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More Magic Jokes…

  1. While trying a new magic spell, the witch crossed a black cat and an oak tree… The result was a black and white cat-a-log’ue. (Cat Jokes / Witch Jokes / Tree Jokes)
  2. 1986 NBA Finals: What type of entertainment did the 1986 Celtics hate?… Any type of Magic show. (Boston Celtics Jokes)
  3. Did you hear about the shark magician?… For his last trick, he vanished into fin air! (Ghost Jokes)
  4. What do you call a magician in a Dr. Seuss book?… Who-dini.
  5. Why was the magician invited on the last day of school?… Because he asked trick questions. (Jokes for the Last Day of School)
  6. What will Winnie say when he is a Magician?… Poohffff!
  7. Harry Potter Pick-up line: You may be a muggle… but that body is magical.
  8. Why was everyone scared of Sirius?… Because of Black magic!
  9. What does penguin who does magic say to his audience?… Pick a cod, any cod. (Magic Jokes & Fishing Jokes)
  10. What do you call a wizard who uses ice magic?… A Blizzard! (Blizzard Jokes)
  11. Why was the magician the captain of the lacrosse team?… He was the best at hat tricks. (Lacrosse Jokes)
  12. Did you hear about the shark ghost?… It vanished into fin air! (Shark Jokes)
  13. What did the magician say when he made Winnie the Pooh disappear?… Poohffff! (Winnie the Pooh Jokes)
  14. What do Professor Hinkle and a hockey player have in common… The both love hat tricks! (Hockey Jokes & Frosty the Snowman Jokes)
  15. Boy: What does your father do for a living? Friend: He’s a magician. He performs tricks, like sawing people in half. Boy: Do you have any brothers or sisters? Friend: Yep, four half-sisters and a half-brother. (Labor Day Jokes)
  16. Why do magicians do so well in school?… They’re good at trick questions. (180 School Jokes)
  17. What’s the difference between a psychologist and a magician?… A magician pulls. rabbits out of hats, whereas a psychologist pulls habits out of rats. (Rabbit Jokes & Psychology Jokes)
  18. What does a hockey player and a magician have in common?… Both do hat tricks! (Hockey Jokes for Kids)
  19. Happy Cinco De Mayo. A Mexican magician says he will disappear on the count of three. He says “uno, dos…” then disappears without a tres. (Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
  20. Got to brie-live in magic of a grilled cheese sandwich.
  21. What did the magician say to the fisherman?… Pick a cod, any cod.