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More Croissant Jokes…

  1. Why are croissant jokes always funny?…… Because they never get mold!
  2. I went to the zoo and saw a croissant in a cage… It was bread in captivity. (Bread Jokes & Zoo Jokes)
  3. It’s always so easy to get a rise out of my mother’s French sister… She’s a croissant. (World Geography Jokes)
  4. Why did the Croissants take the Donuts and Bagels to Disneyland?… They thought it would be fun for the hole family. (Donut Jokes & Disney Jokes)
  5. What do you get when you drop the croissant your aunt made?… A cross aunt.
  6. What did the croissant say to the coffee in the morning?… You’re just not my cup of tea. (Tea Jokes)
  7. My favorite phase of the moon is croissant moon! (Full Moon Jokes)
  8. What did the bag of flour say to the croissant?…… “I saw you yeasterday!”
  9. Why don’t croissants like warm weather?…… Things get Toasty! (Summer Jokes / Toast Jokes / Spring Jokes)
  10. What is the opposite of a croissant?… A happy uncle.