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Horse Racing Jokes
- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about horses.
- Where do Hobbits ride horses?… At the Frodeo. (Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- Why don’t horses ever get a divorce?… Because they’re in a stable relationship. (Divorce Jokes)
- How does a Kentucky Derby horse greet another horse?…With Southern Horspitality!
- Which flowering plant is a champion equestrian?… The horse chestnut. (Equestrian Jokes)
- What is a horse’s favorite state?… Maine. (Top 50 State Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the Minion understand what the Shetland pony was saying?… Because he was a little horse. (Minion Jokes)
- What does a ghost keep in its stable on Friday the 13th?… Nightmares. (Horse Racing Jokes & Friday the 13th Jokes)
- What did the horse say when it fell?… “I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyu
- What did one horse Kentucky Derby horse say to the other horse?… The pace is familiar but I can’t remember the mane.
- What do you call a well balanced horse?… Stable.
- What kind of bread does a Kentucky Derby horse eat?… Thoroughbred
- Where do Hobbits ride horses?… At the Frodeo! (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- What do you call a Potterhead on a horse?… Harry Trotter. (Horse Jokes)
- Where do Kentucky Derby horses get their hair done?… Maine. (Top State Jokes)
- Why did all the animals take shelter at the horse’s house during an earthquake?… Because it was stable. (Earthquake Jokes)
- A cowboy and his blind horse: A man is casually crossing the Wyoming plains when his horse died all of the sudden. The nearest town was three days walk. So, he started to walk. 3 days later he ends up in this quiet ‘ol town but nobody had a horse for sale. So he commenced to walking to the closest town which was a two days journey. Unfortunately, nobody in that town had a horse for sale, however, he did come across this stable where the fellow runnin’ it mentioned his brother in a nearby Town had a horse for sale. He commenced to walk to this next town and 2 DAYS LATER found the guy’s brother. “I talked to your brother two days walk from here and he says you might have a horse to sell me.” “Yes I do have a horse for sale,” He replied, “But he don’t look so good.” “I don’t care. I’ll take him anyways. I’ve been walking for damn near a week now. I’m tired and I need a horse.” So he gets on the horse and the horse takes off and bumps into a tree and stops. “Heyyy, something’s wrong with this horse. I think he’s blind. YOU SOLD ME A BLIND HORSE MISTER!” “I told you Sir, THE HORSE DON’T LOOK SO GOOD!” (Wyoming Jokes)
- Where do Kentucky Derby horses shop?… Old Neigh-vy!
- Why did Paul Revere ride his horse from Boston to Lexington?… Because the horse was too heavy to carry! (American Revolution Jokes)
- What did the cowboy ride to the hockey game?… A Zam-pony. (Hockey Jokes)
- You can lead a horse to water… but a pencil must be lead. (Pencil Jokes)
- What’s the difference between a horse and a hurricane?… One is reined up and the other rains down. (Rain Jokes & Hurricane Jokes)
- When do vampires like the Kentucky Derby?… When it’s neck and neck. (Top Halloween Jokes)
- What does it mean when you find a horseshoe? …. Some poor horse is going barefoot!
- Why did the horse back rider show up for hockey tryouts?… He thought they said they were Jockey tryouts. (Hockey Jokes)
- What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?… Neigh buzz. (Bee Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about a horse?
- What does a ghost keep in its stable?…Nightmares. (Ghost Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good horse knock-knock joke?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good horse knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- What do you call a well balanced Kentucky Derby horse?… Stable.
- What do you call a horse that can’t lose the Kentucky Derby?… Sherbet.
- What was the horse looking for on Black Friday?… A Macintosh. (Computer Jokes & Black Friday Jokes)
- What did the Kentucky Derby horse say when it fell?… “I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!”
- A pommel horse walks into a parallel bar. The barman says, “Is this a joke about gymnastics?” The horse beams. (Gymnastics Jokes for Kids)
- What did the cowboy ride to the Hockey game?… A Zam-pony. (Hockey Jokes)
- What did the teacher say when the horse walked into her class?… “Why the long face?”(Top K – 12 Jokes for Teachers)
- Did you hear about the dog who couldn’t stop talking like a horse?… It was a dog and pony show. (Dog Jokes)
- What do Kentucky Derby horses eat?… Fast Food.
- Why are most Kentucky Derby horses in shape?… Because they are on a stable diet.
- How do you make a small fortune in the horse industry?… Start with a large fortune.
- What do you call a scary horse?… A nightmare!
- What type of a computer does a horse like to eat?… A Macintosh
- How did the cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay for three days, and ride out on Friday?… His horse’s name was Friday!
- Did you hear about the horse with the negative altitude?… She always said Neigh
- What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse?… A tale of WHOA!
- What did the momma say to the foal?… Its pasture your bedtime. (Mother’s Day Jokes)
- What did the waiter say to the horse?… I can’t take your order. That’s not my stable.
- What’s the quickest way to mail a little horse?… Use the Pony Express.
- What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee?… Neigh buzz
- Where do you put 2 horses that just broken up?…In the pasture
- What kind of horses go out after dusk?… Nightmares!
- What kind of horse likes to be ridden at night?… A nightmare!
- What cheese should you use when making a grilled cheese sandwich for a horse?… Mascarpone.