” (Kindergarten Jokes & Snow Jokes)
  9. How does one snowman greet another snowman?…. Ice to meet you.
  10. Did you hear about the snowman who fell in love with a mitten?… It was glove at first sight.
  11. What do road crews use at the North Pole?… Snow cones!
  12. Why is Frosty never late?… Time waits for snow man.
  13. What do snowmen call their kids?… Chill-dren.
  14. What do you call it when a snowman throws a temper tantrum?… A meltdown.
  15. How do snowmen make their beds?… With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
  16. Why are blizzards great?… They’re snow much fun!
  17. Who does Santa call when his sleigh breaks down?… The Abominable Towman. (Car Jokes Christmas Eve Jokes / Snowman Jokes)
  18. What do you call a snowman’s dog?… A slushpuppy.
  19. What happened when the snowgirl had a fight with the snowboy?… She gave him the cold shoulder!
  20. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?… Snowflakes! (Snowman Jokes / Cereal Jokes / Snow Jokes)
  21. When asked about his job, Frosty always replies, “There’s no business like snow business.”
  22. When you are as fast and as experienced a skier as me, the snow conditions can really make a difference… I always say with great powder comes great responsibility. (Snow Jokes & Spiderman Jokes)
  23. Where does a snowman keep his money?… In a snow bank. (Snowman Jokes)
  24. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Icy… Icy who?… Icy you, Mr. Blizzard!
  25. No matter what happens when skiing… the snow must go on. (Ski Puns & Snow Jokes)
  26. Where do snowman go to dance during a blizzard?… A snow ball! (Blizzard Jokes)
  27. Why are winter days great?… They’re snow much fun! (Snow Jokes)
  28. What song do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party?… Freeze a jolly good fellow! (Music Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
  29. What kind of money snowmen use in the North Pole?… Cold cash! (Snowman Jokes)
  30. What do you call a snowman with a six pack?… An abdominal snowman.
  31. How was the snow globe feeling in winter?… A bit shaken! (January Jokes)
  32. What can you catch with your eyes closed?… A cold.
  33. What is a snowman’s favorite breakfast?… Ice Crispies. (Cereal Jokes)
  34. How does a snowman get to work?… By icicle (Bike Jokes)
  35. Did you hear about the snowman spy?… He has a license to chill.
  36. How do you decorate a snowman’s cake?… Lots of icing.
  37. Why did the girl keep her trumpet out in the snow?… She liked playing cool jazz.
  38. Ski Pun: I’m going down this hill like there’s snow tomorrow. (Ski Puns & Snow Jokes)
  39. What did the salad say to get inside during the snow storm?… Lettuce in! It’s freezing out here!
  40. What kind of robots live in Antarctica?… Snow-bots.
  41. What do snowmen like to do on a snow day?… Chill out. (Snow Day Jokes)
  42. What do trees say after a long winter?… What a re-leaf.
  43. What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman?… Brrrr- itos. (Burrito Jokes & Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
  44. For those in the snow… skiing can be pretty easy. (Ski Puns & Snow Jokes)
  45. What do you call a glove combined with a snake?… Smitten.
  46. Did you hear about the kid who was hit in the head with a snowball?… It knocked him out cold. (Snow Jokes)
  47. Grandma has been staring through the window ever since it started to snow. If it gets any worse, I’ll have to let her inside. (Grandparent Jokes)
  48. Why did the snowman go to the doctor?… He had the chills! (Doctor Jokes)
  49. What’s a snowman’s favorite drink?… Iced tea. (Snowman Jokes)
  50. Why don’t mountains get cold in the winter?… They wear snowcaps. (Hiking Jokes)