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- Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best dragon jokes.
- Three movies are a bit much for The Hobbit… They seem to be really dragon it out! (Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- Why did the Dwarves leave Erebor?… They didn’t like the pollution – there was too much Smaug! (Environment Jokes & Lord of the Rings Jokes)
- A danish, a cornbread piece, and a croissant plays Dungeons and Dragons… I guess you can say they are roll playing. (Croissant Jokes)
- Why do dragons often sleep during the day?… So they can fight knights! (Knight Jokes & Napping Jokes)
- The most stressful thing about being a dragon must be trying to blow out the candles on your birthday cake. (Birthday Jokes)
- You think dinosaurs are scary?… Imagine dragons! (Dinosaur Jokes)
- Why can’t dragons play ice hockey?… If they breath fire, the ice melts. (Hockey Jokes)
- What does a dragon eat for a snack?… Firecrackers. (Fireworks Jokes)
- Why are dragons such good story tellers?… They have very impressive tails.
- Two Dragons walk into a bar. Dragon 1: It’s hot in here. Dragon 2: Shut your mouth. (Beer Jokes)
- Why is easy to work out the weight of a dragon?… They come with scales.
- A dragon would never explode… But a dino might. (Fireworks Jokes & Dinosaur Jokes)
- Knock, knock!… Who’s there?… Dragon … Dragon who?… Dragon your feet again? (Knock Knock Jokes)
- What do you do with a green dragon?… Wait until it ripens!
- What sound do you hear when dragons eat spicy salsa?… A fire alarm. (Fireman Jokes)
- Why did the chef feed the dragon spicy salsa?… She needed to barbeque some chicken.
- What’s a hungry dragon’s favorite day of the week?… Chewsday.
- Why did the dinosaurs live longer than the dragons?… Because they didn’t smoke!
- What did the dragon say when he saw the knight?… “Look, tinned food!” (Knight Jokes)
- What is the difference between St. George and Santa’s reindeer?… One slays a dragon, the others are dragging a sleigh. (Christmas Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the dragon eat his birthday cake?…He destroyed it while trying to blow out the candles. (Birthday Jokes)
- What do you call Dragon with no silver?… A dron. (Chemistry Jokes)
- Why did the Dragon Cross the Road?… He wanted to eat some chicken.
- What’s worse than a dragon speaking to you?… The money that you have to pay for therapy.
- What do you call a dragon with no silver?… a dron.dr**ag**on (science joke)
- Do you know why the Reddit Dragon is yellow?… It’s got bananas for scales
- What do you call that friend who will always seize the opportunity to run a Dungeons & Dragons game for your group?… A Carpe D.M
- What do you call a connection between two points in space-time through which only dragons can pass?… A wyrmhole.
- This Zamboni operator skidded out of control into our Dungeons & Dragons meeting… Why he be all slidin’ into my DMs
- What’s the difference between Hanukkah and dragons?… One is eight nights while the other ate knights.
- It was my pet dragon’s birthday today. We lit the candles on his cake. He was really upset when he tried to blow them out. (Birthday Jokes)
- I was reading a story about dragons the other day. It just seemed to DRAG ON and on
- 2 dragons walk into a bar One goes, “it’s hot in here.” The other responds, “shut your mouth.”
- Why did the young dragon lose the rap battle?… He couldn’t yet spit hot fireKnight vs dragon. (Music Jokes)
- Why are dragons so good at rapping?… Because they’re always spitting fire. (Music Jokes)
- Have you ever seen a baby dragon eating ice cream?… It’ll melt your heart. (Ice Cream Jokes)
- How did the girl dragon win the beauty contest?… She was the beast of the show!
- Why are dragons good storytellers?… They all have long tails.
- I spotted a lizard on a portable toilet. I suspect it was a commode-o-dragon.
- What’s big and scaley and bounces?… A dragon on a trampoline!
- What eats more tacos than one dragon?… Two dragons. (Taco Jokes)
- Knock, knock!… Who’s there?… Fire!… Fire who?… If I were you, I’d keep away from fire-breathing dragons.
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me how big a baby dragon is?
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me how big a dragon is?
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me if dragon’s fly?
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me how much a dragon weighs?
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me if you like dragons?
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe tell me if you like dragon jokes?
- Knock, knock!… Who’s there?… Thumping… Thumping who?… Thumping tells me we’ve told enough dragon jokes.