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More Labor Day Jokes…

  1. Did you hear the joke about Labor Day?… It doesn’t work for me!
  2. Happy Labor Day! Oh wait… we live on a farm. Never mind! (Farming Jokes)
  3. “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” Harry S. Truman
  4. Most people enjoy a day off on Labor Day except fire… Fire works on the Labor Day. (4th of July Jokes & Fireworks Jokes)
  5. I’m trying to start a chewing gum recycling company… I just need a little help getting it off the ground. (Gum Jokes)
  6. Help Wanted: Gymnastics Teacher Needed To Work Sat-Wed. Must be flexible. (Top Jobs for Teachers / Labor Day Jokes)
  7. My archaeologist co-worker tried to blackmail me the other day… Turns out he got a lot of dirt on me. (Archaeology Jokes)
  8. What is an iron workers favorite band?… Steely Dan. (365 Music Jokes)
  9. Tourist: “Nice little town — so old and quaint. Must be a lot of odd characters around here, though, right?” Resident: “Oh yes, quite a few. You see ’em around. But they’re mostly gone after Labor Day.” (Travel Blogs)
  10. My job is selling houses in places like Narnia, Middle-Earth, Neverland, Oz and Wonderland… I’m a Not Real Estate Agent. (Wizard of Oz Jokes)
  11. noe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you tell me the history of Labor Day? (Canoe Jokes)
  12. Why is Indiana Jones sad?… Because his career is in ruins. (Career Blogs & Indiana Jones Jokes)