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- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best apple jokes.
- Where do apples like to go hiking?… Mount Fuji. (Hiking Jokes)
- What did the pumpkin say to the pie baker?… Use apples instead. (Pumpkin Jokes)
- Why are apples so bad in interrogations?… They always crumble. (Police Jokes & Apple Jokes)
- Why are apples such bad in witnesses in court?… They always crumble. (Lawyer Jokes & Apple Jokes)
- Apple Pie is 3.14 times better than apples by themselves. (Pi Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross a farm laborer with an octopus?… The best darn apple picker you’ve ever seen. (Farming Jokes & Octopus Jokes)
- What did the farmer tell the crying apple orchard keeper to do?… Grow a pear. (Apple Jokes & Farming Jokes)
- Why can’t you compare Washington State and Florida?… Because it’d be like comparing apples and oranges. (Florida Jokes & Washington Jokes)
- Hole #4 What do you get when you cross a florist, an Alaska fisherman and an apple… Flowering Crab Apple! (Apple Jokes / Flower Jokes / Alaska Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about apples?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good apple knock-knock joke?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good apple knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- Why did the apple stop in the middle of the road?… Because he ran out of juice.
- Why did the worm leave the apple?… Because Noah said to travel in pairs.
- What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?… Finding two worms. (Apple Jokes)
- What is the maggot army called?… The Apple Corps! (Apple Jokes)
- Why didn’t the two worms get on Noah’s Ark in an apple?… Because everyone had to go on in pairs!
- Did Adam and Eve ever have a date?… No, they had an apple! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- What did the worm say to the friend who got stuck in an apple?… You’re going to have to worm your way out of this one.
- What did the apple say to the peanuts?… You’re Nuts! (Peanut Jokes)
- What’s the difference between a worm and an apple?… Have you ever tried worm pie? (Worm Jokes & Apple Jokes)
- What reads and lives in an apple?… A bookworm! (Book Jokes & Apple Jokes)
- What type of apple do bees like?… Honeycrisp! (Apple Jokes)
- What can a whole apple do that half an apple can’t do?… It can look round. (Math Jokes for Kids & Geometry Jokes)
- What is worser that finding a worm in an apple?… Finding a half of worm. (Worm Jokes)
- What was the name of the worm army?… The Apple Corps. (Memorial Day Jokes & Apple Jokes)
- How can you tell which end of a worm is which?… Throw an apple and yell fetch. (Worm Jokes)
- How are you supposed to talk in the apple library?… With your incider voice. (Library Jokes)
- What did the worm say to the friend who got stuck in an apple?… You’re going to have to worm your way out of this one.
- Why did the worm leave the apple?… Because Noah said to travel in pairs.
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?… Apple gobbler.
- Why didn’t the two worms get on Noah’s Ark in an apple?… Because everyone had to go on in pairs! (Apple Jokes)
- What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?… Finding two worms.
- What is the maggot army called?… The Apple Corps! (Apple Jokes)