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Google Search “World Elephant Day Jokes”…
- Do you hear what is big in Africa right now?… Elephants. (World Geography Jokes)
- What do you call a baby elephant that hates taking baths?… A smellyphant! (Baby Jokes)
- Why are elephants always so broke?… They work for peanuts. (Labor Day Jokes & Peanut Jokes)
- What crime is an egg most afraid of?… Poaching. (Egg Jokes)
- How do elephants stay cool?… Ear Conditioning! (Summer Jokes)
- Did you hear about the guy who made giraffe and elephant jam?… He called it Wildlife Preserve. (Giraffe Jokes)
- What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?… Irrelephant.
- Why did the zookeeper refuse to work the elephant enclosure?… The work kept piling up. (Labor Day Jokes)
- How do you raise a baby elephant?… With a forklift! (Baby Jokes)
- Why are elephants bad dancers?… Because they have two left feet!
- What is the biggest ant in the world?… An elephant! (Ant Jokes)
- What did the elephant say to his teacher on the 1st Day of School?… That was a ton of homework! (Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes & Jokes for Teachers)
- What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?… It ele-faints.
- What do you call an elephant that can fly?… A propellephant!
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?… Swimming trunks.
- How do elephants talk to each other?… On the ele-phone!
- What does an elephant mom say to her children every morning?… “I love each and ivory one of you!”
- What’s an elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?… TUSKan Raiders. (Star Wars Jokes)
- What was the elephant doing on the freeway?… About 5 M.P. H. (Car Jokes)
- If you took away an elephant’s trunk, how would it smell?… Trunk or no trunk, it would smell pretty bad.
- What do you call two elephants talking?… A heavy discussion.(Popsicle Jokes for Kids)
- What do you get when you cross an elephant with Darth Vader?… An ele-Vader. (Darth Vader Jokes)