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(Alligator Jokes)

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Summer Guest Blogs & Summer Jokes for Kids

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about alligators.
  2. What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?… One will see you later, and one will see you in a while.
  3. Restaurant Waiter: May I help you? Alligator: Yes, do you serve people here? Restaurant Waiter: Yes, of course we do. Alligator: Great. I’d like one with a side of ketchup please. (Ketchup Jokes)
  4. Alligators can live up to 100 years which is why there’s an increased chance that… …they will see you later! (Grandparent Jokes & Retirement Jokes)
  5. What do you call an alligator that parties before a [sport] game?… A tail-gater. (101 Sports Jokes for Kids)
  6. What do you call your alligator when it’s your best friend?.. A pal-igator.
  7. What do you call an alligator in a vest?… An Investigator.
  8. What do you call a crocodile with GPS?… A Navi-gator. (Geography Jokes for Kids)
  9. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe believe the World’s largest alligator is 15 feet 9 inches(Watermelon Jokes)
  10. What is an alligator’s favorite drink?… Gator-Ade. (Florida Jokes)
  11. Who gives alligators presents on Christmas?… Santa Jaws! (Christmas Jokes for Kids)
  12. What kind of crocodilian works in a sandwich shop?… A deli-gator. (Career Blogs)
  13. I was going to cook an alligator for dinner… But realized I only had a croc pot.
  14. An alligator asked an electric eel, “Hey, can I touch you?” Electric eel: “Yes, but I’d have to charge you.”
  15. If an alligator lives in a river and thinks he’s a crocodile… There’s a good chance he’s in da-nile! (World Geography Jokes)
  16. What do you call a reptile that likes to go bowling?… An Alley-gator. (Bowling Jokes)
  17. What does an alligator do when he loses his tail?… Goes to a re-tail store. (Black Friday Jokes)
  18. Why was everyone afraid of the alligator lawyer?… He was an amazing liti-gator. (Lawyer Jokes)
  19. What do you call an alligator that makes others fight?… An Instigator.
  20. Did you hear about the alligator who became president?… He was a great dele-gator. (Presidents Jokes & Election Jokes)
  21. What’s better than a crocodile?… An alli-greator.
  22. What do you call an alligator who is wearing crocs on his feet?… A traitor.
  23. What do you call an alligator who is holding a compass?… A navigator. (Career Blogs)
  24. Why shouldn’t you play cards with a alligator?… You’ll lose each hand.
  25. What type of floor do alligators install in their bathrooms?… Rep-tiles.
  26. What do you call an alligator who loves watering his plants?… An irrigator. (Flower Jokes)
  27. What’s an alligator’s favorite dip?… Croc-amole. (Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
  28. The average life expectancy of alligators is about 50 years… So there is no rush, you indeed can see it later.
  29. Why are alligators long and green?… Because if they were short and green, they would be leprechaun. (Leprechaun Jokes)
  30. What do you call a crocodile that keeps breaking the law?… A crookadile. ​(Police Jokes) ​ ​
  31. What do you call an alligator that has all the other gators at the swamp crowd around him?… A congregator.
  32. What is it called when an alligator has brain damage?… A reptile disfunction. (Doctor Jokes)
  33. What did the alligator say to the other alligator that was in the way?… Please move, I need to get bayou. (Louisiana Jokes)
  34. Why should you never ever play Texas hold’em with a crocodile?… You will literally lose every hand. ​(Texas Jokes) ​ ​
  35. What do you call an alligator who kills bugs all day long?… A fumigator. (Career Blogs)
  36. What do alligators order at coffee shoppes?… Jaw-va.(Coffee Jokes)
  37. Why don’t alligators like fast food?… It’s too hard to catch. (Fast Food Jokes)
  38. Who is the author of the book “Escaping Alligators?”… Ron A. Way. (Book Jokes)
  39. How does an alligator smell?… With it’s nose!
  40. Why was the alligator invited to fashion shows?… She was a snappy dresser.
  41. What’s the difference between a dog and a alligator?… The dog’s bark is worst than his bite… (Dog Jokes)
  42. How does an alligator taste?… With it’s mouth just like you do!
  43. What’s the similarity between a alligator and an old computer?.. They both have bytes. (Computer Jokes)
  44. What do you call an alligator that sneaks up and bites you from behind?… A tail-gater.
  45. What kind of pet to alligators have?… Alley Cats. (Cat Jokes)
  46. Did you hear about the law firm with the most intimidating lawyers?… It’s filled with liti-gators.  (Lawyer Jokes)
  47. What’s worse than a big, hungry alligator chasing you?… Two big, hungry alligators chasing you.
  48. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about alligators?
  49. What do alligators call slow people?… Dinner.