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  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best jokes about smiles.
  2. Why do Grandpas smile all the time?… Because they can’t hear a word you’re saying! (Grandparent Jokes)
  3. Why is Grandpa always smiling at Grandma?… Because he cannot hear anything she says and doesn’t want to upset her.
  4. If you aren’t cracking a smile while hiking on the mountain… then you need to have a little change in altitude! (Hiking Jokes)
  5. What is the longest word in the English Dictionary?… Smiles because there is a mile between the first letter and the last. (Grammar Jokes & Track Jokes)
  6. When is the best time to go to the dentist?… At tooth-hurty (2:30). (180 School Jokes & 365 School Jokes)
  7. How do you get a mouse to smile?… Say cheese!! (Cheese Jokes)
  8. What does the dentist of the year get?…A little plaque.
  9. A lumberjack went into a magic forest to cut a tree. Upon arrival, he started to swing at the tree. It shouted, “Wait! I’m a talking tree!” The lumberjack smiled, “and you will dialogue.” (Tree Jokes)
  10. Why did the deer need braces?… He had buck teeth. (Dentist Jokes & Hunting Jokes)
  11. Why did the king go to the dentist?… To get a new crown! (Social Studies Jokes)
  12. What was the dentist doing in Panama?… Looking for the Root Canal! (Dentist Jokes & World Geography Jokes)
  13. Want to hear something that’ll make you smile?… Your face muscles.
  14. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?… Fill me in when you get back. (Travel Blogs)
  15. I was sitting at the bar alone the other day, then a pretty lady asked me if the seat is taken with a gentle smile on her face. So I said “of course not, by all means, have a seat” “Thank you so much”, she replied And proceeded to take the chair.
  16. He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
  17. Smile and the world smiles with you. Fart and you smile alone.
  18. Smiles are contagious… Wear a mask.
  19. Let a smile be your umbrella, and you’ll end up with a face full of rain.
  20. What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?… He braces himself (Summer Jokes)
  21. Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out?… He was already taking out a tooth. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes
  22. Saw a beautiful girl on bus and I smiled, it didn’t creep her out… Wearing mask does help.
  23. How do you make a group of lawyers smile for a photo?… Just say, fees!