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Joke Pages of the Month:


  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes Hurricane Idalia jokes.
  2. Hurricane Idalia is no joke… but everything else on this page is.
  3. What did the Hurricane Idalia say to California?… I have my eye on you. (California Jokes)
  4.  I want to make a joke about Hurricane Idalia… But I am scared my inbox will be flooded. (Computer Jokes)
  5.  Hurricane Idalia is very… depressing. (Psychology Jokes)
  6. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you believe all the Hillary Clinton memes during Hurricane Idalia. (Canoe Jokes) Top 50 Canoe Jokes
  7. How does Hurricane Idalia see?… With one eye. (Biology Jokes)
  8. Hurricane Idalia just blew the roof off my cheese factory… There’s de Brie everywhere.(Cheese Jokes)
  9. se we’re gonna get rocked like a hurricane. (Funny Halloween Jokes & Music Jokes)
  10. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe tell me the definition of a hurricane? (Canoe Jokes)
  11. What is the #1 requested song during Hurricane Idalia?… Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones. (365 Music Jokes)
  12. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you make sure we all take care of our 4-legged friends before the hurricane hits? (Canoe Jokes)
  13.  Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 74 MPH could be the start of a Hurricane Idalia! (August Jokes)
  14. I’m trying to write a joke about Hurricane Idalia… But at the moment it is just a draft. 
  15. Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 74 MPH could be the start of a category 1 hurricane! (August Jokes)
  16. Meteorologists reconfigured the 5 categories of hurricane… Number 5 will blow you away.
  17. It’s too early for hurricane jokes… wait for everything to blow over first.
  18. I went into the kitchen and saw a hurricane making a pot of tea I thought… hmm, there’s a storm brewing. (Tea Jokes)
  19. The Worst Natural Disaster Election: So, all the natural disasters took a vote to see which one was the worst. Hurricane blew the others away. Earthquake shook things up pretty badly. Flooding was a bit of a wash. Blizzard almost buried the rest. Sinkhole’s campaign totally collapsed. Meteor made a deep impact. But in the end, Avalanche won by a landslide. (Election Jokes)
  20. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you tell me if I should stay or go, because a hurricane is coming? (Canoe Jokes)
  21. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe tell me the difference between a tropical storm and a hurricane? (Canoe Jokes)
  22. What is in the middle of a hurricane?… An “i.” (Grammar Jokes)
  23. A hurricane just blew the roof off the local cheese factory…. De Brie is everywhere. (Cheese Jokes)
  24. Hurricanes are very… depressing. (Psychology Jokes)
  25. What happens to a sailboat in a category 5 hurricane?… Mast destruction. (Sailing Jokes)
  26. I’m trying to write a joke about hurricanes… But at the moment it is just a draft.
  27. How do hurricane’s see?… With one eye. (Biology Jokes)
  28. What do you get if you a cross a card game with a hurricane?… Bridge over troubled water. (Ocean Jokes)
  29. Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 96 MPH could be the start of a category 2 hurricane! (August Jokes)
  30. We should just name hurricanes after politicians…. That way we wouldn’t have to worry about them actually coming through with anything. (Election Jokes)
  31. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you make sure I am safe the hurricane? (Canoe Jokes)(Canoe Jokes)
  32. What do you call a weak hurricane?… Hurrican’t.
  33. Why is it really hard to sneak up on a hurricane?… Because they’re always turning around. 
  34. Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust of wind over 111 MPH could be the start of a category 3 hurricane! (August Jokes)
  35. Knock knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe who?… Canoe you help me sure we have enough water before the hurricane hits? (Canoe Jokes)