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Joke Pages of the Month:

(Hurricane Jokes)

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes hurricane jokes.
  2. Hurricane Henri is no joke.
  3. I want to make a joke about Hurricane Henri…  But I am scared my inbox will be flooded. (Computer Jokes)
  4. Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 74 MPH could be the start of a hurricane! (August Jokes)
  5. Meteorologists reconfigured the 5 categories of hurricane… Number 5 will blow you away.
  6. What did the Hurricane say to coast?… I have my eye on you. (Biology Jokes)
  7. How do hurricane’s see?… With one eye. (Biology Jokes)
  8. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about hurricanes? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  9. I’m trying to write a joke about hurricanes… But at the moment it is just a draft. 
  10. A hurricane just blew the roof off the local cheese factory…. De Brie is everywhere. (Cheese Jokes)
  11. What happens to a sailboat in a category 5 hurricane?… Mast destruction. (Sailing Jokes)
  12. Hurricanes are very… depressing. (Psychology Jokes)
  13. What do you call a weak hurricane?… Hurrican’t
  14. A book never written: “Living Through The Storm” by Ty Foon. (Book Jokes)
  15. What’s the difference between a horse and a hurricane?… One is reined up and the other rains down. (Horse Jokes & Rain Jokes)
  16. What is a Tropical Storms favorite song?… “Rock You Like A Hurricane!” (Guitar Jokes & Music Jokes)
  17. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Hurricane… Hurricane who?… Hurry! Cane you run away from the storm?
  18. What did the hurricane say to the palm tree?… Hang onto your leaves, this will be no ordinary breeze. (Tree Jokes)
  19. A man walks into a bar and orders a Corona and two hurricanes… The bartender says that’ll be $20.20. (Covid Jokes & Beer Jokes)
  20. I asked my surfer friend if he plans to evacuate for the hurricane… He said, “Na-ama-ste.” (Surfing Jokes)
  21. How do you find the eye of a hurricane?… Look near the c. (Grammar Jokes))
  22.  It’s too early for hurricane jokes… wait for everything to blow over first. 
  23. What do you get if you a cross a card game with a hurricane?… Bridge over troubled water. (Ocean Jokes)
  24. What hurricane is a typical beach house guest?… Sandy. (New Jersey Jokes)
  25. What do you call a walking stick that makes you walk faster?… A hurricane.
  26. Why is it really hard to sneak up on a hurricane?… Because they’re always turning around. 
  27. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good hurricane knock-knock joke? (June Jokes)
  28. What did the hurricane say to the coast?… I have my eye on you. 
  29. How did you find the hurricane on your vacation?… I just went outside and there it was. (Travel Guest Blogs)
  30. We should just name hurricanes after politicians…. That way we wouldn’t have to worry about them actually coming through with anything. (Election Jokes)
  31. What do you call a cow stuck in a hurricane?… a milkshake. (Milk Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  32. Why do they call some storms Tropical Depressions?… Because it’s a storm that is suffering from a “Depression” because it couldn’t become a hurricane. (Psychology Jokes)
  33. Have you heard about the street performer who did his act in the middle of a hurricane?… It was mime-blowing. 
  34. Where do squirrels go in a hurricane?… All over the place. (Squirrel Jokes)
  35. What are hurricanes with a central dense overcast over the eye called?… Hurricanes with cataracts.
  36. How do hurricanes see?… With one eye.
  37. Remember Hurricane Sandy that hit New York a couple years ago?… They made a mixed drink after it It’s pretty much a watered down Manhattan. 
  38. I always get a little sad during hurricane season in south Florida… …you could say I have tropical depression. 
  39. A hurricane tore off a quarter of my roof… Roo.
  40. A hurricane tore off a half of my roof… Ro.
  41. A hurricane walks into a bar… The owner doesn’t have insurance so his life is pretty much ruined.
  42. A hurricane tore off a half of my roof… of.
  43. I went into the kitchen and saw a hurricane making a pot of tea I thought hmm, there’s a storm brewing.
  44. Why shouldn’t you stare at hurricanes for too long?… You’ll get lost in their eyes.
  45. Hurricane Marco is headed towards land. Hurricane polo is nowhere in sight.
  46. Why are hurricane winds so fast?… Because if they weren’t, they’d be slowicanes…
  47. How did you find the hurricane on your vacation?… I just went outside and there it was.
  48. What’s the difference between a horse and the hurricane?… One is reined up and the other rains down.
  49. What do you call a walking stick that makes grandpa walk faster?… A hurricane.
  50. What do you call a walking stick that makes grandma walk faster?… A hurricane.