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Top Joke Pages: 

Top 10 July Pages / July Hashtag of the Day / July Guest Blogs / Top Pages

July 2020 = 13,879 page views / 448 views per day / Down 11%

  1. Hot Dog Jokes: Can a hamburger marry a hot dog?… Only if they have a very frank relationship! (Hamburger Jokes & Wedding Jokes)
  2. Donut JokesWhat is a pilot’s favorite type of donut?… A plain (plane) donut! (Pilot Jokes for Kids)
  3. Fireworks Jokes for Kids: July 4th PSA: On one hand fireworks are a lot of fun. On the other hand I only have 2 fingers. (4th of July Jokes for Kids & Biology Jokes for Kids)
  4. Watermelon Jokes for Kids: When do you go at red and stop at green?… When you’re eating a watermelon. (Summer Jokes for Kids)
  5. Grandparent Jokes: What do you call having your grandma on speed dial?… Instagram.
  6. Candy Jokes for Kids: What kind of bear has no teeth?… A gummy bear! (Hunting Jokes for Kids)
  7. Top 10 August Jokes: Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 74 MPH could be the start of a hurricane! (Hurricane Jokes)
  8. Swimming Jokes: What race is never run?… A swimming race. (Summer Jokes for Kids)
  9. Camping Jokes: Did you hear about the camping trip?… It was in – tents (intense)!
  10. 4th of July Jokes: How come there’s no Knock Knock joke about America?… Because freedom rings. (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  11. American Revolutionary War Jokes: What dance was very popular in 1776?… Indepen-dance! (Music Jokes)
  12. Spider Man Jokes: What is Spider-Man’s favorite brand of Rice?… Uncle Ben’s.
  13. Summer Camp Jokes: Do fish go to summer camp?… No, because they’re always in school! (Fishing Jokes)
  14. Top 10 Fireworks:
  15. Top Twitter Accounts for Education
  16. July Jokes: I’m good at firework displays. I’ve got a flare for it. (Labor Day Jokes for Kids)
  17. Top 10 Summer Jokes: What do you call a French guy in sandals?… Phillipe Phloppe. (Flip Flop Jokes for Kids & Geography Jokes for Kids)

July 2019 = 15,764 page views / 509 views per day

July Jokes

  1. Summer Camp Jokes for KidsWhy did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?… To make up for his miserable experience at summer camp.
  2. Fireworks Jokes for Kids: I’m good at firework displays. I’ve got a flare for it. (Labor Day Jokes for Kids)
  3. American Revolutionary War Jokes: What dance was very popular in 1776?… Indepen-dance!
  4. Top 10 Summer Jokes: What do you call a French guy in sandals?… Phillipe Phloppe. (Flip Flop Jokes for Kids & Geography Jokes for Kids)
  5. Candy Jokes for Kids: What kind of bear has no teeth?… A gummy bear! (Hunting Jokes for Kids)
  6. Top 10 Shark Jokes: Which sharks would you find at a construction site?… Hammerhead sharks.
  7. Electoral College: Highest to Lowest by State
  8. Hot Dog Jokes for Kids: Did you see the movie about the hot dog?… It was an Oscar Wiener.
  9. 4th of July Jokes for Kids: How come there’s no Knock Knock joke about America?… Because freedom rings. (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
  10. Top 10 July Jokes: