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Top Joke Pages

Google Search “Homecoming Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best homecoming jokes.
  2. How does a coniferous tree get ready for the homecoming dance?… They spruce themselves up. (Homecoming Jokes)
  3. What month should you never ask to the homecoming dance?… “NO” vember! (November Jokes)
  4. Guess who missed Spiderman Homecoming?… Uncle Ben.
  5. Why wouldn’t anyone ask the strawberry to the prom? It was past her sell by date. (Strawberry Jokes)
  6. What school teaches a student how to greet a date’s parents on prom night?… Hi School. (High School Jokes)
  7. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Alaska… Alaska who?… Alaska her to the homecoming dance if you think she will say yes. (Alaska Jokes)
  8. My son didn’t expect me to pay for his share of the homecoming night limo rental, but he asked me anyway… It was a bit of a stretch. (Dad Jokes & Car Jokes)
  9. What does this joke and an overcrowded homecoming dance have in common?… One really bad punch line. (Dad Jokes)
  10. A student goes to the tuxedo shop, there’s a long line…. He goes to the limousine shop, there’s a long line… When prom rolls around, he goes to get a drink, but there’s no punch line. (Car Jokes)
  11. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the homecoming dance?… Cause he had no body to go with. (Skeleton Jokes)