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More Bee Jokes…

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about bees.
  2. Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee? … It’s a tender tail!
  3. Which insect doesn’t play well in football?… The fumble bee. (Football Jokes)
  4. What is the smartest insect?… A spelling bee. (Bee Jokes)
  5. Who is the bees favorite singer?… Sting! (Music Jokes)
  6. Knock knock… Who is there?… Bee… Bee who?… Bee-ware! It’s Friday the Thirteenth! (Friday the 13th Jokes)
  7. What Valentine’s message can you find in a honeycomb?… Bee mine. (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  8. Did you know bees become indecisive after April?… They become maybees. (Top 10 Jokes for Each Month & Bee Jokes)
  9. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about bees? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  10. What is smarter than a talking penguin?… A spelling bee!
  11. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good bee knock-knock joke?
  12. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good bee knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  13. What did one bee say to the other?… I love bee-ing with you, honey! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  14. Why did the bee go to the barbershop?… To get a buzz-cut. (Barber Jokes)
  15. What did the boy bee say to the girl bee on Valentine’s Day?… You are bee-utiful! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  16. What’s more amazing than a talking dog?… A Spelling Bee. (Dog Jokes for Kids & 26 Kindergarten Lessons ABC)
  17. What type of apple do bees like to use to make pie?… Honeycrisp! (Apple Jokes & Apple Pie Jokes)
  18. What kind of bee can’t be understood?… A mumble bee!
  19. How does a bee brush its hair?…  With its honeycomb. (Barber Jokes)
  20. What’s a bees favorite novel?… The Great Gats-bee! (Book Jokes)
  21. What did the bee to the other bee in summer?… Swarm here isn’t it! (Summer Jokes for Kids)
  22. What is a bee’s favorite part of a relationship?… The Honeymoon period. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  23. What TV station do bees watch?… Bee bee c one!
  24. What do you get if you cross a bee with a door bell?… A hum dinger!
  25. What do bees chew?… Bumble-gum. (Bee Jokes for Kids)
  26. What do you call a bee born in May?… A maybe! (Funny Jokes for Each Month)
  27. Can bees fly in the rain?… Not without their little yellow jackets! (Funny Spring Jokes & Rain Jokes)
  28. Which month can’t make a decision on a math test?… MAYbe. (May Jokes & Math Jokes for Teachers)
  29. What’s a bee’s favorite sport?… Rugbee. (Rugby Jokes for Kids)
  30. Who is the bees favorite pop group?… The bee gees!
  31. What does a bee do when it is hot at summer camp?… He takes off his yellow jacket. (Summer Camp Jokes)
  32. Why did one bee tease the other bee?… Because he was acting like a bay-bee! (Baby Jokes)
  33. What kind of bees hum and drop things?… A fumble bee! (101 Sports Jokes)
  34. Why did the bees go on strike?… Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers! (U.S. Teacher Unions & Labor Day Jokes)
  35. Why was the bee mad?… You’d be mad too if someone stole your honey and nectar. (Honey Jokes)
  36. Why did the bee get married?… He found his honey. (Valentine’s Day Jokes & Wedding Jokes)
  37. What do you call a Bee that tries to interfere with an election?… A Cagey Bee. (Election Jokes)
  38. What do you give a bee on the first day of class?… A Sylla-buzz. (180 School Jokes & Jokes for the 1st day of School)
  39. What’s a bee-line?… The shortest distance between two buzz-stops! (Bus Jokes)
  40. What is a bees favorite shape?… A Rhom-buzz, of course. (101 Pi Day Jokes & Math Jokes)
  41. My son came home from school and said, “My teacher gave me a B for my biology practical.” I said, “That’s good.” He said, “Not really. Everyone else got a frog to cut up.” (180 School Jokes & Biology Jokes for Kids)
  42. How does a bee get to class?… On the school-buzz. (180 School Jokes)
  43. Can bees fly in the rain?… Not without their little yellow jackets!
  44. What do you call a bee who’s had a spell put on him?… He’s bee-witched! (Halloween Jokes)
  45. What do you call a bears without ears?… B’s (Animal Jokes for Kids)
  46. What do you get when you cross a racing dog with a bumblebee?… A greyhound buzz! (Dog Jokes for Kids)
  47. What does a bee get at McDonalds?… A humburger! (Hamburger Jokes)
  48. What do you call a wasp?… A wanna-bee!
  49. Who is Burt’s Bees wax’s summer camp roommate?… Ernie’s bees wax! (Summer Camp Jokes & Sesame Street Jokes)
  50. What kind of bee is a sore loser?… a cryba-bee (101 Sports Jokes)
  51. Who protects the Queen Bee?… Her Hub-bee. (Valentine’s Day Jokes & Wedding Jokes)
  52. What bee is good for your health?… Vitamin bee!
  53. What did the bee say to the naughty bee?… Bee-hive yourself!
  54. What’s a bees favorite flower?… A bee-gonias! (Flower Jokes)
  55. Where do bees go on holiday?… Stingapore! (World Geography Jokes)
  56. What type of apple do bees like?… Honeycrisp! (Apple Jokes)
  57. What did the bee say to the flower?… Hello honey! (Flower Jokes)
  58. What did the confused bee say?… To bee or not to bee! (English Jokes)
  59. What do you call a Bee who is having a bad hair day?… A Frisbee. (Barber Jokes)
  60. What is even smarter than a talking worm?… A spelling bee. (Worm Jokes)
  61. What do you call a bee explorer?… Christopher Colum-buzz. (World Geography JokesColumbus Day Jokes)
  62. What is a baby bee?… A little humbug! (Christmas Jokes)
  63. What did the bee say to the other bee when they landed on the same flower?… Buzz off. (Doctor Jokes)
  64. What does a bee style his hair with?… a honeycomb. (Barber Jokes)
  65. What letter makes honey?… b (Is Spelling Really Important? & 26 Kindergarten Lessons ABC)
  66. Why did the bee started talking poetry?… He was waxing lyrical! (Top English Jokes)
  67. What did the sushi say to the bee?… Wassabee!
  68. What does Pooh Bear call his girl friend?… Hunny! (Winnie the Pooh Jokes & Top Winnie the Pooh Quotes)
  69. What are the cleverest bees?… Spelling bees! (Is Spelling Really Important? & 26 Kindergarten Lessons ABC)
  70. What is a bee’s favorite classical music composer?… Bee-thoven!
  71. Who is a bee’s favorite painter?… Pablo Beecasso!
  72. What do you call a bee that lives in America?… USB (Top 10 Jokes for Each State)
  73. What do bees do if they want to use public transport?… Wait at a buzz stop!
  74. What kind of animal kills a lot of people?… Hepatitis Bee. (Doctor Jokes)
  75. Why do bees buzz?… Because they can’t whistle!
  76. What do you call bees buzzing in unison?… Stingalongs.
  77. What does the bee Santa Claus say?… Ho hum hum! (Christmas Jokes)
  78. Why do bees hum?… Because they’ve forgotten the words!
  79. How do you fight a killer bee?… With a Buzz-ooka.
  80. How do you propose to the queen bee?… With a Ru-Bee ring.
  81. How does a queen bee get around her hive?… She’s throne!
  82. What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?… Neigh buzz.
  83. What do you call a bee you can’t share secrets with?… a blab-bee.
  84. What is big, grey, and has a lot of red bumps?… An elephant that was stung by a bunch of bees. (Elephant Jokes)
  85. “Waiter waiter! Theres a bee in my taco!” “Yes sir, it is the fly’s day off.” (Taco Jokes)
  86. What do you get if you cross a skunk and a bee?… An animal that stinks as it stings. (Skunk Jokes & Bee Jokes)