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Summer Guest Blogs & Summer Jokes for Kids

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best milk jokes.
  2. Where do Russians get their milk?… From Mos-cows (World Geography Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  3. What kind of snacks do little monkeys have with their milk?… Chocolate chimp cookies! (Milk Jokes & Monkey Jokes)
  4. What do you get when you cross an ice-cream, a dog, and a cow?… A milk-shake! (Dog Jokes / Cow Jokes / Milk Jokes)
  5. I got really sick after drinking milk with cream… My stomach was churning for a while… but now I’m finally feeling butter. (Milk Jokes & Butter Jokes)
  6. What’s a groundhog’s favorite drink?… Hole milk. (Ground Hog Day Jokes)
  7. What do you call a cow stuck in a hurricane?… a milkshake. (Hurricane Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  8. The doctor told me to get in a bathtub full of milk to soothe my sunburn. I asked him, “Pasteurized?” He said, “No, just up to your neck.” (Doctor Jokes & Sun Jokes)
  9. What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk?… A MILK DUD! (Candy Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  10. What do you call milk that gets everything she wants?… Spoiled milk.
  11. What’s the fastest liquid on earth?… Milk. It’s pasteurized before you can see it. (Track Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  12. Why don’t cows have any money?… Because farmers milk them dry. (Farming Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  13. I want to open a milk factory and name the company “Legend.” It’ll be “Legend-Dairy.” (Labor Day Jokes)
  14. What do you get when a pasteurizing factory experiences an earthquake?… Milkshake. (Earthquake Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  15. What do you call a cow that doesn’t produce any milk?… An udder failure.
  16. Where do for Super Bowl quarterbacks go when they get old?… Out to pass-ture. (Cow Jokes & Super Bowl Jokes)
  17. My friend got fired from his cow milking job because of his erratic behavior… He was a danger to himself and udders. (Labor Day Jokes)
  18. What is the cow’s favorite candy bar?… Milky Way. (Candy Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  19. Studies show cows produce more milk when the farmer talks to them…. It’s a case of in one ear and out the udder.
  20. What do you call a cow in an earthquake?… A milkshake. (Milk Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  21. Where do astronaut cows go to get milk?… The Milky Way! (Astronomy Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  22. What did one dairy cow say to another?… Got milk? (Cow Jokes)
  23. Why did the cow cross the road?… To get to the udder side.
  24. After returning from the eye doctor, my dad started chugging milk straight from the carton. When asked why, he said, “The doctor told me I don’t need glasses.” (Doctor Jokes)
  25. What do you call a mother cow who has just given birth?… De-calfinated. (Coffee Jokes)
  26. I prefer to have my milk churned… It’s butter that way.
  27. What do you get from an Alaskan cow?… Ice Cream.
  28. Why can’t Swiss cheese be part of a fat-free diet?… It’s made with hole milk
  29. What does an invisible man drink?… Evaporated milk! (Funny Halloween Jokes)
  30. Why doesn’t Bernie Sanders like low-fat milk?… It’s the one percent.
  31. Cashier: Will you want the milk in a bag today sir? Customer: I’ll just keep it in the carton if you don’t mind.
  32. How did the cow soccer team win the game?… By milking the clock.
  33. How did the dairy farmer locate his missing cow?… He tractor down. (Farming Jokes)
  34. Some guy threw a gallon of milk at my head… How dairy!
  35. What do you get from pampered cows?… Spoiled milk.
  36. What has one horn and gives milk?… A milk truck.
  37. Where does a cow stop to drink?…  The milky way!
  38. How did Reese eat her milk and cereal?… Witherspoon. (Cereal Jokes)
  39. What happened when the cow tried to jump the new barbed wire fence the farmer built?… Udder destruction
  40. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about milk?
  41. ​If a cow doesn’t produce milk, it’s both an udder failure, and a milk dud.
  42. Why can’t dairy cows dance?… They have 2 left feet.
  43. Why does a milking stool have only 3 legs?… Because the cow has the utter. (Biology Jokes)
  44. Is it weird that a milk carton has a date and I don’t? (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  45. What did mama cow say to baby cow?… It’s pasture bedtime. (Mom Jokes & Napping Jokes)
  46. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good milk knock-knock joke?
  47. What is a skeleton’s favorite drink?…Milk, it’s white and good for your bones. (Biology Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
  48. How easy is it to milk a cow?… It’s a piece of steak.
  49. Did you hear about the breed of cows that are unable to stop laughing?… Apparently they are a laughing stock.
  50. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good milk knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  51. How do you tell the difference between a bull and a milk cow?… It is either one or the udder.
  52. What kind of milk comes from a forgetful cow?… Milk of Amnesia.
  53. I would tell you a milk joke, but it is whey too cheesy! (Cheese Jokes)
  54. Where do milkshakes come from?… Nervous cows.
  55. What’s the hardest part when making skimmed milk?… Throwing the cow across the lake.
  56. The udder day I drank milk… It was udderly delicious.
  57. A farmer walks up to his farmer neighbor with a jug of milk. The farmer says “I milked your cow.” The neighbor replies “I have a bull not a cow.”
  58. Why is it called Almond Milk?… Because no one would buy it if it was called Nut Juice.
  59. Why did the cow have no toes?… Because he was lack toes intolerant. (Biology Jokes)
  60. How do you make a milkshake?… Give a cow a pogo stick.
  61. What is the worst part of milking a cow?… The smell of the dairy air.
  62. Why did the pirate want milk poured on him?… He was Captain Crunch! (Cereal Jokes)
  63. What happened when the milk was too cold?… It got the milk shakes.
  64. What kind of milk do you find in the dessert?… Powdered milk.
  65. I got attacked by a man with cheese and a bit of milk… How dairy!!
  66. Why couldn’t the dairy farmer find his home?… He lost the whey!
  67. What’s the difference between my dad and the milk man… the milk man comes back with the stinking milk.
  68. What do you get when a cow doesn’t give anymore milk?… A milk dud.
  69. What did they call Mickey after he had a milkshake?… Milky Mouse. (Disney Jokes)
  70. What kind of Bees make milk?… BooBees.
  71. Why did the farmer only raise brown cows?… He loved chocolate milk!
  72. Where did cavemen get their milk?… From Wooly Cows.
  73. What kind of milk does a new age calf drink… Dairy free.
  74. Do you know why the cow jumped over the moon?… The farmer had cold hands. (Full Moon Jokes)
  75. Where do you get milk from?… The Milky Way of course!
  76. What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?… Milk and Quackers!
  77. “Son, what’re you drinking?” “Soy milk.” “Hola milk, soy es tu padre!”
  78. Why did the boy want a chocolate milk mustache?… To look like Super Mario.
  79. What is as big as a glass of milk but weighs nothing?… It’s shadow.
  80. Why didn’t the cows eat the lemon grass… It made sour milk.
  81. What did the boy say when his brother stole his chocolate milk… How dairy.
  82. What do you call a gallon of milk that comes to life?… Frankenmilk.
  83. My boyfriend came over today and stole my milk… How dairy.
  84. A guy spills milk on a me I say ,”It’s OK we all make mistakes sometimes, but apparently your mom made a big one.”
  85. Why did the kitten drink all the milk?… Because kittens love milk!
  86. Once my dad left to get milk then I realized we own a cow.
  87. How did the cow basketball team win the game?… By milking the clock.